
The reader of the title above might rightly infer that such typical modern expression is a castigating disdainment against those who should not merely perceive and know, but readily admit, what is quite obvious - and respond accordingly.

It is an expression of both righteous and blatant sarcasm, meant to cause proper acknowledgment and admission from the one who is - more often than not - being deliberately or willfully ignorant of or non-willing to accept what should readily be accepted.

It reminds me of something I read in the Bible attributed to Jesus Christ . . .

Oh Oh!

Shame, SHAME.

I am getting religious! How dreadful!?

How childish -- sort of like "Big-Bang" babytalk of super-duper 'physicist experts?'

Perhaps my critics should be videotaped in front of their newborn infants as the allegedly-mature-vocabulary-trained utter: "Goo goo" and "Da Da" who would look "Coo Coo" if that was played in front of a United Nations General Assembly of world dignitaries or during Congressional Senate sessions or their executive business meeting associates or the police upon being arrested.

Maybe I should pretend that the Bible does not exist and never existed?


Now that I've kicked that reject-anything-religious thought of non-scientific non-open-minded prejudicial close-mindedness in the anus [yes: anus!] and out the door, let me quit wasting time being burdened with mindless dullards out there in cyberspace and quote what I wanted to quote with my constitutional religious freedom thankfully yet prevailing within founding-fathers America and among the few sane yet therein:

Luke 12:56 You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of Earth and sky; but why do you not know how to interpret the present time?
Luke 12:57 And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?
John 8:43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word.
John 8:46 Which of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me?

I have, during my life so far, had the sad experience of not merely meeting but being pseudo-philosophically polluted and defiled by a significant number of impeccably-asinine pathetic individuals who despicably claim that they are "atheists" [some of whom are homoperverts to boot] - who, I guess, thus assert that what is intelligently designed had no Intelligent Designer who designed what is intelligently designed, which intelligently-designed inanimate objects I WOULD GUESS did not have a freewill mind intrinsically creating itselves by itselves at any time, itselves assembling nearly-indescribably-complex unspeakably-miniscule-and-intricately-interdependent parts randomly in helter-skelter hit-and-mostly-miss magical hocus-pocus, even over zillions and zillions of zillions and zillions and zillions and zillions and zillions of mythologically-evolutionary years and decades and centuries and millennia and much more.

In confronting them with that fact, it becomes crystal clear that some of those laughable-to-scorn nuts and screwballs do not even consider anything they sense with their physical five senses "intelligently" designed, being that they even question what "intelligent" really means. Some even hallucinate that whatever they think they see is a deceptive illusion, thereby bestowing on whatever-imagined UFO illegal aliens having anything to do with such "illusions" grossly-disfavorable reputation.

I only hope that such aberrants non-hyprocritically carry their idiotic assessments all the way at a train crossing as a long train with at least two fast-moving locomotives is almost there, as they disregard the supposedly-"illusionary" red stoplights "allegedly"-flashing in front of their "supposed" automobile as they "seemingly" approach them.

Good riddance. The worst people, and most unkind, unthankful, stingy, treacherous, complaining, and grumbling malcontents who I have ever had the misfortune to encounter were atheists (and even agnostics), and were anything but "good" people.

Psalm 10:4 In the pride of his/her countenance the wicked does not seek Him; all his/her thoughts are, "There is no God."
Psalm 14:1 To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his/her heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.
Psalm 53:1 To the choirmaster: according to Mahalath. A Maskil of David. The fool says in his/her heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.

Either "God" (and bear with me as I bestow upon THE Creator His and not "her" Biblical name - which, again, I have the constitutional freedom of religion to so do without being cited for petty or gross misdemeanor or felony) exists . . . or "He" does not exist.

Obviously, by my statement, He exists either way (that is, whether GOD exists or GOD does not exist) by simply mentioning His name in either case.

Sort of reminds me what Jesus is said to have said as recorded in the New-Testament gospels of The Holy Bible:

Matthew 26:25 Judas, who betrayed Him, said, "Is it I, Master?" He said to him, "You have said so."
Matthew 26:64 Jesus said to him, "You have said so.
Matthew 27:11 Now Jesus stood before the governor; and the governor asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" Jesus said, "You have said so."
Mark 15:2 And Pilate asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And He answered him, "You have said so."
Luke 23:3 And Pilate asked Him, "Are you the King of the Jews?" And He answered him, "You have said so."

In other words, if the atheist would be logically consistent, he or she would not utter the word "God" or "Creator" or "Supreme Being" or "Almighty Power" whatsoever even in referring to the "God" or "Creator" who they say they do not believe exists. Consequently, it would be virtually impossible for them to describe, in that case, the entity and the name of such they are intent on referring to and who they say they do not believe in.

