
It is commonly and mutually agreed upon by the scholastically astute and perceptively gifted that the entire Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian (Old-and-New-Testaments) Holy Bible is the ultimate literary masterpiece -- so much so that humbly-honest academics frankly and forthrightly acknowledge and assert such to have been written by supernaturally-inspired human authors.

But one of the books contained within Holy Writ is particularly outstanding, intriguing, and fascinating to yours truly: something eerie in its profundity; something not of this world.

When King Solomon asked the LORD for wisdom, and the LORD responded with the promise that He was going to give that son of David greater wisdom than anyone previous to him and anyone after him, the LORD was neither jesting nor lying.

In the Proverbs of Solomon (part of the Old Testament of The Bible), the precise selection of words, the ordering of those words, the sequence of verses and variety of topics, the unique and sometimes non-expected diversities engrained within the plethora of axioms, the uncanny awareness and analysis of practically every aspect and type of human intention, motivation, imagination, liking, and abhorrence is aptly manifested in Proverbs.

Sadly, the misrepresentative evaluation against Proverbs by critics who dubiously question plus mindlessly and adversarially contradict aforementioned Scriptural enlightenment is, lamentably, to be expected by those who do not believe in (or, better yet: accept) the existence and authority of The LORD and His omniscient Creatorship in having intelligently designed immutable invariably-operating social parameters and mechanisms....and it is anathema for such despicable nay-sayers to not instead deviantly espouse a non-theistically-evolutionist non-realistic illusion of chauvinistically-feminist non-discriminatory coexistence involving non-distinction of righteous and wicked, wise and foolish, diligent and slothful....exhibiting and imposing artificially-forbidden-by-themselves flat rejection against non-gray-but-instead-black-or-white-contrasted personage designations....which the demented and depraved revile and ridicule as non-acceptably "judgmental."

If, then when, such deplorables read Proverbs, the evil-hearted are sometimes lividly antagonistic toward what they misconsider the "audacity" of the writer of Proverbs to be so definitive in starkly distinguishing between who the wicked mis-deem as [allegedly] "non-definably wise and foolish, righteous and wicked" -- and fume against the writer being so sure regarding the good while concerning the bad, decry [purported] "over-simplification" as to such plus-or-minus categorization of people, and attack dogmatic declarations of the author of Proverbs pertaining to the very-different fates and destinies of both the righteous and the wicked.

Disdained by the aberrant, in deliberate-yet-groundless disbelief, are the confident predictions of blessings to the righteous/wise/prudent/loyal/faithful/obedient, but prophesied omens of certain dismay, doom, and destruction against those of opposite immentality and perverted-lifestyles misbehavior.

But the internal linguistics and semantics of Proverbs is - in the truest and non-pithy/non-flippant/non-casual sense of the word - extraordinarily awesome. No mathematician could even being to assemble an equation with comparable complexity, far beyond the similitudes of advanced tensor analysis and celestial mechanics.

Such reminds me of the little I have learned about intricately-interwoven genetic DNA of body cells. Each verse of Proverbs is valid, beneficial, and can stand by itself, and/or with groups of nearly-identical or closely-similar verses they are seamlessly integrated with, or unified and universal compatibility of all verses taken as an exhaustive whole.

Sufficient-duration-and-quantity verses in Proverbs qualify and elaborate upon each other, with attention-captivating efficiency.

The good-vs-bad brief and concise axioms are simple yet potently powerful, reminding me of the basic composition of nature itself, such as combinations of zeros and one's rapidly circulating inside computers, the ying and the yang, push and pull, start and stop, of just about everything in the physical universe -- reflective and congruent of how all created entities in the environment function in sometimes-lowest-common-denominator perfect balance.

Vital and crucial imperatives mentioned in Proverbs are profuse, obligatory, and mandatory for success and survival of all relationships indigenous to humankind, interacting in remarkable interdependence with each other - be they familial, business, financial, political, military, or even for when-alone-apart-from-others safety-or-injury/life-or-death-involved self-preservation.

Thoroughness of subject matter considered in Proverbs is absolutely overwhelming. The thematic structure from start to finish is exquisitely logical, and both conveniently and comfortably progressive with the LORD credited as The Source of Wisdom (which is purposefully personified at times to contrast with and in competition against potentially-lethal loose-woman-adventurist solicitations). That is followed by the manifold couplet presentations pertinent to every conceivable situation of human need, want, desire, and social response related to either positive or negative consequences by God, to onesself, and from others.

