Dear reader, let me get one thing straight, right off:
By the perhaps-strange title of this piece, I am - in no way - inferring nor insinuating that God (the LORD) is guilty of creating, communicating, or imposing what truthfully (instead of facetiously) is legitimately considered: "spam" - whatever the hell that is or isn't, and often-capriciously defined and/or mis-defined as.
I will get to that later on.
One of the Scriptural phrases which greatly disturbs me, and which I, more or less, literally apply (in my humble opinion) to what is very-soon forthcoming on and of the international scene, relating to our country America as a whole (and not necessarily as some as-yet-non-named "North American Union" (of Canada, the USA, and Mexico)....and even relating to the current pseudo-messiah-and-liar-in-chief Barack Hussein Obama (and the possible part he is perhaps likely destined to play regarding but also concerning the 13th chapter of the New-Testament book of Revelation) revealed in one translation of verse three of the following:
Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having Seven Heads and Ten Horns [Rev 17:12 = And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with The Beast - or "Animal"], and upon his horns Ten Crowns, and upon his heads the Name of Blasphemy.
Revelation 13:2 And The Beast who I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And The Dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
Revelation 13:3 And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, fatally wounded, but his mortal wound was healed. And all the world wondered about the beast.
Revelation 13:4 And they worshiped The "Dragon" [the Chinese especially can relate to that term] who gave power to The Beast, and they worshiped The Beast, saying, "Who is like The Beast? Who is able to make war against him?"
Incidentally, I like translating the Greek word autou (within the Revelation Text) as: "him" instead of: "it" - even though various so-called "translations" of the Bible exhibit a deplorable lack of consistency and precision in applying the correct pronoun. It probably is a throwback from Elizabethan/Chaucerian English-terminology vagueness (and even ludiocrity) in failing to differentiate between entities which are things or that -- in stark contrast to persons who are who instead of that.
The "his mortal wound was healed" group of English words is quite unnerving.
Why would God - the true Source of all healing and recovery to health - "heal" one of the survival-insuring heads of The Blasphemous Beast spoken of in the passage....the Main-Antichrist-To-Come himself? For what purpose or cause is that "head" healed?
America, in general, is on an evil roll which they will never recover from. That is evidenced by a majority of them electing the nigroid fraud they voted into the Oval Office.
They have already gone too far, and they are damned sure they do not want to repent nor go back nor both humbly and embarrassingly return to the Puritan discipline and restraint they were previously subjected to, but from which mis-called "repression" they rebelliously and defiantly freed themselves, forever disdaining and revoking such righteous "slavery" for now following the "freedom" of morality-devoid decadence.
Over 75% of american women flaunt indecently-hairstyled mopheadedness in winter, then sleeveless naked arms and nude legs and soxless toes in warmer weather or for mixed-gender sports [according to ancient photos, it was not so - back in the days of the Old West in the cases of our burka/hijab-like properly-attired great-great-great-great grandmothers!], and, consequently, willfully-posed-for porn is rife and reeking on the internet, and getting more targeted to tweens instead of teens, and more forcefully brutal and lewdly disgusting. Silently-sullen pigs at the casino-slot troughs of monetary drain are hung up having superstitious selfishly-greedy pie-in-the-sky-by-and-by delusions of expecting mini-to-maxi jackpot blowouts. Rebellious and mindless teens puff on their expensive-addiction show-off/pompous-ass worldliness, permeating and polluting the surround air with stinky tobacco stench poisonously fumigating the backs of buildings every coffee break they can to damage their and everyone else's lungs and whatever else, religiously mesmerized with myopic texting, craving the latest and fastest I-Pods and I-Pads, spamming each other with silly and non-essential childish chit-chat shorthand-reminiscent jibberish, frequently oblivious to the real world while transfixed with the rapcrap noise of vulgar boom-boom-bass blackies blaring into their earbuds.
Are not the following really beginning to happen at an accelerating rate?
Isaiah 44:20 He/She feeds on ashes; a deluded mind has led him [or her] astray, and he/she cannot deliver himself/herself or say, "Is there not a lie in my right hand?"
Luke 18:8 "...when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on Earth?"
Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts [not "love"] of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves,
1:25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen.
1:26 For this cause God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural,
1:27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.
1:28 And being that they did not think it appropriate to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and to improper conduct.
