Channel 7

First off, I want to take this opportunity to rather-highly recommend the [significantly-Christian] movie I saw last night [13 May 2015] in a Hopkins MN discount theater entitled: "Do You Believe?"

A word of caution, however: the proliferation of mopheaded female humans, rife and reeking with non-restricted display of immodest loose long hair hanging below mouth-level throughout the movie was not only sad but pathetic; yet, overall, the movie was very edifying, enjoyable, and entertaining. Such is extremely unusual for even religious-oriented movies nowadays, let alone the overwhelming number of f-this-and-f-that worldly flicks.

Apart from the loose long hair, and somewhat bared female arms at times, I would sexually rate it no worse than a PG movie (but not G-rated). Brief robbery-related gun-play violence is seen, but tolerable for me compared to far-more-violent movies I have seen in that theater.

Again, I strongly encourage you, the reader, to see or rent it as soon as possible, even though it obviously is not destined to become a favorite blockbuster among the immoral majority on the broad and easy road to destruction, as the Bible puts it.

Now, this webpage is going to be a little wild.

It will consist of speculation about certain aspects of the future Millennium (after Jesus Christ returns at Armageddon according to the Scriptural record of Revelation chapters 19 and 20), and that conjecture will be based upon my lamentably-limited understanding of the complete contents of The Holy Bible, and even more meager knowledge of the totality of science in certain areas of interest.

You, the reader, might find some of it embarrassing or comical because of some presumptive assertions I purport in my own particular (or perhaps peculiar) viewpoints of what should be corrected or improved, and so is now deficient or lacking in our present society and environment, as I see it.

My motivational intention is not levity nor entertainment foolishness, but quite serious with desire for the betterment of all on the planet.

First of all, [confusing and disruptive] Daylight Savings Time will be completely and permanently eliminated - globally. Computer software will be programmed to and compliant with that.

The Bible speaks of "hours, days, months, years" but does not mention decades nor centuries nor millennia.

We here in America currently have and nationally use a calendar of 12 months, with different numbers of days per each month (sometimes 31, sometimes 30, sometimes 27 or 28), and an extra "leap-year" day every four years.

That inconsistency in the number of days of each month, and the extra "leap-year" day every four years, is not only goofy, but even ridiculous, and so will be revised at the start of The Millennium.

The number of twelve for the months sounds Biblical, and thus - logically - each year should indeed continue to consist of twelve months (no more, and no less, without change or alteration).

However, as each circle can be divided into 360 degrees or parts, so each month of the twelve-month annual cycle should have 30 days - no more and no less - consistently.

That means that the scientifically-measured-and-declared duration of a "second" of time needs to be slightly adjusted to conform to the consistent daily-and-nightly duration of Earth's rotation on its axis, and its duration of annual revolutionary orbit around the Sun.

That adjustment will affect the duration of each "minute," which would also affect the duration of each "hour" and "week" and "month."

So be it. It's something to look forward to.

Something that has grieved me ever since the FCC began it was the elimination of normal non-digital analog TV-broadcast signals.

Whatever the excuse the FCC and others impose, there should be at least one VHF channel which the old TV's with their analog tuners can pick up for television news and shows. That channel could and should be Channel 7. All other radio, television, and microwave communication of electromagnetic radiation - whether involving the military or law-enforcement or whatever - must be adjusted accordingly to allow for VHF analog-signal Channel 7 to operate clearly without distortion or jamming, both nationally and globally.

ALL various programming on Channel 7 will completely be of a Judeo-Christian (i.e. Old and New Testament) nature and variety. Such will consist not only of theological discussions of social and scientific issues from a Biblical perspective, but the whole gamut of a variety of sundry and imaginative human endeavors and experiences.

Cultic-apostate religious speech of anti-or-non-Judeo-Christian deviates will be disallowed, and aberrant impenitent heretics fatally silenced in short order. There will be no tolerance for porn of any type, described by direct or inferred by Scripture passages, by any media conveyance -- nor for promotion of atheism, anti-creationist evolution, anti-patriarchal feminist sexism, homosexuality, abortion, or antisemitism.

The global languages spoken and written on Channel 7 will be Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and whatever other local language of whatever of the ten country areas on the planet (e.g. North America [of Alaska and the Yukon, Canada and the United States and Mexico], South America [with Spanish language preference], Europe [including England, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, etc.], Scandinavia [Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark], Russia [including Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.], the Asian countries [Mongolia, Korea, Japan, Viet Nam, Cambodia, China], India [including Pakistan and Afghanistan], Australia, the Middle East [Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel], and Africa [including all individual countries therein].

All gasoline-and-diesel-engine pollution globally will cease; the invention of innovative component batteries will rapidly and efficiently proceed, with consequential mass production and use of all-electric all-battery cars and trucks, along with profuse plus conveniently-located-and-situated charging stations coming into being across the nation and all over the habitable world.

