I had a basically-good mother.
Even though:
Mark 10:18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
Luke 18:19 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone.
Fine for Him to say that. He was correct, of course, and tried His best during His brief physical life on this planet to convince people that He was The Lord (and thus God, or - put another way - a Trinitarian part of the patriarchal Godhead).
He has convinced me, and a whole lot of heavenly others.
But there was a time when Mom wanted yours truly "committed" - when and as she underwent a transition from believing that bare-naked arms and nude legs were the things to "normally" and immodestly expose indiscriminately in
general-public view (especially in view of men not currently married to her)....to holy enlightenment and rectification. Until then, she really flew off in a rage when I colored over some precious-to-her porno-mopheaded-and-naked-arms/legs/feet imagery here and there in photo albums, on sheet music covers, wall paintings....whatever my eyes encountered which disturbed me and which I aggressively did my best to edit and censor. She even uttered a threat that the Lord would someday blind me for my unwillingness to tolerate the sights of live-person porno-immodesty. Indeed, I at times blinded myself somewhat wearing spray-painted translucent frosted dark glasses with peep holes in the top and bottom so I could see where I was going to avoid collisions with obstructions and not tripping over anything....all to avoid seeing female-human immodesty coming at me. Yet, ironically and perplexing, she was opposed to more "advanced" types of porn, and even I (as a red-blooded biologically-clocked sexually-endowed male) regretfully have amply-enough seen and thoroughly lusted at my fully-sufficient share of R-to-XXX porn, as probably some of the masseuses I very seldom consorted with here and there, now and then, in the past, also did.
But in fact, she was the one who went completely blind as a result of her last and most severe stroke, with the double-whammy of her not being able to swallow anything for the entire month she vegetated in hospice within North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale MN. Yet, the Navy-WAVE veteran and well-seasoned Christian she was, even though she essentially starved to death (not responding to other attempted feeding techniques) during her last month before she finally expired back somewhere around 2006, I think that she both greatly admired and appreciated me towards her end before her hospitalization, and I think that she - most importantly - retained her faith and adherence to Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord right to and through her death (as did my 95-year-old dad, years later, as he passed at the end of September 2014).
Dad, a basically-orthodox/fundamentalist but tolerantly-open-minded ALC/LCA/ELCA (Lutheran) pastor (without any obvious vices), understood (as Covenant-denomination Mother and her pastor-dad Peder Andrew Langvand ultimately and finally did) my so-called "quasi-idiosyncratic" Biblical basis for objecting to mopheaded, sleevesless, slacksless, sockless live-person porno-immodesty.
Expectedly, neither one of them was whisked away avoiding death in nor by some imaginary, persecution-despising, cowardly-escapist "pre-Trib Rapture," but instead suffered a short time in hospice until relief by death took over, facilitating their much-anticipated trip to permanent Paradise in glory and blissful rapture.
They respected and trusted me so much that they bequeathed an inherited house for me to manage, and a small amount of money to pay utility bills. "Oh Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom of Solomon to wisely apportion and utilize my righteous parent's legacy and estate, because I cannot do it with your help. I earnestly mean that."
One of the ways I do so is to take pride in never calling Barack Hussein Obama: "The President." Violating honesty....in the guise of "respecting the office" by mis-titling the fraudulent, lying,
anti-Israeli-settlements-yet-Holocaust-memorial-visiting hypocritical occupant therein who has pandered to anti-Zionist "palestinians," not said the Pledge of Allegiance, not saluted the American Flag....is no way to acquire brownie points for Heaven -- with or without faith alone of Romans chapter 3 and works plus faith of James chapter 2. That accursed people-pleasing fear-of-man immentality appears to be the pseudo-sacred quest of quasi-conservatives Sean Hannity and particularly the notoriously-evil-minded Michael Medved of AM 1280 (The Patriot) radio here in the Twin Cities.
Don't get me wrong: someone has to run the country. Up to now it has been tearful-at-times John Boehner and morally-sensible good-guy Republicans (with even a few Democrats) keeping former-Indonesian-citizen-upstart Executive-Orders-concocting Barry Soetoro in check. The religious right has been right politically (as God defines "right"), and saved the American ship up to now (though they have not been given due credit for doing that).
Not only that, but I and other law-abiding patriots hate (yes: hate!) chaos and anarchy. Things have to be done gradually and in order -- without any crusader coups planned, as far as we're concerned.
Sean, like Dennis Prager, has had (and maybe yet does) a weakness and proclivity for surrounding himself with porno-mopheaded talk-show guests or tolerating porno images of whatever type. I cannot speak too loudly about it myself, because....well....