1:29 They were filled with all manner of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity, they are gossips,
1:30 slanderers, haters against [not of] God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, [ear-deafening sudden shriekers]
1:31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
Ephesians 4:19 they have become callous and have given themselves up to licentiousness, greedy to practice every kind of uncleanness.
I might be stretching it a bit, but there's a possibility that, related to the slowly-but-faster-ebbing "restraining power" being removed [by sundry sorts of Spirit-indwelt sources dying off and being increasingly suppressed] quasi-fatally wounding and to almost-mortally wound one of the heads of the Antichrist....there are (and will probably continue to be - at least for a while) a yet-influential-enough group of genuine Christians in America (be they also allied with pro-gun-possession activists, along with anti-porn and anti-abortion and anti-evolution groups, plus anti-cultic-islamic/pro-Israeli-Torah associations) who have, yet do, and will (in essence, and in various ways) be part of or complicit with inflicting a "mortal" wound into not simply the actual-body person of the coming to-be-stabbed-or-cut Main-Man Antichrist, but also his worldwide satanic system of anti-Christian/anti-Jew hatred bigotry, prejudice, slander-and-libel reviling, and suppression.
However (and lamentably?), it appears (according to Revelation chapter 13) that the Lawless-One's wicked forces (consisting of those bent on subjecting U.S. sovereignty to the antisemitic United Nations, will intensify their stifling and thwarting saints, with pro-homo/pro-abortion/anti-Christian-communication increasingly repressed by Obamanation which (it seems to me) is a strangely-tolerated and even increasingly-popular catalyst into the Revelation-predicted-and-prophesied Wicked One World Order, exacerabated and combined with more and more hedonistically-paganizing americans who, increasingly, cannot even tell a questioner what the books of the Bible are, much less attend church on Sunday mornings, but instead waste their time reviling the Christian right, thwarting saintly missionary speech in the inapplicable and scurrilous name of "imposing spam," while trooping to liquor stores to guzzle themselves into intoxicated stupor, waste meager paycheck increments on pull-tabs and casino slots, then being couch potatoes fattening themselves, lying on their non-creative butts in front of comfy-room boob tubes sucking in the relentless semi-porn barrage of indecently-hairstyled mopheads in serial programs and commercials, after which they self-atone by driving to health clubs to pseudo-righteously "work out" insufficiently, looking like caged gerbels rotely running within some spinning-wheel-going-nowhere exerciser).
Who knows -- perhaps with gasoline prices dipping to a record six-year low of under two bucks a gallon, and the consequential growth in spending prosperity that will follow that, resulting in non-deserved credit being surreptiously bestowed and deigned to and upon Hannity's "anointed one" (i.e. B.O. - formerly and yet known as B.S., or Barry Soetoro) -- we might (as incredible as it sounds) soon morph (if not already have morphed) into what Scriptural scholars term: 'the first half of the seven-year Antichrist Period' (the remaining half of which consists of horrendous Bowls-of-Wrath-devastation during the worse-than-Nazi-holocaust "Great Tribulation").
My speculative analysis concerning present-USA-condition association with the Revelation-chapter-13 passage might not be that "far off" - when one is reminded of the pseudo-"German"-but-born-in-Austria Fuehrer who many in pre-Nazi Germany presumed was merely a media-puffed spectacular-but-passing fad, intriguing though he was (in his vendetta against non-German-Christian-tradition rival-political-party atheistic communists at the time) to those he was at least somewhat appreciated by (e.g. non-pink-triangled-homos-in-concentration-camp-confinement German-church citizens, plus German industrial workers, experiencing the equivalent of lowered prices for gasoline at the pump from a pricey $3.85/gallon during the Pelosi/Reid regime to what is now nationally under $2.00 a gallon).
And Hitler got and took the credit for it, as probably the ecumenical master-of-Hitlerian-rhetoric and beneficiary-of-doggedly-perpetuated-racist-reparations foreign-born Barack Hussein Obama will also get and grab - in "spite" of a now-Republicans-controlled House and Senate, who, with their probably-will-do-nothing-significant-to-stop-Obama titular prominence and tentative slight majority, will simply instruct-by-chiding False-Prophet-predestined? Obama concerning how he can and will be more effective in his rise to global prominence and "getting the good life" for all Americans.