Nuclear fusion (not fission) electric generators not producing nuclear waste, using radioactive materials instead of coal, will become THE means of power production. Photovoltiac solar cells and panels will abound worldwide.

Transparent aluminum (as portrayed in the Star Trek whales movie) will be invented and utilized nationally and globally.

Remarkable rocket and spaceship propulsion technology and techniques for light-speed and beyond-light-speed space travel will become reality, and globally produced for space exploration. It is absurd to presume that physical objects cannot accelerate up to, reach, and exceed light speed, and such superstition results from gross misunderstanding and misapplication of part of Einstein's theories of relativity involving apparent measurements at different velocities and locations.

A greater understanding and control of gravity and the production of counteractive gravitational force is to become known and manipulated as required for spaceship levitation and propulsion.

Public-attire modesty requirements, especially involving human females in general public view, will be strict and mandatory year-round regardless of weather temperature and physical activities or recreation and locations of such, regarding decent hairstyles, armwear, legwear, and footwear - and punishment for any violations whatsoever, even of the slightest and most momentary type, will be prompt and severe involving citizen's arrest powers, the police, and sheriffs.

Alimony amounts (if any) and child custody will be determined exclusively by the husbands involved.

No female humans will be allowed to function in authority over men as lawyers, judges, government officials, law-enforcement officers, radio and TV anchors and reporters, combat soldiers (except as special agents against female combatants in certain situations), bank tellers, grocery and hardware store clerks, corporation executives, and clergy.

Capital punishment by firing squad, hanging, etc. for male or female criminals deserving such will be commonplace, as needed, along with specific-variety "eye-for-an-eye" and "tooth-for-a-tooth" remedy, retaliation, revenge, and retribution.

No intoxication by narcotics nor alcohol will be allowed under threat of brief imprisonment and mandatory execution for any repeat offender, and those who have vandalized cars in any way or sprayed [obscene or vulgar] graffiti will have one of their hands amputated.

Weekly church attendance will be mandatory for all, as will audible public-schools Bible readings of the totality of Scripture.

All property taxes for the righteous will have been abrogated, as well as income taxes and sales taxes against such.

Weapons of war of all types will be available for peacekeeping purposes, but not for robbery, assault, genocide nor murder.

Heterosexual-only newlyweds will be generously subsidized for food and housing costs during one year after their marriage celebration ceremonies, plus childbirth and circumcision expenses fully reimbursed by the state and federal government.

Vehicles worldwide will drive on only the right-hand, and not left-hand, sides of road and highways.

Jerusalem will be declared Israel's capital, and acknowledged as such by all worldwide, and the territorial borders of Israel will be in effect as described in chapter 47 of the Old-Testament book of Ezekiel. Any attack, particularly using any weaponry, against the State of Israel by any individual or group of them, will be investigated by Mossad/FBI/KGB/Gestapo-similar law-enforcement and judicial detectives of the Lord Jesus, and those responsible will be discovered, brought to trial and court and condemned, then promptly executed, without parole or appeal, perhaps by the means of intended destruction perpetrators themselves used or planned to use.

Currently, and concerning (not "regarding") "the" united? nations and so-called "international" criminal? "court," who (if any one) gave them jurisdiction over planet Earth and all nations thereon?

If past and present non-abstraction human leaders of a conglomerate of various countries did intend the corporate abstraction called "the U.N." to become and be more than a mere informal get-together advisory-council abstraction comprised of non-abstraction persons for now-and-then meetings, did such humanly-concocted jurisdiction come from God the Creator, and if so, according to what written-proof morality-standards Word-of-God basis?

Who is the leader or chief judge of the so-called "international criminal court" (ICC) who has let the non-officialized-"state" of a non-authoritative so-called "palestian" "authority" of terroristic anti-Zionists (allied with Middle-Eastern antisemitic/anti-Israeli/anti-Jew Hamas or Hezbollah or ISIS/ISIL) have an equal voice against (not "with") Israelis?

Is Israel part of the so-called ICC, and if so, why? Are such Jews subjugated as submissive slaves to the Caesar-as-King? U.N. and ICC instead of the Trinitarian YHWH of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and ultimately the King-of-Kings Messiah [Yeshua] Jesus Christ, the Son of God?

To those who presume so, the following applies:

Job 12:2 No doubt you are the people, and wisdom will die with you.
Job 13:5 Oh that you would keep silent, and it would be your wisdom!
Job 15:8 Have you listened in the council of God? And do you limit wisdom to yourself?
Job 32:13 Beware lest you say: "We have found wisdom; God may vanquish him, not man."
Job 39:26 Is it by your wisdom that the hawk soars, and spreads his wings toward the south?
Proverbs 8:11 for [the abstraction of] "wisdom" is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with it [not "her"].

What superior-power military soldiers and war equipment (if any) do the leader, leaders, judge, judges of the ICC have to enforce imposed and allegedly-"legal" attacks of purported "punishment" for presumed "crimes" of Israel?