Ecclesiastes 2:8 I also gathered for myself silver and gold and the treasure of kings and provinces; I got singers, both men and women, and many concubines, man's delight.
....but have, consequentially, exhibited unusually-intense and substantial retaliation reacting against relentless non-solicited porno-immodesty licentiousness imposed by and of rebellious-worldly human females insensitive and indifferent concerning (not "regarding") non-asked-for sexual harassment originating from them, as such lurid and lewdly-misattired foxes have repeatedly besieged those surrounding them with frequently-anonymous titillating-but-obscene, disgusting and deplorable nude arms, legs, toes when warm weather occurs (then loose-long-haired porno-mopheadedness during colder temperatures).
Oh, for the days of the yearned-and-longed-for pioneer-pilgrim/early-American chignoned and scarved hairstyle, long-sleeves-and-dresses, booted mega-modesty of our great-great-great-great grandmothers, the Amish, the Puritans, the old-order Catholic nuns....and islamic-fundamentalist burka and hijab-covered islamo-fundies.
Oh oh - don't get Sean Hannity and especially anti-islamo-fascist Michael Medved started on that, who never mention anything about or against playboy, but for sure decry and disdain sharia modesty and strict morality enforcement of such.
Well, I have news for you, Sean and Michael: it's either going to be sharia islamo-fundamentalist morality, ISIS-style...or you are going to have to courageously advocate taking what is exactly stated in the totality of the Torah literally -- especially involving execution against adulteresses, harlo-prostitutes, heretics and blasphemers, murderers, homosodomites, occultic witches, repeat-offender thieves, and so forth.
All and while without mis-calling Obama: "the President."
Wrong-headed heresy-breath Michael Medved errantly considers the by-now-viral fact and existence of Obama's internet-obvious Kenyan birth certificate (available to view at http://confrontation.faithweb.com and http://bareflash.tripod.com and elsewhere on the Web): "conspiracy." He does that as he derides and berates blessed senators such as Ted Cruz and Mike Lee.
I, and a lot of my Christian-oriented friends, have wondered exactly what side Medved is on. Seriously. Can I say that any more emphatically?
He plainly panders to our Obamanite enemies for the sake of falsely-presumed radio-talk-show popularity which he selfishly and defiantly craves and idolizes. But in fact he talks like a despicable subversive much of the time (regarded as neither cute nor adorable), and when one visits his website, he provides comment space for those who "disagree with him," thus roundly fulfilling the verse:
Ecclesiastes 10:3 Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to every one that he is a fool.
Pandering to Barack Obama and a covertly-attentive cadre of anti-Republican radio-audience supporters, yet confusingly and perhaps even hypocritically chiding Obama somewhat now and then with helpful corrective advice, Medved simply ignores the fact that a foreign-soil-born person has no right to be and be called: "the President" -- being that the Kenyan-born Obama was in fact born not in Hawaii but rather in Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa Kenya, being that his mother (Ann Durham) came into emergency labor after a swim in the nearby ocean while visiting there.
The law is not merely what High-Court "judge" Kagan and other obstructionist obomination including
Obama-Biden-bumper-sticker goofs say it is. The Law is instead what God in His Holy Bible says it is, and to deny that is indeed the worst form of abusively anti-social and diabolically anti-humane criminal insanity.
Clearly, Medved does not have the mind of Christ (even though he seems pro-"jewish" to the indiscreetly gullible), and he is that type of so-called "jew" who got Adolf Hitler and his Gestapo Nazis into tyrannical and oppressive power in Germany, and is exactly the kind of alleged "jew" who murdered the righteously-moral Old-Testament prophets, maliciously crucified harmless-healer-rabbi/Redeemer Jesus Christ, harassed Pontius Pilate with "we have no king but Caesar/Hitler/Obama" seditious patrony, beat-and-threatened healer-preachers Peter and John, persecuted and plotted against healer-preacher Paul, etc. And it is his ilk of purported "jew" who should thankfully be burned in concentration camp ovens, or beheaded.
Revelation 2:9 "I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 3:9 Hey, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie -- hey, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and learn that I have loved you.
Would THE Master-Jew Jesus, plus master-Jews Matthew, Mark, John, Peter, and Paul say AMEN to that?
"The" Church is not, even now, composed only of inferior-"race" Gentiles. And "seed" is the preferable term to "race" if you will please refer to your KJV-type translations, and not the RSV alone. Courageous-against-public-stigma, inferior-gender Magnificat-theologian Mary, well qualified by her unusual purity of body and mind to birth and train the baby-then-boy-Messiah Jesus, probably would have.