Speaking of foreign-born, it should be clear to most everyone by now (maybe even diehard anti-conspiracy twit Michael Medved), that so-called "President" Obama was never ever actually born in Hawaii, but instead in Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. If one puts the photo of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate (available to see in and and etc. etc.) into, one might find that, by now, there are at least 70 (yes, seventy!) places on the Web displaying that very same photo of Obama's real and non-green-form Kenyan birth certificate -- whether islamic-sharia-sympathetic Obama-feminist High-Court Kagan likes it or not.
Adolf did not all of a sudden appear out of nowhere, and neither did nor has Barack Hussein Obama. His entire life history, especially his radical change from a Catholic-trained Indonesian citizen and exported-to-Hawaiian-childhood sports-and-education training, then nefariously-credentialed foreign-exchange collegiate foreign-exchange student, then cigarette-smoking trouble-causing neighborhood-activist opportunist, to a seriously-studying suited yuppie shrewdly conniving and deceitfully finagling his way through Chicago politics against then-senatorial-candidate Alan Keyes, and beyond, has admittedly been one highly-talented and ambitiously-motivated dude (or brownie, in his case) who has sold his soul to the Devil and been given the glory and prestige Satan has gotten him into, despite his one-time hypocritically donning of a kippa "jewish" skull-cap within an Israeli holocaust museum, after which he conspires with Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other anti-Zionst ["palestinians"] to deprive Jews of establishing and peacefully residing at Israeli settlements within their own God-given land.
His very thus-non-deserved title of "President" (as popularity-idolizing Hannity and Medved and others mis-call him) is itself a blatant form of "spam."
But now, let's get to God, and after that, (until I reach the 30-32kb limit of Windows 98SE notepad-editing capability), the realization that as a Christian does not have to weep for not becoming employed by porno Playboy, and the resultant loss of a substantial income thereby, so no one has to castigate himself nor be in utter immobilized dismay that fascists at and their ilk associated with patsy censors at co-conspiring Excite and MyWay e-mail servicers, squelch Christian-missionary communications to all whoevers in the blasphemous accusation of mis-considering such [purportedly] being: "spam to the internet community" (whoever the hell "the internet community" is and is not).
It behooves bereaved outcasts to realize that "there are other fish in the sea" who will instead and thankfully be remarkably tolerant of conveying unique-albeit-sometimes-confusing-and-enraging Spirit-inspired end-time doctrinal dissertations and essays conceived and disseminated by arguably-authentic authors of the Lord Jesus Christ in these latter days.
So, let's get to God, and what He has done, relating or not relating to the concept of what the sane and sensible, not to mention law-enforcement police officers, would consider: "spam".
Evil people (such as I suppose the tyrants at and their conspiring comrades at Excite and MyWay webmail, and to some extent even arrogantly-self-righteous and nitpicky homo-atheists infesting leadership at and even or would randomly and capriciously define and mis-define "spam" as either or a combination of:
(1) even-one-time-only non-solicited communication from some dastardly violator, heinous criminal, or extremely-dangerous offender, out to irrationally irritate destined-for-eternal-damnation perverts, destroy common good, and both viciously and diabolically destroy the overall well-being of society in general, and/or
(2) non-solicited communication from some dastardly violator, heinous criminal, or extremely-dangerous offender, out to irrationally irritate destined-for-eternal-damnation perverts, destroy common good, and both viciously and diabolically destroy the overall well-being of society in general, of a "bulk" (whatever the hell that is and is not) or a "repeated" nature (whatever the hell that is and is not), and/or
(3) non-solicited communication from some dastardly violator, heinous criminal, or extremely-dangerous offender, out to irrationally irritate destined-for-eternal-damnation perverts, destroy common good, and both viciously and diabolically destroy the overall well-being of society in general, of either a "bulk" or "repeated" nature, or one-time-singular nature....of a "commercial" nature (whatever the hell that might and might not be misconstrued to be, either directly or indirectly).
So they are the of the breed who would condemn even the Creator for not first asking one (or more?) of His not-yet-existing-and-not-yet-created human creatures for prior permission to create them, let alone prior permission from them to create the pleasant and accommodating Earth-and-Universe environment for them to marvelously become endowed with, plus survive on and within.
Even for, or not for, any "commercial" purpose. [You "spamming" billboards-along-roadways,
ads-inside-magazines-and-on-radio-and-TV-commercials advertisers, listen up!]