Now we get to those who proudly and boastfully and arrogantly call themselves "agnostic" in their woefully-deplorable pseudo-"educated" and fake-"scientific" stupidity.

To such I would say: "Either pee, or get off the pot." "And make it snappy; other people really have to go, so do not dawdle there on the toilet."

Or: "The stoplight has changed from red to green. Get off your texting day-dreaming butt and get going!"

Let's get back to that long train with more than two locomotives which thankfully annihilated the aforementioned atheist fools who did not believe that things (as part of God's creation) exist or were logically created.

The agnostic, by default, is practically as despicably goofy a fool as the atheist, and frequently ends up as mangled as fools dismembered and crushed by the God-created train which he or she questioned the existence of.

Why do I get the overwhelming impression that both atheists and agnostics are hypocritical liars who actually do not want to utter acknowledgment of a Supreme-Being Creator Scripturally known as "God?"

They live and operate in an environment around them which, obviously, they themselves did not create. Nor have they any definitive and provable info about anyone else considered a created entity who created it.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of men and women who by their wickedness suppress the truth.
Romans 1:19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
Romans 1:20 Ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature, namely, His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse

Let's get back to the plain dishonesty of atheists and agnostics when they preach that "they do not know who or what" created created entities and objects within their created environment. Their lame excuse is that they "do not know" who or what created everything around them, which everything obviously did not create itselves by any freewilled intention or capability coming from itselves.

Micah 2:6 "Do not preach" -- thus they preach -- "one should not preach of such things; disgrace will not overtake us."

But the obvious is: they do not want to find out while simultaneously knowing full well what they have already become well aware of by exposure to and encounter with the creationist Bible and its contents.

Second Corinthians 6:1 Working together with Him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain.
2 For He says, "At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation." Hey, now (not in never-never-land "purgatory" or gimme-some-time-to-question-it-all-as-a-moronic-doubting-agnostic) is the acceptable time; NOW is the day of salvation.
3 We put no obstacle in any one's way [in stark contrast to the obstacles the ACLU and homo-atheists and their ilk put in the way against Christians], so that no fault may be found with our ministry [True Christians in the world do more good than harm - not vice versa!],
4 but as servants of God we commend/approve/accredit ourselves in every [non-self-appointed, God-approved] way: through great endurance, in afflictions, hardships, calamities,
5 beatings, imprisonments, tumults, labors, watching, hunger;
6 by purity, knowledge, forbearance, kindness, the Holy Spirit, genuine love,
7 truthful speech, and the power of God; with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and for the left;
8 in honor and dishonor, in ill repute and good repute. We are treated as impostors, and yet are true;
9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and hey, we live; as punished, and yet not killed;
10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
12 You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections.
13 In return (I speak as to children) widen your hearts also.
14 Do not be mismated with disbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
15 What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what has a believer in common with a disbeliever?
16 What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 "Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them," says the Lord, "and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you,
18 and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters," says the Lord Almighty.

Personally, I do not want to associate with either the atheist fool or the agnostic fool who will gradually or suddenly and terroristically do even worse antisocial crimes against humanity than not humbly observing and forthrightly acknowledging that they are headed straight for a fast-velocity train with two non-stoppable locomotives about the cross the road in front of them - which train will not get out of their way whether they want it to or not, but which they instead, should do whatever it takes to get out of the train's way.

There are other Scriptures which warn about atheists and agnostics, and to not become friends with such downright-dangerous pseudo-sophisticated irreligious-creep-and-jerk lunatics:

Proverbs 10:14 Wise men lay up knowledge, but the [non-scientific/pseudo-"educational"/pseudo-"scholarly"/evolutionary-heretical] babbling of a fool brings ruin near.
10:18 He who conceals hatred has lying lips, and he who utters slander is a fool.
10:23 It is like sport to a fool to do wrong, but wise conduct is pleasure to a man of understanding.
12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.
12:16 The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent man ignores an insult.
13:16 In everything a prudent man acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly.
14:3 The talk of a fool is a rod for his back, but the lips of the wise will preserve them.
14:7 Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
14:16 A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool throws off restraint and is careless.
15:5 A fool despises his father's instruction, but he who heeds admonition is prudent.
17:7 Fine speech is not becoming to a fool; still less is false speech to a prince.
17:10 A rebuke goes deeper into a man of understanding than a hundred blows into a fool.
17:12 Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly.
17:16 Why should a fool have a price in his hand to buy wisdom, when he has no mind?
17:21 A stupid son is a grief to a father; and the father of a fool has no joy.
17:24 A man of understanding sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.
17:28 Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.
18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.
18:6 A fool's lips bring strife, and his mouth invites a flogging.
18:7 A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to himself.
19:1 Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a man who is perverse in speech, and is a fool.
19:10 It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury, much less for a slave to rule over princes.
23:9 Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words.
24:7 Wisdom is too high for a fool; in the gate he does not open his mouth.
26:1 Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool.
26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.
26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
26:6 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence.
26:8 Like one who binds the stone in the sling is he who gives honor to a fool.
26:1 Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool.
26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself.
26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
26:6 He who sends a message by the hand of a fool cuts off his own feet and drinks violence.
26:8 Like one who binds the stone in the sling is he who gives honor to a fool.
26:11 Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool that repeats his folly.
26:12 Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
27:3 A stone is heavy, and sand is weighty, but a fool's provocation is heavier than both.
27:22 Crush a fool in a mortar with a pestle along with crushed grain, yet his folly will not depart from him.
28:26 He who trusts in his own mind is a fool; but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
29:9 If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
29:11 A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
29:20 Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

