It is a good thing that I listened to the Republican debate the evening of August 6th 2015 on Fox radio instead of watching it on TV (and incidentally, not one airwave-broadcast TV channel covered the debate) -- thus avoiding the feminist-sexist quasi-porno sight of "Megan" Kelly's head and hair.
Listening to her loud and arrogantly self-assertive sexist voice was bad enough. It is lamentable that there was not a male reporter instead of her asking questions alongside the other two males.
She is lucky she did not interview me, because if she had, the following dialogue might have titillated the live-person and broadcast-media audiences:
MEGAN: Do you support abortion RIGHTS?
ME: Why do you call murdering womb babies a "right," Megan? Do you consider COMMITTING (and not "performing") infanticide sin, according to the Bible, a "right?" WHY did you call it THAT?
MEGAN: Do you approve of Planned Parenthood saving the life and health of women imposing competitively-adversarial equality abusively violated by often-naive-immodesty-incited rape or incest by reproductively removing mere reproductive tissue of her own-and-not-God's body when she cannot afford to birth and bring up more children?
ME: Mere WHAT? Are you referring to warped-conscience cruel and inhuman abortionists heartlessly dismembering womb babes writhing in helpless agony? Sarcastically speaking, that type of damnable salvation fits in rather nicely with the Scriptural assertion of First Timothy 2 verses 11 through 15 which states that a woman will be saved by bearing children, which is also alluded to in the King James Version rendition of First Timothy 5 verse 14 informing us that younger WOMEN (and not "widows" according to the actual Greek-Text word) should marry and bear children....doesn't it, Megan?
Seriously, the proverbs of Solomon tell me to answer a fool according to her folly, lest she be wise in her own eyes...yet, answer not a fool according to her folly, lest I be like her myself.
So, even the name "planned parenthood" is a blasphemous misnomer, because neither those of Planned Parentlessness [a.k.a. Planned Promiscuity] nor any other mortal person can cause human-babe conception. Only the Lord can and does do that, and the Creator-appointed-infant-caretaking man and providentially-happened-to-get-pregnant woman have only assembled the God-given resources which only God uses to cause human-babe conception. The planning of conception and parenthood is by the Lord alone, not by cultically-child-sacrificing pregnancy-preventors nor non-birth-controllers.
MEGAN: Do you support GAY rights?
ME: What do you mean by "gay?" Do you mean yippie-skippie carefree or merry...or instead infer EFFEMINATE? Why did you not use the proper word, Megan? Are you trying to legitimize anti-Scriptural homosexuality by imposing a revisionist weaselword? And what is "right" about being [wickedly] effeminate, contrary to the plain prohibition against that stated in the King James Version translation of First Corinthians 6 verses 9 and 10?
KASICH: I went to a gay wedding. If my daughter became gay, I'd love her.
HUCKABEE: If felons in prison are nice, they can be paroled. Why not let Perry educate illegal-alien kids if they play by the rules?
CHRISTIE: I hugged Obama, and attended a Clinton wedding.
CRUZ: I was born in Canada, not Kenya.
RUBIO: Let the homogays continue to be homogays, as it says in Revelation chapter 22. My parents were born in Cuba.
FIORI: I am a former-CEO specimen of the inferior gender, and thus disqualified from becoming President according to Isaiah 3:12, Nahum 3:13, and First Timothy 2:11-15 (even though my absence in the debate was lamented by RINO-types Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, and even Rush Limbaugh).
GINSBURG: I did not recuse myself from the High Court homosodomy-unions-licensing decision even though I previously officiated at a homosexual ceremony.
KAGAN: I used my legal clout to squash investigation into Obama's birth certificate.
SOTOMAYOR: I'm Hispanic, and attract the Mexican illegal-alien vote for Obama who appointed me and Kagan.
HILLARY: Where do I, another specimen of the inferior gender and thus disqualified by that from becoming President, begin?
My closet skeletons include Filegate against Clinton political opponents in the 90s, my so-called charity foundation getting money from foreign sources for self-aggrandizing political purposes and personally pocketing most of it, my pro-abortion-choice and pro-feminist positions, letting Russians and Chinese snoop into my non-government private-but-not-private-server State-Department e-mails, blaming Benghazi terrorism on some obscure Mohammed-cartoon videoclip, and let's not get into the presumed-"suicide" of Vince Foster.
CARSON: I am an intellectual-solutions negroid surgeon, and advocate negotiations being preferable to military attack.
PAUL: Foreign aid should not be given to America's enemies. Israel is our ally, and Netanyahu has presumptuously said that he and his can go it alone without America's help.
It seems that Satan is divided against Satan, with Charles Schumer not supporting Obama's no-more-sanctions-against-Iran deal allowing Death-to-Israel-and-America antisemites to proceed full steam ahead with their nuclear-development extortionist threat. Apparently, naive Huckabee presumes that that exonerates Schumer - the Schumer who conspired with Carl Levin and Al Franken to get Lois Lerner and her IRS to stifle Tea Partyists.
Neither Prager nor Christie understands that the same Obama-driven cohorts, assisted by NSA computers monitoring snippets of e-mails and phone calls with or without discrimination as to who is innocent and who is a "terrorist," who did the anti-Christian-patriots IRS thing, have probably used the NSA for political intelligence and repression purposes. Apparently they have forgotten why Ed Snowden did what he did.
TRUMP: I am Donald Trump, and - to the chagrin of Mike Wallace concerning his gotcha bankruptcy question - I closed a gambling business of 1000-laid-off not-nice-guy employees in a Trump casino in Atlantic City New Jersey, and came out on top using pertinent laws of the United States.
I might not endorse the nominated Republican candidate for President in 2016 unless he is me. There are Christian activists who will vote 3rd party if the compromising GOP hierarchy does another inferior-gender Sarah-Palin-as-VP-running-mate-type fatal error. At least Nigroid-Reparations Obama was foxy enough to choose the male-dinosaur-lapdog Joe Biden as his VP running mate in 2008.
MEGAN: Do you support same-sex marriage?
ME: What do you mean: same "sex?" Are you referring to GENDER instead? If so, why did you not use the proper word? There are many types of "sex" not gender-specific.
And why your use of the word "marriage" with reference to homosexuals? There is not one instance in the entire Holy Bible of homosexuals ever being married or wanting to get married. Have you ever checked most dictionary definitions of the word "marriage," and if you had, do you not remember that it is defined as the union of a "husband" and "wife," and further checked those definitions of it being the union of a male human (or man) and a female human (or woman)? What has the Bible repeatedly stated throughout its entirety regarding marriage comprised of the two opposite [and never same] non-transgender genders characteristic of all marriages? Why did you not use the words "homosodomy unions licensing" instead, Megan?
MEGAN: Has God told you anything?
ME: Why did you use that word? Why did you mention the word "God?" What or who are you referring to? What or who is "God" to you, or others? If you are referring to religious communication with Divinity, what is that to to you, or anyone else? Are you trying to be some type of authoritative religious figure or spokeswoman for something or someone?
SCOTT WALKER: I trust that the shed blood of Jesus Christ covered all my sins, and I will put people, especially unionized teachers, to work doing what they like to do. I did it in Wisconsin, and I can do it as President.
ME: It behooves you to prestigiously ponder the particulars within and and as soon as possible, Scott.
Concerning (not "regarding") Hillary attempting to run for the Presidency, refer to the contents of and concerning (not "regarding") the
fraudulent-birth-certificate dishonesty of NOT "President" but instead socialist-muslim Barack Hussein Obama, delve into plus the hotlinks to Rick Perry at and at your convenience.