As you the readers might be well aware, I do not like, nor ever have liked, Kenyan-NOT-Hawaiian-born Barack Hussein Obama [ a.k.a. Barry Soetoro ].
With a passion.
I neither like his past non-penitent and not-apologized-for history of socialist-communist activism, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for deceitful non-disclosure of much of his educational history, his not-apologized-for questionable scholastic ascension with non-admitted outside financial assistance and racists-motivated help, his non-admitted and not-apologized-for and non-penitent outright lies about where he was actually born, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for past and current executive record in the White House of pandering to sexist feminists, homosexuals, abortionists, environmentalist wackos and nutjobs and anti-Israeli antisemites, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for quite-transparent-to-me pseudo-"christianity" and pro-muslim hypocrisy, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for neutering against the military, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for no-justice Attorney General Eric Holder fast and furiously arming Mexican drug lords and ignoring Hillary's bungle of Benghazi, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for evasive spokesman Jay Carney, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for use of suppressive political tyranny by his FCC and IRS and DHS and EPA (which DHS he has well-armed while depriving NRA types of ammunition), his non-penitent and not-apologized-for bizarre and almost-non-believable possible lies about the so-called [secret] demise of bin Laden, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for retention of cultic-"catholic" Nancy Pelosi, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for cohorts Steny Hoyer and Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for patsy female cabinet members, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for appointment of in-his-side-pocket feminists Sotomayor and Kagan in the High Court, his non-penitent and not-apologized-for MSNBC and CNN and C-SPAN (and even FOX and SRN!) national network media, nor him virulently imposing his non-penitent and not-apologized-for Non-Affordable Non-Workable so-called "affordable" "care" boondoggle.
Many of my readers might agree that impeaching him before his second "presidential" term is scheduled to expire would replace Obama with his present sometimes-near-senile VP puppet Joe Biden who would only continue and perpetuate Obama's diabolical and dastardly agenda without Obama getting any direct blame but without Obama's suave and take-charge persuasive demeanor and rhetoric broadcast at timely intervals to satanically sway and persuade the masses into skilled-maneuvering subjection . . . which blame - mysteriously and ominously - he has so far quite successfully avoided to any definitive extent of any consequence.
Obama's present popularity rating is ARTIFICIALLY and TEMPORARILY low -- not because the media faults HIM AND his penetrationg-gaze hypnotic aura PERSONALLY per se, but because of appointed incompetents under him who have mismanaged what is claimed to be noble and potentially-helpful programs and purposes.
But when people continue to see how Obama "can take it on the chin" in patient and commanding stride despite being chided and even ridiculed by both political and religious opponents (who reveal themselves as TRUE opponents by not even wanting to quote him, nor view his photo nor see his press appearances on TV nor hear him on radio), and how he is able to phenomenally 'work things around" for reluctant cooperatives to make it seem that everyone is ACTUALLY in a STABLE situation or even getting SLIGHTLY better "because it could be a lot worse" (such as health insurance companies who have charged so much to clients in the past are getting their just punishment, while in fact health insurance companies are set to prosper under government-mandated exchange subsidies by the Obama Administration).
Gas prices at the pump are very noticeably going down (from nearly $4/gallon a year ago to under $3 gallon recently), and it appears that they might go down even more (thanks to who?).
The Stock Market is being maintained (thanks to who?) and gradually prospering despite its fluctuating ups and downs. Newly-designed $100 bills are being circulated, giving many a feeling of economic and monetary security. Government shutdown was stopped in time, and Obama's desire to raise the Debt Ceiling was acquiesced to.
And, if push comes to shove, Obama would become a forgiven hero even in the eyes of many of even so-called right-wingers if he simply but very shrewdly morphed a carefully-repealed/re-worded Obamascare into a DOC/IRS-managed Mark of the Beast replacement system "for the sake of security, "to avoid economic collapse," and to "give people jobs nationwide" in a "The New Deal" of constructing and building all the bits and pieces of adored Image of The Beast (thus insuring and solidifying increasing admiration and devotion for him by moderates of both major political parties eager to cooperatively compromise).
What really stuck me - hard - was when I saw (on my Facebook homepage) the shocking number of those leaders who I had thought were "good-guy" Senators and who I had considered were faithfully-conservative media commentators . . . praise and laud racist trouble-making agitator and imprisoned socialist-communist political dissident, Nelson Mandela (an international version of assassinated Marty King), who had a reputation of consorting with admirably-bearded catholics-tolerator Fidel Castro and his communist ideology, disdaining the constitutional-republic-democracy United States, and who had acquired a "Nobel Peace Prize" SOVIET Medal of Honor.
Perhaps those purported "good-guy" Senators, media talk-show hosts and allegedly-"conservative" commentators thought that by praising Mandela, they would make Obama jealous, then "lose it" in a furious rage. Perhaps they also thought that they would patronize Mandela to get "the black vote" in the upcoming 2014 and 2016 elections to stay in political office themselves.
I have news for them.
Mandela was, in effect, Obama's socialist/communist black-racist MENTOR. By acclaiming Mandela, all the so-called "good-guy" fellows did was, in effect, PROMOTE OBAMA -- who was Mandela's de facto PROTEGE, and thus promote the socialist/communist personalities and demonic agenda of both Mandela and Obama.
I would not be surprised if Obamanation made sure that in 2014 and 2016 Obamanite puppets would be elected (of BOTH parties!) thus enabling Obama himself (through congressionally-approved international treaty?) to become generally-beloved international "peace-keeping" "problems-resolver" dictator diademed with both the United Nations and the European Union horns alluded to in the New Testament passage of Revelation chapter 13.
Now, after all that stated above, if it APPEARS like I have been puffing Obama, I repeat what I first said.
I do not like, nor ever have liked, Kenyan-NOT-Hawaiian-born Barack Hussein Obama [ a.k.a. Barry Soetoro ].
With a passion.
I neither like his past non-penitent and not-apologized-for history of socialist-communist activism,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for deceitful non-disclosure of much of his educational history,
his non-admitted and not-apologized-for questionable scholastic ascension with outside financial assistance and racists-motivated help,
his non-admitted and not-apologized-for and non-penitent outright lies about where he was actually born,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for past and current executive record in the White House of pandering to sexist feminists, homosexuals, abortionists, environmentalist wackos and nutjobs, and anti-Israeli antisemites,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for quite-transparent-to-me pseudo-"christianity" and pro-muslim hypocrisy,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for neutering against the military,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for no-justice Attorney General Eric Holder fast and furiously arming Mexican drug lords and ignoring Hillary's bungle of Benghazi,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for evasive spokesman Jay Carney,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for use of suppressive political tyranny by his FCC and IRS and DHS and EPA (which DHS he has well-armed while depriving NRA types of ammunition),
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for bizarre and almost-non-believable possible lies about the so-called ]secret] demise of bin Laden,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for retention of cultic-"catholic" Nancy Pelosi,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for cohorts Steny Hoyer and Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for patsy female cabinet members,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for appointment of in-his-side-pocket feminists Sotomayor and Kagan in the High Court,
his non-penitent and not-apologized-for MSNBC and CNN and C-SPAN (and even FOX and SRN!) national network media, nor
him virulently imposing his non-penitent and not-apologized-for Non-Affordable Non-Workable so-called "affordable" "care" boondoggle.