Since Reformation-reformer Martin Luther (not the plagiaristic black civil-rites leader) took issue against his catholic supervisors - all the way up to the bishop of Rome (i.e. the pope) of his time - on the subject of "indulgences" for penance, atonement against sins, and release from "purgatory" (oh yes, when his 95 Thesis paper was posted, Luther initially still presumed in such catholic heresies as "purgatory")....there have been serious attempts to try and mix oil with water theologically pertaining to the attempt to integrate heresies of the cultic catholic church (be that of anglican-catholic, episcopalian-catholic, roman-catholic, orthodox-catholic, and so on) with the true-Christian Protestant Church.
This essay is entitled "Ecumenica," which terminology originates from the conflict between what cultic catholics (with their additional apocryphal books) presume is the complete and geniune contents of the canonical Holy Bible, compared to what Protestant Christians know by the Holy Spirit what are indeed the contents of God's Authentic and Genuine (66-books-only) HOLY BIBLE.
Within the broad subject in view, there are schisms and differentiations within cultic catholic groups and sects in the areas of choice of language plus nitpicky and random varieties involving debatable semantics and music of liturgies along with ever-changing little twists of ritualistically-choreographic positioning and movements on stage during eucharistic dissemination, and the imposition of clergy titles of egotistically-demanded respect relating to supposed "apostolic succession" concocted by each individual priest originating from whatever peculiar pompous presuppositions he whimsically fabricates.
For example, some catholics insist on Latin spoken; others want a mixture of Latin and English; still others require English only. In the realm of English language, should it be archaic Chaucerian and Elizabethan....or instead modern wording and word meanings? Should there be one-liner praise songs with watered-down, pablum-baby-doctrine, goody-goody-word lyrics, or instead hymnal hymns using -eth, thee/thou/thy word endings? Should there merely be spoken, or instead musical mass? How high should the communion cup be raised by the priest during communion ritual? It gets that ridiculous, believe me.
Comparing statements of legalisms-embracing cultic catholics should not result in dismissing their superstitions as superficial as they piously practice their repetitious religious habits, nor should anyone be overwhelmed by the density of the compendium contrasting catechisms.
When the mention of creed is applied to this topic, what is referred to are the creeds which were codified during seven councils of the catholic church, including the Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed, and the Creed of St. Athanasius.
The wording of the written forms of such creeds has been changed by variations in use during worship and by sectarian and political forces both inside and outside the church. Moreover, certain parts of the creeds are lacking and even erroneous, as for instance, the association of "the Father" as The Creator, when both the New Testament book of Colossians and Hebrews clearly reveal that the Son is the Creator of all that physically exists. The word "begotten" is a word which can only be applied to the Father merging an already-existing Son of God into a human body within the womb of the virgin Mary....and that word "begotten" in NO way implies that that act was done "before all worlds" as one creed wrongly states, being that the Son of God always had existed in eternity past and was never birthed by either the Father nor the Spirit. In fact, the virgin Mary herself never begot nor birthed the Father nor the Spirit, making it heresy to claim she is "the Mother of [the Triune] God" [even though Jesus was God).
Added to that, Jesus was incarnated by the Holy Spirit - NOT by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Three other problems with the cultic-catholic-based creeds are: (a) the assignment of blame for Christ's crucifixion solely on Pontius Pilate rather than jealous and disbelieving pharisaic jews; (b) presuming that Jesus descended into Hell or Hades and thus burned in torment for a while before ascending to His Heavenly Father, and (c) stating allegiance to the "Holy CATHOLIC Church" instead of the "Holy CHRISTIAN Church."
Representations by medieval distorted-image icons can occasionally be somewhat helpful, while keeping in mind that the icons are in no way a substitution for the real things and thus have very limited value. Indeed, they have been, are, and can frequently be distracting and perverting what they are supposed to represent. Indeed, God has given serious warning to those tempted to worship statues, pictures, paintings, sculptures, wafers, chalices, robes, crosses, relics, and any other graven-image idols which must-see-to-believe faithless and proud humans defy the Almighty in rebellion against his directives to not bow down to any graven image.
There have been theophany manifestations of the Son of God throughout the Old Testament, to be sure, in the form of angels and men, like when the Lord as "Commander of the Army of the Lord" encountered Joshua and like when Nebuchadnezzar saw a fourth Person in the burning fiery furnace whose appearance to him was "like the Son of God."
Another example involving movement from creed to culture, are the statements regarding Mary, the mother of Jesus. Both churches profess the kerygma of faith consisting in part of common acknowledgement that God's Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, was incarnated Son of God by the Third Person of the Holy Trinity (i.e. the Holy Spirit) by the Divine Will of His Heavenly Father, while simultaneously incarnated Son of Man by the Virgin Mary, His earthly and mortal mother.
Although both Protestant and Catholic Christians agree that Mary is worthy of due respect and non-patriarchal honor except divinity, Biblical orthodoxy within Christian Catholism has never engaged in heretical maryolotry, whether in public liturgy or private devotion.....whereas within cultic catholicism, individual devotions to Mary, the mother of Jesus are encouraged.
