Shall I dedicate this masterpiece with heartfelt disdainatiousness
about lunafide gooficites who claim that every normal, common, everyday things they see is.....
To them, one of many successive ants crawling on a sidewalk in front of them is...."awesome."
To them, seeing a roll of toilet tissue near a toilet is..."awesome."
To them, a screw attaching a license plate to a car is...."awesome."
To them, a roofing nail lying in a bin of them is..."awesome."
To them, dry paint adhering to a wall is..."awesome."
To them, a speck of lint on the back of a shirt is..."awesome."
To them, the cord connected to a house phone is...."awesome."
To them, a single dandelion flower in a field of them is...."awesome."
It can be assumed that the first Text of the Bible came in talk and not written form of God speaking not to Eve but instead to Adam, and contained simple Law instructing the naked male to eat of the trees of the Garden except the Forbidden One in the center of said Garden.
It can further be assumed that either Adam told that Prime Directive to his nude common-law-spouse Eve, or else the naked pulchritude overheard God audibly declare it to her non-wedded husband Adam.
Now, it gets a bit tricky, and there are two possibilities - both viable:
(1) Adam and/or Eve conveyed that initial oral communication from the Creator to their sons Cain and Seth, and it was thus passed on to successive offspring, and/or
(2) By the time Moses heard it, and probably heard the accurate Text of it from his Divinely-inspired parents and their ancestors, God made sure that Moses was assured of the veracity of the Text by His Voice reaffirming such to him verbally as described in Numbers 7:89 in which it states that "the Voice spoke to him from above the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant between the Two Cherubim."
It is not known for certainty by this webpage author whether any further sayings from God to his human creatures was put in written form before the onset of the catastrophic worldwide flood which Noah and a few members of his immediate family (plus a few select lower lifeforms) survived in an Ark which the Lord beckoned Noah to build in his locale where it had never yet rained.
After the Flood, Noah and sons and their progenie moved out across the dried face of planet Earth, and we have records of the human-alphabet hieroglyphs of the Mesopotamians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Chinese, and so on.
The Hebrew alphabet and wording was codified by the LORD Himself etching the Ten Commandments on the mountain with His finger of fire.
Eventually, the Greeks and the Romans invented and utilized their own alphabet and words comprised of such.
After the Babylonian Captivity, the Mosaic law and other sacred writings were placed in safe keeping (such as inside the Ark of the Covenant), and by the time Ezra and Nehemiah came to be, the compilation had essentially been canonized (approximately 420 B.C.).
Helped by the conquests of Alexander the Great, the LXX Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament) came into being are 285 B.C. but contained errors incompatible with Hebrew Text, and a revision of such was eventually requested by Alexandrian Jews to Aquila but was rejected by early Christian writers.
The Catholic scholar Jerome completed a translation called the Vulgate in 385 A.D. using the oldest manuscripts available to him at the time, and from the period of Gregory the Great on that became the Authorized Version of the Western Church (even though it was later condemned as inaccurate by those of the Council of Trent the year Martin Luther died (1546) and in 1592 Pope Clement VIII issued what is now the present Roman Catholic edition (containing Apocrypha mis-considered part of the canon of Scripture by demand of cultic catholics comprising the Council of Trent).
Ultimately, Augustine, Jerome, those of the Council of Carthage, Epiphanius, and Athanasius regarding all the currently-accepted books of the New Testament as canonical, but the book of Revelation was omitted by those of the Council of Laodicea and Cyril of Jerusalem. Philastes omitted both Hebrews and Revelation.
In the tenth century, Hebrew scholar and rabbi ben Asher added Masoretic vowels to the capital-lettered Text of the Old Testament books (which inerrant Text a certain Daniel Bomberg during the Renaissance errantly revised into what is termed the ben Chayyim text).
Before the Renaissance began, Moslem Turks had been defeated at sea near Greece by the Spaniards.
Pope Gregory VII in the 11th century had tried to impose celibacy.
Thereafter, cultic-catholic Phillip II, spurred on by Pope Pius V, assembled an Armada to attempt conquering England. Previously married to first wife Maria of Portugal and fourth wife Anna of Austria, Phillip led the anti-Reformation anti-Jew/anti-Moslem Spanish Inquisition in the 15th century which drove the Netherlands to revolt. Phillip shared England's crown with Bloody-Mary Tudor, and got the gold acquired by New-World explorer Columbus from Ferdinand and Isabella (unable to get funding from Portugal). Previous to Columbus, Drake had sailed around the southern tip of South America, had landed at various locations along the western part of South America, and rumored to even have reached part of the coast of what is now California.
At that time, England still used the Julian calender, rather than the 1582 one of Pope Gregory XIII.