Ecclesiastes 5:3 For a dream comes with much business, and a fool's voice with many words.
7:16 Be not righteous overmuch, and do not make yourself overwise; why should you destroy yourself?
7:17 Be not wicked overmuch, neither be a fool; why should you die before your time?
10:2 A wise man's heart inclines him toward the right, but a fool's heart toward the left.
10:3 Even when the fool walks on the road, he lacks sense, and he says to every one that he is a fool.
10:12 The words of a wise man's mouth win him favor, but the lips of a fool consume him.
10:14 A fool multiplies words, though no man knows what is to be, and who can tell him what will be after him?

First Corinthians 3:18 Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.

Second Corinthians 11:16 I repeat, let no one think me foolish; but even if you do, accept me as a fool, so that I too may boast a little.
12:6 Though if I wish to boast, I shall not be a fool, for I shall be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me.
12:11 I have been a fool! You forced me to it, for I ought to have been commended by you. For I was not at all inferior to these superlative apostles, even though I am nothing.

Intolerantly-harsh satanic naysayers themselves might negatively and judgmentally accuse yours truly of being "negative" and "judgmental" in condemning fools who "theoretically could repent and be saved."

I will both gladly and thankfully continue to negatively judge and condemn them -- as long as they continue to impenitently and stubbornly mis-display the senseless and futile fruits of foolish atheism and agnosticism. IF (and only if) they change their mind, and thus repent, then I will relent and back off. But NOT until then!. Nor should I, nor should you, nor will Almighty God!

I hope that I have "opened a window" for you, the reader, IF you have questioned the existence of God the Creator, or know one or more jihad-targeted infidels who have.

But let's take it a step further.

IS there such a thing as "sin?" If there is, a logical ramification associated with that would be "shame" and "guilt" directly related to "repentance" and "conversion," "justification" and "sanctification."

As the Name and identity of "God" is not inscribed on any blade of grass, tree leaf, rock, cloud, insect or fish or animal, -- and we are aware of that name and identity ultimately and basically only through The Bible -- so that concept and philosophical abstraction called "sin" gets its perhaps peculiar but certainly particular name also from Holy Scripture.

Most people do not want to call sin: "sin." They instead, blasphemously presuming or insinuating themselves Divine authority, judgmentally and negatively mis-call sin: "mistakes" or "errors" or "oversights" or "accidents" or "mismanagement" and worst of all: "oopsies."

Whatever such are called and mis-called, the catastrophic mis-actions are the same and the mis-results are the same.

Sin is lack of get-out-of-God's-way-because-He-will-not-get-out-of-our-way non-accommodation against the environmental phenomena which God the Creator has created which we find ourselves involuntarily within and therein operate.

Such 'sinful' non-conformity to the will of God manifested in the created entities of God the Creator results in everything from slight inconvenience to gross inconvenience, from minor financial depletion to major financial depletion, from uncomfortable misunderstandings to severe and even lethal hostilities, from slight pain to severe pain sometimes and ultimately leading to death.

"Sin" is both mis-thinking and mis-acting by presuming to God the Creator and His natural phenomena that it is "my way or the highway" against what the Creator has established as immovable and non-changeable.

First Chronicles 16:30 tremble before Him, all the earth; yes, the world stands firm, never to be moved.

Job 34:33 Will He then make requital to suit you, because you reject it? For you must choose, and not I; therefore declare what you know.
Job 36:23 Who has prescribed for Him His way, or who can say, 'You have done wrong'?