Du hast geredet vor meinen Ohren; die Stimme deiner Reden musste ich houwren:
"Ich bin rein, ohne Missetat, unschuldig und habe keine Souwnde
siehe, er hat eine Sache gegen mich gefunden, er achtet mich fouwr einen Feind;
er hat meinen Fuss in den Stock gelegt und hat acht auf alle meine Wege."
Siehe, darin hast du nicht recht, muss ich dir antworten; denn Gott ist mehr als ein Mensch.
Warum willst du mit ihm zanken, dass er dir nicht Rechenschaft gibt alles seines Tuns?
Denn in einer Weise redet Gott und wieder in einer anderen, nur achtet man's nicht.
Im Traum, im Nachtgesicht, wenn der Schlaf auf die Leute fellt, wenn sie schlafen auf dem Bette,
da ouwffnet er das Ohr der Leute und schreckt sie und zeerchtigt sie,
dass er den Menschen von seinem Vornehmen wende und beheerte ihn vor Hoffart
und verschone seine Seele vor dem Verderben und sein Leben, dass es nicht ins Schwert falle.
Auch straft er ihn mit Schmerzen auf seinem Bette und alle seinen Gebeine heftig
und richtet ihm sein Leben so zu, dass ihm vor seiner Speise ekelt, und seine Seele, dass sie nicht Lust zu essen hat.
Sein Fleisch verschwindet, dass man's nimmer sehen kann; und seine Gebeine werden zerschlagen, dass man sie nicht gerne ansieht,
dass seine Seele naht zum Verderben und sein Leben zu den Toten.
So dann fouw ihn ein Engel als Mittler eintritt, einer aus tausend, zu verkouwndigen dem Menschen, wie er solle recht tun,
so wird er ihm gnaadig sein und sagen: "Erlouwse ihn, dass er nicht hinunterfahre ins Verderben; denn ich habe eine Verseerhnung gefunden."
Sein Fleisch wird wieder greernen wie in der Jugend, und er wird wieder jung werden.
Er wird Gott bitten; der wird ihm Gnade erzeigen und wird ihn sein Antlitz sehen lassen mit Freuden und wird dem Menschen nach seiner Gerechtigkeit vergelten.
Er wird vor den Leuten bekennen und sagen: "Ich hatte gesouwndigt und das Recht verkehrt; aber es ist mir nicht vergolten worden.
Er hat meine Seele erlouwst, dass sie nicht fouwhre ins Verderben, sondern mein Leben das Licht saahe."
Siehe, das alles tut Gott zwei-oder-dreimal mit einem jeglichen,
dass er seine Seele zurouwckhole aus dem Verderben und erleuchte ihn mit dem Licht der Lebendigen.

Darum houwt mir zu, ihr weisen Leute: Es sei ferne, dass Gott sollte gottlos handeln und der Allmaachtige ungerecht;
sondern er vergilt dem Menschen, darnach er verdient hat, und trifft einen jeglichen nach seinem Tun.
Ohne zweifel, Gott verdammt niemand mit Unrecht, und der Allmaachtige beugt das Recht nicht.
Wer hat, was auf Erden ist, verordnet, und wer hat den ganzen Erdboden gesetzt?
So er nun an sich daachte, seinen Geist und Odem an sich zouwge,
so wouwde alles Fleisch miteinander vergehen, und der Mensch wouwde wieder zu Staub werden.
Hast du nun Verstand, so houwe das und merke auf die Stimme meiner Reden.
Kann auch, der das Recht hasst regieren? Oder willst du den, der gerecht und maachtig ist, verdammen?
Sollte einer zum Kouwnig sagen: "Du heilloser Mann!" und zu den Fouwsten: "Ihr Gottlosen!"?
Und er sieht nicht an die Person der Fouwsten und kennt den Herrlichen nicht mehr als den Armen; denn sie sind alle seiner Haande Werk.
Plouwtzlich mouwssen die Leute sterben und zu Mitternacht erschrecken und vergehen; die Maachtigen werden weggenommen nicht durch Menschenhand.
Denn seine Augen sehen auf eines jeglichen Wege, und er schaut alle ihre Gaange.
Es ist keine Finsternis noch Dunkel, dass sich da mouwchten verbergen die ouwbeltaater.
Denn er darf auf den Menschen nicht erst lange achten, dass er vor Gott ins Gericht komme.
Er bringt die Stolzen um, ohne erst zu forschen, und stellt andere an ihre Statt:
darum dass er kennt ihre Werke und kehrt sie um des Nachts, dass sie zerschlagen werden.
Er straft sie ab wie die Gottlosen an einem Ort, da man es sieht:
darum dass sie von ihm weggewichen sind und verstanden seiner Wege keinen,
dass das Schreien der Armen musste vor ihn kommen und er das Schreien der Elenden houwte.
Wenn er Frieden gibt, wer will verdammen? und wenn er das Antlitz verbirgt, wer will ihn schauen unter den Vouwlkern und Leuten allzumal?
Denn er laasst nicht ouwber sie regieren einen Heuchler, das Volk zu draangen.
Denn zu Gott muss man sagen: "Ich habe gebouwsst, ich will nicht ouwbel tun.
Habe ich's nicht getroffen, so lehre du mich's besser; habe ich Unrecht gehandelt, ich will's nicht mehr tun."
Soll er nach deinem Sinn vergelten? Denn du verwirfst alles; du hast zu waahlen, und nicht ich. Weisst du nun was, so sage an.