Do not be fooled when arrogant-snit Medved acknowledges Christians to be "good guys," and also blurts out his daily: "God's green Earth" mantra. Earth is blue-green, not green. Satan can mis-quote truncated and substitutionally-paraphrased Scripture also, plus even know-how-to-audibly-read-whatever demons believe, and shudder:
Matthew 8:29 And hey, they proclaimed: "What have you to do with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before The Time?"
Mark 1:24 and he proclaimed: "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God."
Mark 5:7 and proclaiming with a loud voice, he said: "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me."
Luke 4:34 "Ah! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God."
Luke 8:28 When he saw Jesus, he proclaimed and fell down before Him, saying with a loud voice: "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, do not torment me."
James 2:19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe -- and shudder.
Self-proclaimed Jew, Dennis Prager the theo-philospher, is generally patriarchal with somewhat-common-sense gender-and-family advice during his daily radio talk show dissertations. But Dennis, as with others of his rank (such as Rush Limbaugh), has to realize that he will not get everything completely straight and accurate until he publicly acknowledges his complete surrender and submission to Jesus Christ as his only Redeemer and Master....instead of merely puffing himself as a proud looking-from-the-outside-and-yet-distanced "jew."
The "jewish" bible is too short (omitting the New Testament), the "catholic" and "mormon" bibles are too long (containing non-canonical apocrypha), and the Qur'an (or Koran) is a disorderly mixed-up revisionist rehash of Old-and-New-Testament writings of and against which Mohammed, who lived 500 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, took it upon himself to antisemitically plagiarize.
There are others out in media-land who are divisive pseudo-"christian" trouble-causers, religious apostates, heretical and porno-propagating infidels. A few entities and persons immediately come to mind: Patheos, Wordpress, Pinterest, T E Hanna, Tumblr and a myriad assortment of Hell-deserving-and-destined others.
Added to that are slanderers and libelists who mis-call non-commercial Christian-and-Biblical-message e-mails: "spam" such as demonic operatives infesting Facebook, G-mail and Excite e-mail, bluetie.com and more -- all quenching the Spirit with the irrationalized excuse of ensuring and promoting 'security.'
Should I be whipped and scourged for just asking someone the time of day?
One e-mail service stated that: "it is spam to e-mail anyone anything unless they first e-mail you anything like asking you to e-mail them back anything."
But isn't it then also "spam" for them to first e-mail me asking me anything like to first e-mail them anything without them first e-mailing me anything like to ask me if they can first e-mail me anything?
Is it "spam" for my wife to e-mail me anything without first asking me if she can e-mail me anything? Every time? For how long before she has to re-ask for me to e-mail her anything, or me to re-ask her to re-ask me to e-mail her? And isn't it spam for me to e-mail God anything with Him first asking me if He can e-mail me anything, and - conversely - isn't is "spam" for God to e-mail me anything without me first asking Him to e-mail me anything, such as a request for Him to first e-mail me anything so I can ask Him to e-mail me back anything?
Actually, the true and best definition of "spam" is: whatever comes at someone repeatedly which they did not ask for, which they do not like, which is not good for them (as God defines "good for them"), and which they have requested the source of spam to stop conveying what is not good for them to them, and yet the source has not stopped conveying it to them.
Ecclesiastes 9:1 But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God; whether it is love or hate man does not know. Everything before them is vanity.
The [supposed?] presidential election of 2016 is approaching, and pro-Obamanite subversives infiltrating Facebook and G-Mail and Excite mail are doing their damndest to acquire a massive phone-number database (even Hitler was not so lucky), enabling Obomination hitmen to quietly but assuredly and adversively target names and exact residence locations of anti-Obamanite dissidents and non-cooperative Christian saints who (they deduce) need to be suppressively and repressively dealt with ....in the mis-estimation of such satanic who perhaps are seamlessly morphing us, with lower-and-lower-gasoline-price prosperity, into the first 3-1/2 years of The 7-Year Antichrist Period (the latter half of which is known as The [far-worse-than-Nazi-oppression] "Great Tribulation" -- preceding the actual physical bodily return of Jesus Christ at Armageddon and subsequent Millennial Rule of the same before THE Rapture occurs as the heavens and Earth disintegrate in universal fire [according the the Second Epistle of Saint Peter], within which Rapture and Resurrection united saints and even sinners are transported to The Great White Throne Judgment of proverbial sheep and proverbial goats, described in Matthew chapter 25 and in Revelation chapter 20).
May God ultimately punish such morphers with eternal torture as they will be eternally suspended in solitary-confinement outer darkness within the consuming invisible flames of the future Lake of Fire.
Far different and much better things are planned for the elect, who stay fully committed to Jesus Christ and His commandments.
It all will happen - whether whoever wants it to, or not.
It's all "a matter of time," until perpetual timelessness begins but never ends.