Although he probably did not use any Hebrew or Greek manuscripts of the Scriptural Text to make his English translation of the Bible (part of the Old Testament of which was done by Nicholas de Hereford and later revised by Wycliff's friend Richard Purvey), excommunicated-by-Roman-pope Wycliffe went to Lutterworth to translate the Latin Vulgate into English by hand (a tedious process which took successive scribes about ten months per copy to reproduce) but which reproduction was greatly sped up by invention of the Gutenberg Press.
Revival of Greek learning occurred about that time as the Renaissance Reformation was beginning to bloom and flower. "Greece rose from the grave with the New Testament in her hand."
William Tyndale was born in 1483, a year after the birth of Martin Luther and a hundred years after the death of Wycliffe.
At Cambridge, Tyndale met the scholarly Catholic-but-not-papist Erasmus, a leading Greek student of his time who had working on ancient Greek manuscripts and had at that time completed an edition of his Greek New Testament.
Leaving then-cultic-catholic-dominated England in 1524, Tyndale went to Hamburg, made his translation from Greek to English, and gave it to a printer in Cologne, selections of which fell into the hands of a cultic-catholic priest who informed the authorities, causing Tyndale to flee with his manuscript to Worms where the German Reformation was peaking. Neither pope nor king could stop it, and soon Gutenberg-printed condemned-by-antagonists copies of it flooded England. Lamentably, outspoken Tyndale was eventually strangled and burned.
Soon after, Myles Coverdale translated the entire Bible from the Vulgate to German (as Luther also made a German-language translation of the Bible when the kidnapped-by-friends reformer was cloistered in his hideaway castle), and Coverdale's New-Testament closely followed that of Tyndale's.
John Rogers created the Matthews Bible a year later, but put to death during the bloody reign of cultic-catholic Brit Mary Tudor.
Thankfully, the fires of Reformation could not be quenched by cultic catholic in the British Isles, and when Queen Elizabeth I came on the scene after the rupture of wives-divorcer/wives-beheader Henry VIII from the Roman pope on a divorce matter, she embraced the new Bible translations, as did archbishop Cranmer.
The first English version of Scripture was made by direct translation from original Hebrew and Greek Texts, and the first to be printed, by William Tyndale, betrayed in 1536 and burned at the stake, from which translation came the Coverdale Bible (1535), the Matthew Bible of Rogers (1537), the Great Bible (1539), the Geneva Bible (1560) containing Puritannical notes, and the Bishop's Bible composed by 15 theologians (1568).
Cardinal Hugo and Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, partitioned the Bible into chapters, and Robert Stephens divided the New Testament into verses.
It behooves the reader to not underestimate the contribution to Greek New-Testament scholarship given by Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536). And also that of the original Reverend Dr Martin Luther (not the plagiaristic nigroid agitator sullying the name), which protected-by-Frederick-the-Wise-and-German-princes anti-John-Tetzel Luther despised the greed of Pope Leo X requiring indulgence payments and purchase of relics to refurbish the Vatican
In 1530, with Luther's encouragement, Melancthon wrote the Augsburg Confession, and in Prague, John Hus of the Lollards and Bohemians was a vocal reformer condemned by those of the Council of Constance and burned at the stake.
From Zurich, Ulrich Zwingli headed the new-birth-is-vital, adult-baptism, autonomous-local-churches, Anabaptists, from whom came the Mennonites, Hutterites, and Amish.
Catholics did a Rheims translation of the New Testament and the Douay translation of both Testaments in 1582.
Although Westcott and Hort were gathered with Scrivener in 1870 for a meeting in Westminster Abbey, occultic London spiritists Westcott and Hort concocted a corrupt Greek New Testament text during the 1880s, which caused an enraged F.H.A. Scrivener to laboriously and studiously synthesize the what the Spirit caused him to consider the best of the previous manuscripts assembled by Erasmus and Theodore Beza and friend of Calvin (who gave to the University Library of Cambridge a Codex (with Greek printed on the left of the pages and Latin printed on the right of the pages) which he acquired in 1562 from the monastery of St Irenaeus at Lyons. IN 1894, the beloved genius Scrivener finally produced what this webpage author considers the infallible New-Testament Trinitarian Greek Text, copies of which are currently available in bookstore and online.
Older manuscripts are, logically, not necessarily better or more accurate simply because they are older - an important point apparently grossly overlooked by modern-Bible-translation revisionists.
For example, the [singular?] scribe who wrote the Vatican Manuscript apparently knew of the existence of the verses at the end of the gospel of Mark because he left a blank space in his uncertainty as to whether or not those verses should have been included in the main text.
The Alexandrian Manuscript, given to Charles I in 1628 by Lucas, Patriarch of Constantinople, and now in the British Museum library, contained most of the Old Testament in Greek but only parts of the New Testament, and came to England 17 years too late in preparing the King James Version.
