Real Women Fry Eggs

Wear LONG Sleeves,
LONG Slacks,
and Socks,
During WARM Weather.

IF you are a modestly-attired Christian gal, wearing:

Back-of-Head Ponytail, or Chignon,
Long Sleeves,
Long Slacks, and

. . . do NOT expect to get the attention of, nor attract, some honorable Christian guy looking for a Christian-spouse sex partner . . .

. . . IF you are surrounded by, or in a group of, immodestly-misdressed gals (whether allegedly "christian," or worldly) mis-attired with indecently-hairstyled loose-long-haired mopheadedness, sleeveslessness baring naked arms, slackslessness with shortened skirt or shorts baring nude legs, and/or soxlessness in sandals or noisy attention-getting flipflops slapping against bared soles of feet.

Proverbs 13:20 He [ or she ] who walks with wise [ consistently-and-completely-modestly-attired ] humans becomes wise [ also pure, and much more! ], but the [ deliberate or accidental ] "companion" of [ warm-weather-misdressed ] fools will suffer harm [ and understandable righteous disregard and exclusion ].

Habakkuk 1:4 (paraphrased) So the [ puritanically-dressed-modestly-during-warm-weather ] law is slacked and [ non-apprehensively-feeling-free-to-ask-someone-out-for-a-date-and-marriage-and-sex ] justice never goes forth. For the [ warm-weather indecently-misattired ] wicked surround the [ want-to-be-sociable-to-find-a-spouse-in-purity ] righteous, so [ repressed-and-thwarted-and-stymied ] justice goes forth perverted [thus consequentially visually-harassing foxes are ignored and instead free-internet-access porn and non-prudish/non-frigid, non-pseudo-"christian," non-sadistically-depriving, masseuse-or-escort prostitutes are regrettably resorted to ].

Matthew 24:12 (paraphrased) And because [ warm-weather-demonic-excuse random-female-human-immodesty ] iniquity shall abound, the [ friendly, considerate, patiently non-irritated, courteous, polite, greet-me-when-you-happen-to-see-me, look-me-in-the-face-when-you-talk-to-me ] love of many will become cold.

First Corinthians 3:1 (paraphrase) And I could not notice or look at nor even speak to you [ warm-weather-excuse lasciviously-immodest female-human exhibitionists as purportedly "spiritual," but rather considered you disgustingly, intolerably, and despicably carnal - turning away from and henceforth avoiding the very sight of you after having accidently and lamentably having glanced at your ignorantly-or-defiantly-flaunted warm-weather-immodest lewdity ], not even regarding you as babes in Christ.

Second Corinthians 6:17 "Therefore come out from [ warm-weather-immodest ] them, and be separate from [ semi-obscene-exhibitionist ] them," says the Lord, "and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you."

Do NOT expect me, as a somewhat-pure-minded (or at least purity-intentioned) Christian to greet you or even notice you (even if you are a fellow Christian or whoever) in a group or crowd of warm-weather-misattired human animals, insanely and senselessly roaming around without Biblically-enlightened-and-sensitive-conscience . . . imposing yourself as proximity partner or by-default associate with one or more hideous and pathetically-reprehensible anti-social stumbling blocks . . . devoid of head-to-feet completely-modest clothing on for whatever doctrines-of-demons irrationalizations (such as "tanning" or "sweating" or "heat exhaustion" in shade and air conditioning).

One purpose for each toddler/tween/teen girl and particularly post-teenaged woman to consistently (when in general-public view) and relentlessly ALWAYS wear sufficient, modest, and appropriately-decent hairstyle, armwear, legwear, and footwear [ as American ladies did in the 1800s and currently do in islamic-fundamentalist countries ] -- ESPECIALLY during warm weather - is to successfully target and persuade only one acceptable man to agree to have sexual intercourse with her after they agree to permanently marry each other.

So, Real Women Fry Eggs?

Numbers 5:18
Second Samuel 13:18
Proverbs 5:15-23
Isaiah 3:16-17
Isaiah 20:1-4
Isaiah 47:1-4
Jeremiah 2:25

[ Explore references listed above in the RSV, NASV, and ESV translation versions ]

"I thank God that I have lived long enough to publicly declare that He was neither stupid nor sadistic, not at fault nor to blame, for creating free-willed human creatures - especially the accursed damned-to-become, who noxiously sin and cause innocent persons so much deprivation, disease, injury, grief, misery, and pain."