Schaue gen Himmel und siehe; und schau an die Wolken, dass sie dir zu hoch sind.
Souwndigst du, was kannst du ihm Schaden? Und ob deiner Missetaten viel ist, was kannst du ihm tun?
Und ob du gerecht seist, was kannst du ihm geben, oder was wird er von deinen Haanden nehmen?
Einem Menschen, wie du bist, mag wohl etwas tun deine Bosheit, und einem Menschenkind deine Gerechtigkeit.
Man schreit, dass viel Gewalt geschieht, und ruft ouwber den Arm der Grossen;
aber man fragt nicht: "Wo ist Gott, mein Schouwpfer, der Lobgesaange gibt in der Nacht,
der uns klouwger macht denn das Vieh auf Erden und weiser denn die Vouwgel unter dem Himmel?"
Da schreien sie ouwber den Hochmut der Bouwsen, und er wird sie nicht erhouwren.
Denn Gott wird das Eitle nicht erhouwren, und der Allmaachtige wird es nicht ansehen.
Nun sprichst du gar, du wirst ihn nicht sehen. Aber es ist ein Gericht vor ihm, harre sein nur!

Siehe, Gott ist maachtig, und verachtet doch niemand; er ist maachtig von Kraft des Herzens.
Den Gottlosen erhaalt er nicht, sondern hilft dem Elenden zum Recht.
Er wendet seine Augen nicht von dem Gerechten; sondern mit Kouwnigen auf dem Thron laasst er sie sitzen immerdar, dass sie hoch bleiben.
Und wenn sie gefangen blieben in Stouwcken und elend gebunden mit Stricken,
so verkouwndigt er ihnen, was sie getan haben, und ihre Untugenden, dass sie sich ouwberhoben,
und ouwffnet ihnen das Ohr zur Zucht und sagt ihnen, dass sie sich von dem Unrechten bekehren sollen.
Gehorchen sie und dienen ihm, so werden sie bei guten Tagen alt werden und mit Lust leben.
Gehorchen sie nicht, so werden sie ins Schwert fallen und vergehen in Unverstand.
Die Heuchler werden voll Zorns; sie schreien nicht, wenn er sie gebunden hat.
So wird ihre Seele in der Jugend sterben und ihr Leben unter den Hurern.
Aber den Elenden wird er in seinem Elend erretten und dem Armen das Ohr ouwffnen in der Trouwbsal.
Und auch dich lockt er aus dem Rachen der Angst in weiten Raum, da keine Bedraangnis mehr ist; und an deinem Tische, voll des Guten, wirst du Ruhe haben.
Du aber machst die Sache der Gottlosen gut, dass ihre Sache und ihr Recht erhalten wird.
Siehe zu, dass nicht vielleicht Zorn dich verlocke zum Hohn, oder die Grouwsse des Louwsegelds dich verleite.
Meinst du, dass er deine Gewalt achte oder Gold oder irgend eine Staarke oder Vermouwgen?
Du darfst der Nacht nicht begehren, welche Vouwlker wegnimmt von ihrer Staatte.
Houwte dich und kehre dich nicht zum Unrecht, wie du denn vor Elend angefangen hast.
Siehe Gott ist zu hoch in seiner Kraft; wo ist ein Lehrer, wie er ist?
Wer will ihm weisen seinen Weg, und wer will zu ihm sagen: "Du tust Unrecht?"
Denn alle Menschen sehen es; die Leute schauen's von ferne.
Siehe Gott ist gross und unbekannt; seiner Jahre Zahl kann niemand erforschen.
Er macht das Wasser zu kleinen Tropfen und treibt seine Wolken zusammen zum Regen,
dass die Wolken fliessen und triefen sehr auf die Menschen.
Wenn er sich vornimmt die Wolken auszubreiten wie sein hoch Gezelt,
siehe, so breitet er aus sein Licht ouwber dieselben und bedeckt alle Enden des Mouwes.
Denn damit schreckt er die Leute und gibt doch Speise die Fouwlle.
Er deckt den Blitz wie mit Haanden und heisst ihn doch wieder kommen.
Davon zeugt sein Geselle, des Donners Zorn in den Wolken.