In cultic catholicism, the teaching of the sect seems to dubiously infer that prayer is addressed to God and atonement against sins occurs from His solitary and one-time Sacrifice of Himself for the penitent, assited-atonement intercession of Mary and other saints (along with habitual ingestion of eucharistic bread and wine) for continuing accomplishment of God's will both in heaven and on earth is insinuated, and the faithful are Scripturally aware of the ongoing existence and benefit of the prayers of those who have died in Christ and are now growing in their love for and service to Him. That being said, it behooves the saints to realize that there is only one Mediator between God and man, Christ Jesus, and the Spirit (not Mary, nor deceased Biblically-named or assumed other saints, nor human priests) intercedes for us and alone has that Divine duty.
Relating to that, those who are authentic Christians (both faith-alone, Romans-chapter-3 Protestants and works-with-faith James-chapter-2 Catholics) do not pray to dead human saints assumed to be in heaven because:
(1) Dead saints in Pradise do not have any temporal needs requiring our petitioning for them to God
(2) Spiritistically petitioning and praying to the dead is not in accord with Old-Testament protocol, and
(3) Praying for dead saints to intercede for us interferes with and abrogates the intercessory work of both The One Mediator between God and men (Christ Jesus) and the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.
What is vital for all to recognize is that both Christian Protestants and Catholics embrace the kerygma of faith somewhat contained in limited-value, partially-misleading, previously-mentioned creeds, but there are different points of emphasis relating to the expression of both Catholics and Protestants pertaining to which portions of the Bible they prefer and promote.
This is in stark contrast to the fickle and nondependable tendancies of humankind with their diversely-opinionated traditions of men which result in ever-changing culture and creeds reflective of such. Those are obviously inadequate and insufficient to be relied on as Absolute Divine Standard for faith and practice.
Of primary and crucial importance is concurrence with the precise and inerrant autographically-accurate Holy Text of 66-book Sacred Scripture both informing and enlightening the faithful of the particular manifestations of the will of God which are simply not revealed by perceived presence of mere non-written natural phenomena of creation. Certainly the Douay Version of the Catholic Bible is of great value, though a more complete understanding of the totality of God's written Word in the English language should be comprised of a combination of the best of the RSV, ASV, Darby, Douay, NKJV, and JPS versions of the Old Testament, along with the best of the JB2000, KJ21, NKJV, Wesley, and WTNT of the New Testament. Ultimate reference can and should (when possible) be made to both the ben Ashur Hebrew Masoretic Text (edited by Rudolf Kittel) of the Old Testament along with the Scrivener/Trinitarian Greek Text of the New Testament (which is presently available in the IGNT and TR Greek-Text versions).
It is good to ponder why Jesus alone - and no mortal human - has authority to forgive sins, and why the actual Son of God is Savior instead of instead faulty English-language bibles. The fact that He (as mentioned in the opening chapters of Colossians and Hebrews) is The Creator and Sustainer "of" us all, and "of" all that physically was and is and will be is one proof of His authority (far superceding any human clergyman, reverend, pastor, priest, curate, cardinal, monsignor, "father," or pope). The record of His supernatural miracles in Scripture are another proof of HIS Divine authority revealed within HIS [humanly-authored] Sacred-66-book Holy Writ - which no reasonable and rational open-minded scientist can ignore, disregard, nor overlook in all common-sense and non-biased-nor-prejudicially-bigoted honesty.
Admittedly, the Holy Scriptures whereby we have become aware of the deeper things of God which we cannot and could not ascertain from mere observation of created entites of nature within our environment is in fact full of accounts of disbelief, blasphemy, molestation, rape, murder, prostitution, harlotry, lying, deception, slander, hypocrisy, violence, defamation and accusatory damnation. Moreover, it is rife and reeking with seemingly-contradictory paradoxes. Yet it is that Sacred Mechanism which informs us of and directs us to our only Savior and Lord - Jesus Christ - explaining our obvious need for rectification, revitalization, renewal, and reconciliation, while providing the one and only escape and atoning answer which He alone provided by His death and resurrection - a justification imputed to us apart from and completely without our frequently non-reliable faith and inconsistent works - and yet something we must accept, involving both faith and works, for eternal salvation.
Though the applicability of Christ works as Messiah and Savior are timeless, the parousia (i.e. appearance) and miracles of the Lord have come to pass and will again happen at specific times in history.
It is inevitable that cultic catholic and genuinely-Christian religious will never become one in the Body of Christ because longed-for unity is prevented or delayed by mixture with errant and deviant heresies connived and concocted by those bent on one-sidedly omitting or misapplying certain Scripture references and twisting Bible verses out of context to their own destruction and the defiling non-edification against others. Thus, the One, Holy, Christian Church will not be perfected until the Second Coming of Christ. Yet, by the example of the God-is-One Holy Trinity and the seamless unity of Persons without confusion of Persons along with distinctiveness of functioning, the goal of seeking unity within God's Holy Church here and now should continue.
Such unity can be both theological and sacramental.
It is theological, in that there is ecumenical cognizance of the nature of God and His relationship with what He has created, in tandem with the kerygma of faith that Jesus came into the world to be our Lord and Perfect Sacrifice once and for all against all our sins, that following His sacrifice on a cross He was raised from the dead, that He ascended into Heaven, and He will return to judge the world as King of kings and not Queen of queens. Such is defined in the masculine in accord with Holy Writ applicable to the souls of both genders, without the impurity and abusive irritation of chauvenistic feminist-sexist intrusion and harassment.
On a lesser level, it can be expressed as sacramental, although a "sacrament" can consist of everything from brotherly love (in the Anglican tradition) to various expressions of doctrinal applications such as baptismal dedication, eucharistic ingestion, matrimonial ceremonies, etc.