
What Barack Obama Has Done Wrong,
and Why I Will Not Vote For Him in 2012:

1. He made our country go farther into debt than any other president in history, has not brought gas prices at the pump down below $2.50/gallon, and has not mass-produced low-cost electric-battery vehicles.
2. He cancelled the prayer breakfast 3 years in a row, but went to Ramadan celebration.
3. He didn't wear the American flag pin until recently in the attempt to get re-elected.
4. He let the "Muslim Brotherhood" and other anti-American terrorists into the White House several times.
5. He was not born in the United States (according to his Kenyan Birth Certificate available to see at http://breakingnews.topcities.com or http://bareflash.tripod.com)
6. He is proud of his middle name 'Hussein, and his last name (according to his mother's second husband's last name after she divorced her first husband) should have remained 'Soetoro.,' His hidden and non-retrievable grad-school records deemed him a foreign alien, but through deceit he had fake Hawaiian "birth certificates" concocted with lying photoshop-alteration technology.
7. He tooks 19 vacations in 3 years, taking Air Force One, and letting Nancy Pelosi do the same (at was $6,000 an hour) using our tax money.
8. He appointed two feminist females to the High Court, contrary to Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13, First Corinthians 14:33-38, First Timothy 2:11-15, and First Peter 3:7.
9. He, like Romney, declared support for a woman's alleged "right" to choose to commit abortion murder, and to keep abortion-homicide "safe" and "legal." He did not vote against partial-birth abortion in Illinois.
10. He publicly supported Planned Parenthood, co-conspiring to commit genocidal abortion homicide.
11. His subsidized people on welfare to bribe them to vote for him.
12. He perfectly reads from and admires the Qur'an, and identifies himself as muslim to muslims.
13. He went to a muslim school before he moved to Hawaii.
14. He has not significantly decreased unemployment - contrary to his campaign promise in 2008.
15. He has tremendously enlarged the National Debt into the trillions, WAY beyond what it was before Nancy Pelosi became Speaker in 2006 after which George W Bush was hamstrung in Congress by partisan-demoncrat obstructionist filibusterers.
16. He bowed down the king of Saudi Arabia, and prime minister of Japan.
17. He wants to take 'In God We Trust' off of our dollar bills.
18. He has proposed appointing death-panel czars to deprive of Medicare benefits against those who do not support him politically.
19. He plans to ration health care against his political opponents, but exempt others from Individual-Mandate Obamascare, facilitating adult children becoming irresponsibly dependent on their parents health insurance, and forcing the healthfully diligent to pay for abortions, contraceptive sterility, and other consequences of self-abuse.
20. He wants to take "one nation under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
21. He is letting illegal aliens come over into our country without getting deported with the so-called 'Dream Act.'
22. He stated "if you own a business, you didn't build that business."
23. He is trying to take out the Second Amendment right and not let individual citizens legally own and bear arms.
24. He refuses to say "islamic terrorism" but instead blames the Lord for Acts of God and by generally condemning people for 'man-made disasters.'
25. He is guilty of treason under the War Powers Act from our Constitution, and letting his campaigners blaspeme Limbaugh and Palin, and not binding shut the mouths of reviler Bill Maher and especially religious-blasphemer Mike Malloy with duct tape.
26. He got Navy SEALS to murder Osama bin Laden without bringing him to trial, contrary to what George W Bush did in the case of Saddam Hussein.
27. He deserted allies in Iraq and mis-called his cowardly retreat "ending the war in Iraq."
28. He snubbed Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu.
29. He despises Israeli settlements in God-apportioned Jewish territories, contrary to the boundaries indicated in Ezekiel chapter 47, and panders to not "insulting" antisemitic "palestinian" arab terrorists.
30. He had his State Department refuse to acknowledge Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.
31. He allowed his feminist pro-abortion-choice Secretary of State Hillary 'Vince Foster' Clinton to destablize both Egypt and Libya - mis-terming it "liberation" and "democracy" - and letting Muslim-Brotherhood radical islamists take over and endanger Israeli national security, while wimpishly and rhetorically mouthing ineffective and half-hearted "sanctions" against Iranian nuclear-bomb builders.
32. He allowed the United States to lose it's AAA credit rating.
33. He wasted tax money on partisan 'Head Start' giving public-schooling-propaganda breaks to marxist-oriented pro-black-reparation racists.
34. He bribed college students by eradicating their student loans to get their votes.
35. He non-transparently let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid secretly concoct Obamascare without bipartisan support and input.
36. He increased inflation by printing more Federal-Reserve fiat-currency paper bills.
37. He disallowed construction of new power plants, thus making us dependent upon foreign oil, and instead expecting taxpayers to depend upon wind turbines on non-windy days, plus solar cells on cloudy days and at night.
38. He, like Romney, seems to be open to allowing activist queer faggots peddle obnoxiously-disgusting homo-sodomite "civil"-union same-"sex" (i.e. gender) "marriage," and not righteously discriminating against homo-"gays" (i.e. effeminate).
39. He theologically has the heretic misconception that the grace of God available through the crucified and risen Christ is a license to relentlessly and impenitently oppress Biblical-moral Christian saints through the sarcastic, scurrilously-hateful, irreverantly-impious blatterings of his non-reprimanded network-media Obominites.