Presidential-Candidate Debate Two (paraphrased?)

The Debate was in the format of a townhall meeting, with proud-and-sassy-ass, mopheaded-inferior-gender (MIG)-moderator "Can Dee" giving more time to Barack HUSSEIN Obama to speak and less time to Willard "Mittwit" [The Brain] Romney , letting Obama interrupt Romney without calling Obama on it, and "moving on to the next question" without letting Rommy counter-answer Obama's non-substantiated accusations against Romney. All this while dirty-minded CNN program personnel made it so that despicably porno-indecent mopheads (some with bared legs) in backround-audience view were noxiously visible to the cameras at certain angles.

Obama: My policy is to puff Planned Parentlessness for the sake of Planned Promiscuity in order to save young women money who need to attend, and be subversively brainwashed within, socialist-marxist anti-Christianity colleges and universities rather than engage in vaguely-worded, anti-homogay, Scripturally-commanded childbearing pain and expenses.

Romney: I believe that all women in America should have access to contraceptives.

MIG: What kind of an asinine statement is THAT, Governor Romney? You got something against creating Mormonic families and instead advocating that humankind annihilate themselves?

Romney: No, of course not, Can Dee. Support the freedom of one man to marry one woman and their no-porn-substitutes, non-abortive, reproductive choice to avoid impossible-for-homosexuals-to-procreate humankind extinction. Available contraceptives-causing species limitation should be of the 47% who support pseudo-born-again, forgiving-grace-of-Christ-to-sin, closet-muslim Obama.

Under Obama, more and more women have become non-domestically unemployed. I plan to put women back to work giving tit to newborn sucklings, changing diapers, running home-based businesses, and cease sexually harassing twit-beleagered feminist-besieged men with female-chauvenistic illogical confusion in corporate workplaces, especially on network TV media, in courtrooms, in squad cars, and in banks.

Obama: WE have done all WE could have in the last four years, with the help of Obaminite parents with their heads up their allegedly-sacred-black-reparations rectums to stop Fast and Furious automatic-weapons giveaway to murderous drug-lord mexicans, and I take credit for immigration reform: I gave illegal aliens citizenship without deporting them.

Both Hillarious and I have finally admitted that the attack at Bengazi was a terrorist attack, and I personally take offensive-campaigning-in-Vegas-during-international-crisis blame for Bengazi in Libya, which certainly exonerates us and our anti-National-Security irresponsibility, because of Solomon's proverb: 'Even when a fool walks on the road he lacks sense, and he says to everyone that he is a fool' - with or without the anti-cultic YouTube cartoon video.

Romney: Speak for YOURSELF, Barack. Don't include me in your "WE" remarks. YOU and yours are to blame for inciting congressional-filibustered non-cooperativeness against the intentions of low-gasoline-prices George W Bush to not drown Americans with upcoming Obamascare taxes starting on Jan 1st 2013, for supporting the absurd taxpayer-monies-wasted Solyndra boondoggle, for appointing two sexist feminist women on the High Court to rubber-stamp the Individual Mandate destined to cause pre-existing-conditions-overwhelmed health insurance companies to astronomically raise premiums before going belly up, and for imposing death-panel czars depriving political dissidents of treatment when you are still the lame-duck "president" so they cannot blame me but instead you and NOT "we."

Obama: Sorry about the "WE" remarks, when YOU and your administration are almost completely to blame for the failures of the last four miserable unemployment-increased years. How can you expect schools to train new innovative scientists and engineers exported to China when you during your Massachusetts regime as governor proposed murdering them in the wombs by abortion homicide and even preventing them from being conceived therein with sterilizing contraceptive use?

Fornicating students save money mangling their bodies with bloody abortion procedures, sort of like nazis saved money by gassing and cremating jews in concentration camps to save money which would have been wasted giving them Social Security checks and Medicare reimbursement. Besides, look at the all the shoes and gold teeth from fillings from cremated jews. Taxes were cut during Hitler's regime, while taxing the feces out of rich zionists.

Remember that I prayed for a boy shot at Aurora and he - coincidentally - was healed . . . like new . . . so I obviously am as good as one of the Old or New Testament prophets and probably better than Jesus.

MIG: Let's get on to another subject, the elaboration on which will be given majority time by PRESIDENT Obama, born in Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya instead of who-knows-where in "Hawaii."

Governor Romney, we have to move on to the next question because our time is limited, and we at CNN do not want you to dwell on your side of the case because we are bigoted and prejudicial media just for the hell of it, and besides, we don't want to be screwed by Obomination when this debate is done, and we all know that you changed your mind on assault weapons in Massachusetts and that you despise Chinese and thus their restaurants here in America who you said "cheat" and who you want to tariff -- but the debate is over. Good night, everyone.

Romney: Not yet, Can Dee. I savor chinese food. Look at Obama's record during the past four years by exploring not merely but also

MIG: The debate is OVER, Governor Romney . . .even though I admit to having been one-sidedly unfair on the side of Obama. And, as you clearly, exhaustively, and brilliantly dissertated point by point, Obama has failed and lied concerning and not regarding all his campaign promises he rhetorically ranted about in 2008, and things have gotten FAR worse instead of better with the horrendously worse yet to come.

Romney: And, if you can, also check out the hotlinks in