It is absurd to presume that the learned and respected 47 scholars who produced the KJV in 1611 and were preceded by the Catholic Greek scholar Erasmus (1466-1536) who obviously had access to the 4th-century Vatican Manuscript (which was in the Vatican Library at Rome since 1450 A.D.) did not have either knowledge of nor access to such a highly-regarded-by-apostate-mistranslators manuscript.
Foreign word "Aramaic" is never once found in the entire Old-and-New-Testaments KJV and never once in the RSV New Testament, and instead the KJV has the proper word: "Syrian."
In 1604, a conference of clergy met with James I (i.e. King James, son of beheaded-for-accusation-of-treason Mary Queen of Scots and not bloody Mary Tudor who died of malignancy) to commission the production of the King James Version Bible.
Throughout the annals of recorded human history, there have admittedly been sporadic excursions into the pathetic deviancy of either female or feminist rulership, both theocratically and politically (as was, for instance, the case of wimpish man-of-God Barack, essentially hiding behind the outspoken-prophetess skirts of Debbie who told her (in Judges 4:8) that he would not go to battle without her beside him, which Deborah took advantage of that by informing Barak that the woman Jael would get credit for assassinating the foe Sisera with a tent peg hammered into his forehead as he trustingly slept in her tent).
Male leadership has both thankfully and understandably been the overwhelming rule rather than the pitiful exception, in related view of the Creator's prophetic and explicit command and intention for both families and governments declared as part of His curse to Eve in Genesis 3:16 which reads: "Yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you."
Again, there have been sordid historical diversions and deviations where men have caved in and relinquished taking charge, causing women to temporarily assume command, as did Golda Meir in Israel and the English queens of the British Isles.
Fortunately, the sanity and logic of men in authority throughout both religious and secular history has been quite concordant with the patriarchal and not matriarchal anti-gender-equality declarations of Scriptural enlightenment, such as:
Numbers 5:31 = The man shall be free from iniquity, but the woman shall bear her iniquity.
Leviticus 27:1-5 = A male human is worth more than a female human, no matter what their age.
Numbers 6:1,13-18 = A woman can become a Nazarite and let the back-of-head or chignoned hair grow long, only to (shamefully per First Corinthians 11:6) shave it all off when she stops being a Nazarite.
Numbers 12:1-15 = If a woman complains against male leadership and demands feminist co-rulership, she becomes a temporary leper whose father should have spit into her face.
Numbers 27:1-8 Daughters can inherit property only if there is no son to inherit it.
Numbers 30 = A father or husband can veto and override his daughter's or wife's vow when he hears it.
Isaiah 3:12 = Leadership sometimes misleads insubordinately-ambitious women to rule and bratty shrieking children to oppress.
Ecclesiastes 7:26-28 = There is not even one woman capable or worthy of doing what only a man can and should do.
Nahum 3:13 = Is it any wonder that your militarily defeated when your combat troops are women?
First Corinthians 11:1-16 = Women are made for men, not men for women, and it is the husband who should take charge over his wife, which wife is not allowed by the churches of God to misregard her glorious long hair equivalent for a prayer veil or covering.
First Corinthians 14:33-38 = Every female human should keep her mouth shut during Sunday-morning church services, and certainly never get up and speak to the congregation from the altar area in front.
First Timothy 2:11-15 = No female human is allow to teach or be in authority over men because they are the more-easily-deceived gender who have been and can be gullibly tricked, deceived, and succumb to temptation, yet are mandated to bear children with humble sensibility.
First Peter 3:7 = Respectfully treat the inferior gender (vessels) so that your prayers are not disrupted nor interfered with.
Lo and behold....
- Every one of the sacred 66 books of the entire Holy Bible was authored by a male and not female.
- The Ark-building savior of humankind against the Global Flood was male, as was the strongest person ever to live on Earth, the oldest person to ever live on Earth, and the wisest and richest person to ever live on Earth.
- The greatest military conquerors of the Old Testament were males.
- The greatest prophets of the Old Testament were all males.
- Jesus Christ was male and not female.
- All of Christ's twelve apostles were males. The male Matthias was appointed to replace Judas Iscariot. St Paul was male.
- Only males (being the husbands of one wife, and note the gender-specific qualification!) can be bishops or deacons according to First Timothy 3:2 & 3:12.
- The sheiks of Arabia were and are all males. The Ayatollahs of Iran and Iraq were and are all males. The czars and dictators of Russian were and are all males. The emperors of Japan and China were all males.
- The leaders of both the Russian Communist Party and the Nazi German Party were all males. The Presidents of the United States were and are all males, and only males are pictured on the monetary-currency paper bills of America.