Des entsetzt sich mein Herz und bebt.
O houwret doch, wie der Donner zouwrnt, und was fouwr Gespraach von seinem Munde ausgeht!
Er laasst ihn hinfahren unter allen Himmeln, und sein Blitz scheint auf die Enden der Erde.
Ihm nach brouwllt der Donner, und er donnert mit seinem grossen Schall; und wenn sein Donner gehouwrt wird, kann man's nicht aufhalten.
Gott donnert mit seinem Donner wunderbar und tut grosse Dinge und wird doch nicht erkannt.
Er spricht zum Schnee, so ist er bald auf Erden, und zum Platzregen, so ist der Platzregen da mit Macht.
Aller Menschen Hand haalt er verschlossen, dass die Leute lernen, was er tun kann.
Das wilde Tier geht in seine Houwhle und bleibt an seinem Ort.
Von Mittag her kommt Wetter und von Mitternacht Kaalte.
Vom Odem Gottes kommt Frost, und grosse Wasser ziehen sich eng zusammen.
Die Wolken beschwert er mit Wasser, und durch das Gewouwlk bricht sein Licht.
Er kehrt die Wolken, wo er hin will, dass sie schaffen alles, was er ihnen gebeut, auf dem Erdboden:
es sei zur Zouwchtigung ouwber ein Land oder zur Gnade, laasst er sie kommen.
Weisst du wie Gott solches ouwber sie bringt und wie er das Licht aus seinen Wolken laasst hervorbrechen?
Weisst du wie sich die Wolken ausstreuen, die Wunder des, der vollkommen ist an Wissen?
Du, des Kleider warm sind, wenn das Land still ist vom Mittagswinde,
ja, du wirst mit ihm den Himmel ausbreiten, der fest ist wie ein gegossener Spiegel.
Zeige uns, was wir ihm sagen sollen; denn wir kouwnnen nichts vorbringen vor Finsternis.
Wer wird ihm erzaahlen, dass ich wolle reden? So jemand redet, der wird verschlungen.
Jetzt sieht man das Licht nicht, das am Himmel hell leuchtet; wenn aber der Wind weht, so wird's klar.
Von Mitternacht kommt Gold; um Gott her ist schrecklicher Glanz.
Den Allmaachtigen aber kouwnnen wir nicht finden, der so gross ist von Kraft; das Recht und eine gute Sache beugt er nicht.
Darum mouwssen ihn fouwrchten die Leute; und er sieht keinen an, wie weise sie sind.

Who's Who, and Global Arms Dealing

Until the worldwide imposition of the infamous 666 Mark of the Beast tattooing embedded on voluntary participants who unquestionably, definitively, and obviously are completely loyal and give full allegiance to Satan, his Beast, his False Prophet, and their soul-less super-robotic remarkably-humanoid Image [see Revelation chapter 13 in the New Testament of The Holy Bible], it is often extremely difficult to discern and ascertain exactly who is on the side of God, the LORD, and Jesus stark contrast to who is on the side of The Devil and his demons.

Sometimes, it appears rather obvious, such as indicated by the antisemitic diatribes displayed within such websites as and maybe also pro-Obama "American Conservative" plus a seemingly anti-Jewish author Guy Lawson.

