It almost goes without saying that "God" (the Creator) is extremely benevolent to His human creatures pertaining to the profoundly-accommodating environment He has made for them and placed them into.
Added to that, His phenomenal imagination and impeccably-perfect precision in all things from the intricate microcosm to the magnificent and majestic macrocosm is immutable for all to see, experience, and acknowledge, causing the ultimate definition of "awesome" to apply not to mere rote-rhetoric mantra-mouthed trifles but rather exclusively to Him regarding His non-arguable omnipotence and omnipresence.
However, being that God (the Creator) also created free-willed Lucifer who decided to become Satan, and free-willed human creatures who (as a pathetic and despicable majority) decided to ignore and rebel in disobedience against God but follow and obey Satan instead of The Lord, and that God placed The Tempting Serpent and eventually-lethal Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil stumbling blocks into The Garden of Eden, can He be trusted to not spring something like that on His redeemed elect in Glory sooner or later during eternity in Heaven?
From a "naturalistic" point of view, the answer plainly and logically is an unequivocal: 'Yes!' He did it once, and so He certainly can do it again. And God simply did it because He could, and He did what He could because He wanted to do what He could."
Perhaps that is one of the most important causes to "fear" God, in that He might eventually do something dastardly and sadistic against His non-suspecting human saints whenever in their future abode as He has already done concerning (and not "regarding") temporal placement of The Tempter and Forbidden Tree in Eden.
Not only The Tempter and the Forbidden Tree, but (and this is quite significant) even inferior-gender Eve decided of her own free will, and in her feminist-sexist arrogance and impudence (within an at-that-time somewhat-sin-free surrounding) to concoct additional pseudo-"scripture" and "put words into God's mouth which He never actually said" according to the Hebrew Genesis Text:
Genesis 2:17 . . . but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." [ or at least immediately start to cellularly and genetically deteriorate ]
Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the LORD God had made [ which creature did not make himself ] . He said to the woman, "Did God say, 'You shall not eat of any tree [ which tree did not make itself by itself of its own non-existent free will ] of the garden'?"
Genesis 3:3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'"
God never literally said: ". . . neither shall you touch it." And cultic heretics have been adding adiaphora, apocrypha, weird ritualistic rules, strange gospels, and non-authorized fairy tales against God's actual literal words ever since . . . such as catholic books of Sirach, Maccabees, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Tobit, the Book of Mormon, the Qur'an, Pre-Trib-Rapture presumption, atonement by eucharistic ingestion, sacrificing bloody aborted babies for sins of fornication, and much more.
However, apprehension involving God perhaps sometime "going south" against potentially innocent victims is not an absolute certainty, because as God (of His own free will) arbitrarily chose to impose the aforementioned stumbling blocks and woefully-easy access to sin because of such, so God (of that same free will of His) also arbitrarily might choose to not impose any remotely or closely-similar stumbling blocks at any point down the never-ending everlasting road against eternally-saved humans in the New Jerusalem.
In either case, He alone is The Boss - whatever He chooses to do and not do.
And we humans, under His superiority and both voluntary or involuntary control, are helplessly subject to whatever fate . . . as non-alterable, non-conquerable, and non-stoppable consequences of His sovereign choice.
Clearly, we can make comparisons according to past history and past records. Can, and so should, Lucifer have been trusted? Can, and so should, Satan now be trusted? Can, and so should, angels who have irrevocably chosen to willfully and lovingly submit to Jesus Christ be trusted? Can, and so should, demons who have irrevocably chosen to not willfully and lovingly submit to Jesus be trusted? Can, and so should, you be completely trusted? Can, and so should, I be completely trusted?
IS there any indication (even the remotest and slightest) given in the entirety of the Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian Old-and-New-Testaments Holy Bible, that God the Creator will not do something at least questionable in Heaven with His penitent ones sometime in the future?
One hint involves the Spirit's completely honest and forthright historical disclosure and believably-reliable record (in Scripture) of what the Creator has already done, providing us with an explanation of why we are besieged with all the trouble, pain, and death there is during our present earthly pilgrimage. That was considerate of Him -- conveying all that crucial-to-know info to explain the mystery of why things frequently go wrong more often than not so we would not have to waste time mystified and wondering and searching in vain for clueless explanation.
Why that is so important is that in that same frank and forthright Scripture there are manifold promises from Him that He will not do the same "stupid" "mistakes" ever again (e.g. imposing The Tempter and Forbidden Tree and anything similar or worse). If we can trust Him and His (Spirit-inspired Bible-books authors) for the accurate history of what has happened and even is happening now, there is no reason to not trust Him and His for accurate and reliable predictions of what He non-deceitfully intends for the future.
Why He imposed the Tempter and the Forbidden Tree and freewill creatures to possibly and/or probably screw up in the first place remains a perplexity, and perhaps always will. Admittedly, robots are boring and require periodic maintenance and servicing, and even animals running only on stimulus/response instinct to myriad interactive environmental stimuli are more or less predictable and thus also boring.
Speaking of being predictable and thus boring, are holy angels in Heaven also now predictable and thus boring, in that it seems that they have already made an irreversible decision to be for God instead of against Him . . . and therefore cannot and can never change their minds . . . forever?
Will the redeemed saints in Glory also be that way, having made an irreversible decision which they can never retract (because they will never retract it)?
As long as they retain their free wills in Glory, they are not going to be boring, because they yet can choose to continue or not continue to support the Lord in Heaven. And with no being around like Lucifer to mis-choose, and no evil influences present in Heaven to incite or seduce any of the saints to screw up, they simply will choose of their own free wills to continue to never screw up - ever.
God the Creator has, in His Holy Bible, promised that that will be the case. And if one can continue to trust Him to maintain Earth's gravity, keep the ceiling and meteors over our heads from not suddenly crashing down on us, keep the floor and ground underneath us from not suddenly caving in, not allow the Sun to surprisingly blow up and incinerate Earth, keep atmospheric composition constant so we are not poisoned and suffocate, maintain the current tilt of the Earth on its present axis and the Van Allen radiation-belt magnetic shields operational, keep properties of float-when-frozen/vaporize-into-clouds H20 water consistent, keep photosynthesis working, keep our hearts beating and our blood flowing automatically, etc. He can be trusted (for all practical purposes) with other things also.
Not trusting Him for all these events and associated entities around us not only could but assuredly would cause ourselves to be paralyzed in useless, laughable, and accursed catatonic stupor.
As in all things, no one in their right minds wants to be gullible nor duped. And, if an ignorant person is enlightened by an informed person who knows what he is talking about and is talking about something real which exists and correctly (and hopefully thoroughly enough) describes the characteristics and properties thereof, it behooves the ignorant person to give the enlightened one the benefit of the doubt, so to speak, and at least admit to and acknowledge the possibility that the enlightened one is in the know -- especially if something vital for survival for both the enlightened one and the ignorant one is involved.
Such is the case with that very-real entity in existence known as "The Holy Bible" (which honest and open-minded scientists discover, admit the existence of, carefully observe and scrupulously study, and at least compare it with other known senses-detected reality around them for congruity or lack of it, and allowing for possibly-one-time-only bizarre happenings and even supernatural phenomena affecting the natural).
The prudent cannot flippantly disregard nor baselessly discredit Scripture, and if they try (and try hard enough) they will no longer be around to attempt to flippantly disregard nor baselessly discredit anything at all, as they understandably and thankfully will be deservedly deceased, leaving the educationally fair-minded and tolerant to continue on unabated.