Psalm 10:6 He presumes in his heart, "I shall not be moved; throughout all generations I shall not meet adversity."
15:5 [he/she] who does not put out his money at interest, and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved.
16:8 I keep the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
21:7 For the king trusts in the LORD; and through the continual love of the Most High he shall not be moved.
30:6 As for me, I said in my prosperity, "I shall never be moved."
46:5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God will help her right early.
55:22 Place your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be moved.
93:1 The LORD reigns; He is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed, He is attired with strength. Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved
96:10 Say among the nations, "The LORD reigns! Yes, the world is established, it shall never be moved; He will judge the peoples with equity."

God's stationary light poles and cement pillars and cliffs and large rocks and blizzards and tornadoes and earthquakes in the road and large trees near the road do not move away for drivers -- whether or not such drivers want such to move out of their way at their whims. When a driver presumes the opposite, the action and horrendous consequences of such can and should legitimately be called exactly what they is: "sin."

Abusing onesself with God's alcohol or opium or tobacco nicotine or radioactive uranium or poisons or gunpowder or electricity or fire or gravity or whatever is not an abuse of nor against those non-changing inanimate objects and phenomena God the Creator has created, but the blame and fault for sinful depravity lies squarely on wicked-and-evil-at-the-moment persons who -- of their own freewill choice -- abuse themselves and NOT the aforementioned natural-environment items.

Being that the Creator created the entire environment which He placed humans within, and created and maintains the bodies of those humans who (and not "that") He created at conception at not after six or eight weeks within the abortion-homicide-damageable womb, the Creator (Jesus Christ, according to John chapter one, Colossians chapter one, and Hebrews chapter one) certainly has had, now does, and will continue to have legitimate claim on such created humans hopefully not trespassing on His terrestrial property (clearly including you the reader and I the web author), especially pertaining to what and what not "sin" is and what should be done about it for rectification.

Genesis 1:27 So God created humans in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female He created them.
2:4 The following is a historical account of post-Creation-Week generations of the heavens and the Earth after they were created after the start of the day that the LORD God began the earth and the heavens
5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam and offspring. When God created humanity, He made a male human in the likeness of God.
5:2 Male and female He created them, and He blessed them and named them "humans" when they were created.
6:7 So the LORD said, "I will blot out humans whom I have created from the face of the ground, humans and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." [because humans have defiled and polluted even beasts and creeping things and birds on the planet].

Deuteronomy 4:32 "For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God created humans upon the Earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of.
Deuteronomy 32:6 Do you thus requite the LORD, you foolish and senseless people? Is not He your father, who created you, who made you and established you?

Psalm 89:12 The north and the south, you have created them . . .
Psalm 104:30 When you send out your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.
Psalm 148:5 Let them praise the name of the LORD! For He commanded and they were created.

Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of His might, and because He is strong in power not one is missing.
41:20 that humans may see and know, may consider and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it.
42:5 Thus says God, the LORD, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the Earth and what comes from it, who gives breath to the people upon it and spirit to those who walk in it:
43:1 . . . He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
43:7 every one who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."
45:8 "Shower, heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may sprout forth, and let it cause righteousness to spring up also; I the LORD have created it."
45:12 "I made the earth, and created humans upon it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens, and I commanded all their host."
45:18 For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is God!), who formed the Earth and made it (He established it; He did not create it a random-evolutionary-assemblage-chance chaos, He formed it to be inhabited!): "I am the LORD, and there is no other.
48:7 They are created now, not long ago; before today you have never heard of them, so that you do not say, 'Hey, I knew them.'

Ezekiel 28:15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you.

Malachi 2:10 Have we not all one father? Has not one God created us?

Romans 9:20 But who are you, a human, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me thus?"
Romans 9:21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for beauty and another for menial use?

First Corinthians 11:9 Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 3:9 and to make all humans see what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things

Colossians 1:16 for in Him all things were created, in heaven and on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities . . . all things were created through Him and for Him.

First Timothy 4:3 [those with seared conscience] forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
First Timothy 4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving

Hebrews 1:2 but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world.

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.

And what is now seen will become what is not seen anymore, and hence described as "Outer Darkness" after the heavens and Earth are annihilated in fervent heat with a loud noise, as described in the Second Epistle of Saint Peter.

Revelation 4:11 "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you did create all things, and by your will they existed and were created."
Revelation 10:6 and solemnly promised by Him who lives forever, who created heaven and what is in it, the Earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there should be no more delay.

And the Redeemer's name "Jesus?"

No rock nor tree leaf, nor plant, nor cloud, nor insect nor fish nor animal has the name "Jesus" inscribed thereon. So where did and does that name of Creator identity initially and basically and ultimately originate or "come from?"

The following Baptist hymn lines put it well:

I know not how The Spirit moves
Convincing me of sin;
Revealing Jesus through His Word
Creating faith in Him.

I know not how this saving faith
To me He did impart;
Nor how, believing in His Word
Wrought peace within my heart.