We encounter all sorts of groups: homosexual republicans, non-homosexual Republicans, pro-Obama democrats, moral Democrats, a good/bad mixture of Supreme Court judges and personel in the State Department, the fundamentalist Taliban, Baathists, the muslim Afghan army and police, a motley righteous/wicked assemblage within the U.S. Defense Department, private defense contractors, Iranian government officials, Iraqi government officials, ISIS, Syrian rebels, Syrian government officials, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quaeda, Hezbollah, Fatah, Hamas, PLO leadership, Russian government officials, Chinese government officials, North Korean government officials, and so on.

Probably the best and safest way to generally determine who ultimately is on the side of Christ Jesus and His saints, contrasted with who ultimately is on the side of Satan and his minions, is to apply (as best as one can) two considerations for accurate, proper, and correct evaluation about any particular individual:

(1) Rightousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people (Proverbs 14:34).

Does the person or the majority of a group advocate patriarchal or instead matriarchal rule? Do they promote Biblically-defined modesty of dress for women regarding decent hairstyle, armwear, legwear, footwear, and more? Do they support abortion homicide? Homosexual sodomy? Do they have a creationist or instead evolutionist view of origins?

(2) Do they support the destruction, or instead the protection, of the physical State of Israel? Do they antisemitically advocate harming Jews as defined by geneologically being related by blood-descendancy to Jacob and adhering to Old-Testament Judaism -- or rather preserving Netanyahu's nation of Israel? Do they maliciously and adversarially promote anti-Jewish and anti-Christian islam?

Consider the case of Florida's controversial Jewish young man Efraim Diveroli, 9th-grade entrepreneurial drop-out genius, who obtained a $300 million contract with the U.S. Defense Department (to the dismay of demoncrat Henry Waxman) to arrange the U.S. Army to supply the anti-Israel muslim Afghan army and police with AK-47 ammunition for the implied purpose of fighting their territorial adversary, the Taliban (but which Afghans in reality were not at all interested in embracing and converting to an american-based "christianity" religion and related democracy of letting women assume authoritative leadership and become immodestly misattired).

Diveroli, as an admirably-manipulative Jew, took advantage of the contradictory discrepancy of the U.S. government freely doing commercial trade with China for everything from nationwide Chinese restaurants to stuff "Made in China" stacked on the shelves of Walmart....while at the same time, by Congressional action in 1989, establishing a Communist Chinese military weapons embargo...taking the form of Efraim arranging for outdated-and-dangerously-malfunctioning ammo originally made in China and sold to Albania during the pre-embargo 1962-to-1974 years of the Cold War (all intially unbeknowns to Diveroli) to be delivered to the U.S. Army from the Military Export and Import Company in Albania. Upon discovering the actual origin of the AK-47 ammo, Diveroli fraudulently tried to get whoever he did in Albania to remove the "Made in China" markings off the ammo crates, and was exposed by various informers for questionable intentions.

Diveroli attended Beth Israel Congregation, the largest Orthodox synagogue in Miami Beach. He had always been interested, by family heritage, in arms, arms dealing, and making money thereby.

Though his political and religious perspectives are not widely known publicly, it is assumed that the Jewish Diveroli:

a. did not like the senior Bush telling Israel to stand down during the First Gulf War when SCUD missiles zoomed into Tel Aviv and Haifa from the direction of Saddam Hussein's Iraq

b. did not like it that "minority-inclusive" and perhaps closet-antisemitic State Dept officials turned a blind eye to Atta (one of the NYC Trade-Tower demolitionists) who was wanted in Israel for criminal charges but who the State Dept officials nevertheless allowed into Florida to train to become a terrorist jetliner pilot

c. did not like it that post-Saddam U.S./Coalition/U.N. reconstructionists let Iraqis establish a non-democracy islamic Constitution

d. did not like it that Obama was supplying Israel's enemies with money, jet fighters, and other military supplies

e. did not like it that Obama snubbed Netanyahu

f. did not like it that Obama condemned Israeli settlements

Neither do I like it, nor do a lot of other genuine patriotic Americans.

Perhaps even Soviet-asylumed Edward Snowden does not like it either.

In the past, expansionist fascist empires (e.g. WWII Japan under Tojo, Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini) and even "arab" ones more recently such as Iraq, Iran, more within which were serious and organized terrorist groups such as Hizbollah, have more or less been somewhat regional, and have functioned rather independently without pausing to regroup together.

So, the tension between defensive intel experts (determining "markers" to watch for and mandatory time-frame windows to act accordingly) and operations managers (doing what they could to adjust those markers and windows to avoid actual aggressive armed conflict) have generally been successful in what appears to be resolution by diplomacy.