But, why cannot God the Creator - in fact and in truth - be rightly accused of and duly punished for Himself being "spam" and - without first asking permission....becoming and still being the Divine Imposer and Causer of (shall we say) "Primal Spam" - supposedly "spamming" non-solicited Lucifer and also "spamming" his also-non-solicited angels-turned-demons, and additionally "spamming" non-solicited humans, for that matter - starting with Adam and Eve?
Well....first....God is The Boss. The BIG Boss. He does whatever He wants. He is omnipotent, all-powerful, and all-eternal (with no beginning and no end, and no way to destroy Him). What He says non-authorized "spam" is, indeed is non-authorized and intolerable spam - and nothing else, nothing more, and nothing less. No entity in existence can enforce any blasphemous charge of Him being or imposing "spam" - and live to tell about it - including the impious and irreverent putrid despicables, spewing out of their mouths like rancid diarrhea and fermented vomit (or from their vile and filthy typing fingers) judgmental accusations against (not of) God "spamming" by and with His Eternal Word (the Bible) and allowing proselytization by His missionary-type propagators of holy doctrines thereof.
And God, commercially or non-commercially, "pays" no regard to nor for those who object to (with censorship-intended forced-suppression blurbs of libel and slander relating to "spam") His incessantly and repeatedly and relentlessly reminding them of those sacred doctrines, over and over and over and over and over again.
Oh yes, do not consider God a fiend about that. He will eventually and ultimately give the separation-craving wicked the everlasting segregation away from Him and His which they they avidly demand and scream for - even if it results in them being forever suspended in Outer Darkness to the ages of the ages while being severely burned incessantly by those infamous invisible flames of The Lake of Fire. Those who accuse the Lord and His elect of "spam" deserve no less, and in one sense, the "blessed-to-them" alienation away from who and what they so vehemently despise with livid hatred, is "welcomed" (which I do not understand nor wish to understand), or at least "much appreciated" (even in view of the torment of the consuming flames to which they are eternally consigned).
Just consider. If a wife had to avoid "spamming" her husband by figuring out how to solicit him, yet not solicit him, for sex by her doing something other than "illegally" first asking him by herself, there would be a problem. How would he ever know that she wanted sex with him unless she first asked him? But according to the spammy prudes, she would not be allowed to first solicit him, with the threat of the marriage being temporarily if not permanently blocked with no outgoing e-mail communications from then on allowed. To simply stand back or lie down as a fearful-to-ask-and-thus-be-accused-of-spamming zombie would be counterproductive to the health of the marriage, yes?
And 'God forbid' if money exchange was suggested in the purported "spam"-like solicitation for sex between them. "I'll give you a dollar, or barter exchange the act for a dinner out, if you have sex with me now" might raise the depraved legalistic eyebrows of anti-spammer accusators. As Batman's Robin might exclaim about the proposed money exchange between spouses married to each other: "Holy Prostitution!"
Not only that, but "bulk" or "repeated" solicitations of alleged "spam" (in terms of her first asking him to first ask her to have sex with him), would be similarly unlawful according to and other fascist tyrants who similarly stifle and censor e-mail communication to whoever might or might not like the first encounter, and even those who liked the first solicitation and want more, but are afraid to counter-solicit for fear of being accused of "spamming" by the nutjobs at and their types even infesting the "anti-spam team" at, and to a lesser extent at, and even beginning to be a part of and other cowardly or heretically-apostate infidel deviates hopping on the Scriptural-messages-prohibiting bandwagon.
The software used by Excite webmail and MyWay email service is intrisically of good quality, and is one of the most efficient yours truly has ever seen. It rivels what now-defunct Lavabit had, which Lavabit software was phenomenally simple but extremely effective and user-friendly. It might be interesting to note that a certain "Pete S." of the Lavabit censorship team was notorious about what he misconsidered "spam" as did a threatening and suppressive counterpart at in the Twin Cities.
That and e-mail software, now demonically owned and/or mis-managed by does not or at least should not belong in their hands nor their ownership nor their management. Such software was and is a gift from God, not Satan (Satan and his devils never have and never will create and produce anything good, such as the DOS-and-not-HTFS/NTFS partitioning of Microsoft's Bill Gates) - but only commandeer it as thieving conquerors, sometimes with the approval of software creators who (like Steve Jobs of Apple and Mac, now understandably dead from cancer) got their ideas from the Lord but then turned on Him. Godless russian communists of the past have basically done the same, as did Japs who attacked Pearl Harbor: stealing innovative technology, material, and resources which they themselves did not invent but did recognize the value of for their oppressive purposes.