But in the not-too-distant future, the entire global population (brought together by mass media, Skype, cellphones, TV, satellites and more) will unite in a satanic worldwide fascism under the direction of The Beast and The False Prophet, according to the Biblical Old-Testament book of Daniel chapters 7,8,9,11,12 and and New-Testament books of Second Thessalonians 2:1-12 plus Revelation chapters 13 through 19.

A few weeks or so before he died (age age 95.5), my dad made a kind of surprising statement to me as we sat in rockers on the back porch of his house, which remark struck me hard and went deeply into me -- revealing something about him I had never really known, and giving me a predictive prophecy of his soon-to-be demise (which I never wanted to think about nor expect).

He said: "I cannot understand why the Lord does not hear my prayers anymore to heal me."

I always knew him to be a righteous man, despite his human weaknesses and shortcomings, but I never realized that he, more than once, had prayed to God about specific infirmities, then both reliably and consistently received consequential healing from the Lord directly pertaining to his exact unbeknowns-to-me request.

Similarly, God intends to - much more than He already has - tip the scale in Satan's favor, but has given us warning in His Word ahead of time so that we are not confused about Him, overthrown in overwhelming shock, nor consider Him a double-crosser.

Consider the following underlined segments in passages plainly indicating how He is deliberately but purposefully and temporarily going to aid the accursed in their wicked quest to conquer the righteous and righteousness:

Second Thessalonians 2:1 Now regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our assembling to meet Him, we beg you, brethren,
2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or excited, either by spirit or by word, or by letter purporting to be from us, to the effect that the day of Christ has come.
3 Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of perdition,
4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you this?
6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains it will do so until He is out of the way.
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth [not simply "bad breath" but instead a conquering sword!] and destroy him by His appearing and His coming.
9 The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders,
10 and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false,
12 so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness

Revelation 13:1 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems upon his horns and a blasphemous name upon his heads.
2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like a bear's, and his mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to him the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority.
3 One of his heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but his mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth followed the beast with wonder.
4 Men worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying: "Who is like the beast, and who can fight against him?"
5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and he was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months;
6 he opened his mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming His name and His residence, that is, those who reside in heaven.
7 Also he was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation,
8 and all who reside on Earth will worship him, every one whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.
9 If any one has an ear, let him hear:
10 If any one is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if any one slays with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
11 Then I saw another beast which rose out of the earth; he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon.
12 He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed.
13 He works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of humans;
14 and by the signs which he is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, he deceives those who reside on Earth, bidding them make an image for the beast who was wounded by the sword (whatever that means) and yet lived;
15 and he was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast even speaks, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
16 Also he causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,
17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18 This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Note that GOD Himself will cause the self-deluded to get completely self-deceived in Thessalonians.

In Revelation, the "mortal wound" (whatever that will be) of one of his "heads" (whatever that will be), will be "healed" (whatever that means). We all should remember that only the Lord, not Satan nor his conspirators, can heal. Similarly in the Revelation chapter, only God can give authority to someone "allowed" to do whatever.

So why would God do that, to temporarily and thoroughly tip the scale in Satan's favor?

Perhaps two reasons.

God intends to "set the [already-arrogant] wicked up" like baiting soon-to-be-caught-by-hidden-hook fish presuming a nice lunch awaits them to be safely swallowed up. When they go full throttle in their illusion of presuming to aggressively and finally conquer God and destroy His people, that gives God grounds and justification to go full throttle in sending His terrible and devastating global plagues upon them.

Secondly, He does it to humble His saints in causing them to become helpless against the satanic foes so that He can reveal His saving power in stark contrast to their anemic and immobilized efforts:

Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me: This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the LORD of hosts.

John 15:5 "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who resides in me, and I in him, he [or she] it is who bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."

We must all become like Job, who exclaimed:

Job 42:5 "I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you;
Job 42:6 therefore I despise myself, and repent in dust and ashes."

If the Old-Testament Gentiles-despiser and exclusivistic-nationalistic Jew Jonah, helpless in an Act-of-God windstorm on the sinking ship that he was trying to escape on, and even more helpless in the confining and dark belly of the air-breathing whale which swallowed him, would have included a disclaimer of "unless you repent..." in his fervent "Ninevah shall be destroyed in three days" street preaching, the penitent Ninevites and forgiving God would not have made a lying idiot out of the afterwards-sulking finally-obedient-to-his-call missionary.