It Exists

One of the most intriguing passages of Scripture is:

Romans 8:29 (RSV) For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the first-born among many brethren,


Romans 8:29 (KJ21) For whom He foreknew [Gr. troegn(o)], He also predestined [Gr. tro(o)risen] to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Such is similar to the idea expressed in:

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations."

That last applicable-against-abortion-homicide verse, as is the case in the Romans 8:29 one preceding it, reveals a rather bizarre capability of God to have foreknowledge to prophesy and predict.

The word "predestined" involves not forcing someone in the future to do things against that someone's free-will choice, but instead at least involves future planning for that person regarding what the Planner wants done by that someone. Perhaps it also involves bizarre prediction of the choice that that someone using their freewill choice to choose relating to the Planner's intentions is going to make. Clearly, you (as readily as all pro-abortion murderers) can perceive that this author is nonmistakably pro-choice - with the understanding that the Creator did not concoct mere humanoid robots operating solely on sensory-directed instinct.

On what basis does the Creator have to ability to foreknow and predictively prophesy?

Well, before He created "the heavens and the earth" as recorded in Genesis chapter one, He obviously had imaginative plans in His proverbial head which He actually implemented into reality. Within such included His nearly-incredibly-sized knowledge of possible human-genetic combinations of parents to child, and - believe it or not - exactly which combination was to actually occur. Thus, a partial explanation of the opening two verses stated above.

Many of us are familiar with the reality-altering and reality-distorting Hollywood shenanigans of not only Rod Serling with his Twilight Zone episodes, but a host of Lucasfilm-assisted and other fairy-tale fables attempting to irrationally misrepresent reality and rewrite history. The moralistic and messianic parables of such special-effects supermovies might have an applicatory merit when associated with certain spectacular events written about in the Bible, but can also be considered blasphemous satanic substitutions one not only should be wary of but sometimes even entirely avoid:

Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Second Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders,
Second Thessalonians 2:10 and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
Revelation 13:13 It works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in the sight of men;
Revelation 13:15 and it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should even speak, and to cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.

Mankind's knowledge is more finite and limited, and - dissimilar to God's - is usually based on mere keen observation and prospective logical progression as to what has already existed and likely to reoccur (or instead even happen for the first time).

Let's consider some examples in Scripture.

How did Moses (the assumed primary author of the Pentateuch) know what limited-information details he wrote about Creation Week, when Moses was not even existing during Creation Week?

His ancestors had existed before him, and a vast conglomeration of verbal-tradition explanations and stories logically was sourced all the way back to Adam, which Adam apparently did articulate orally with his Creator God. Also, much of what Moses wrote down about regarding phenomena occurring before the birth of Moses was acquired as described:

Numbers 7:89 And when Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubim; and it spoke to him.

Nothing like getting the near-equivalent of voice-enhanced historic photos and videos of antiquity directly from The Voice of the LORD above the Ark of the Covenant.

With the LORD Himself originating and codifying the Hebrew alphabet with His own finger when etching the Ten-Commandment-tablets in rock on Mount Sinai, came the preservation of previous history and forthcoming predictions in various-language hieroglyphics.

Before that, the oral means of communication was apparently how the LORD told Noah about the Global-Weather-Changing, Never-Before-in-Earth-History, Cataclysmic Worldwide Flood which was to annihilate all life on the planet, except for that and those in a specially-constructed Ark.

But where did Joshua get the idea of commanding the Sun to stand still:

Joshua 10:12 Then spoke Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD gave the Amorites over to the men of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand thou still at Gibeon, and thou Moon in the valley of Aijalon."
Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
Joshua 10:14 There has been no day like it before or since, when the LORD hearkened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.

and Isaiah do similar action:

Second Kings 20:9 And Isaiah said, "This is the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will do the thing that he has promised: shall the shadow go forward ten steps, or go back ten steps?"
Second Kings 20:10 And Hezekiah answered, "It is an easy thing for the shadow to lengthen ten steps; rather let the shadow go back ten steps."
Second Kings 20:11 And Isaiah the prophet cried to the LORD; and he brought the shadow back ten steps, by which the sun had declined on the dial of Ahaz.
Isaiah 38:8 Behold, I will make the shadow cast by the declining sun on the dial of Ahaz turn back ten steps." So the sun turned back on the dial the ten steps by which it had declined.

One might speculate that the Earth temporarily stopped rotating on its axis for some passing-huge-asteriod-or-whatever-related cause, or that a very strange (albeit potentially-describable scientifically) refraction of sunlight occurred for a while in some limited-geographical area.

In either case, either Joshua and Isaiah - almost like witch doctors (if you will pardon me) - keenly perceived some strange and unusual scientifically-analyzable info to predict with which others did not know, or got some idea put into their heads by Divine inspiration.

Prophetic prediction need not always be said with an "...if the Lord wills..." blurb added, per:

Jas 4:15 Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and we shall do this or that."

The lunancy of legalistic heretics who insist on always mouthing such utterances lamentably has no limits.

Many times, the sane and sensible already know (for all intents and purposes) what the Lord's will is. For example, if one suspends a bowling ball in a fragile fish net by a heavy-duty kite-string rope over a common window-pane sheet of glass, one can safely predict that by cutting the rope with a scissors, the Lord's bowling ball will both fall down because of the Lord's gravity, and smash the Lord's windows pane to the Lord's pieces of shattered glass....with no need to blatter an additional: "...if the Lord wills." The Lord DOES will, obviously.

However, when predicting what the Lord will or will not do, one should keep an open and humble mind. To arrogantly presume that a desperate man raising his hands at the Red Sea will not result in the waters parting, that fire will not come down from the sky and burn to ashes a thoroughly-watered sacrifice and a couple squadrons of national-guard troops, that water will stay water without being changed into wine, that someone trying to walk on water will sink and drown, that a man born blind cannot be spoken into sight, that a sea storm cannot be spoken into calm stillness, and that the dead cannot be raised....could be quite embarrassing (whether or not one proudly proclaims he is a "dispensationalist").

Have you noticed the apparent complete absence of miracles recorded in the New Testament attributed to Jesus after His resurrection? (We are not talking about similar miracles performed by His Apostles after they received the promised Holy Spirit at Pentacost).

Now, we might assume that the Lord had enough time to do a least a few miracles as He did before His crucifixion and resurrection, such as giving sight to a few blind persons, feeding a large group with a small amount of fish, changing water into wine, and raising some dead here and there.

But no.....nothing.....except vanishing and reappearing, then ascending into Heaven after 40 days.

Matthew 12:39 But he answered them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
Matthew 12:40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
John 14:19 Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more, but you will see me; because I live, you will live also.

During His pre-crucifixion pilgrimage and ministry from age 30 through 33, His miracles were witnessed by both Jews and jews....perhaps. Possibly, only those who called Him 'Lord' actually saw Him do any miracles, and the remainder of jews merely saw the effects of those miracles and heard news reports from those Jews actually seeing the signs performed.

Such was also the case after His resurrection: only those who believed that He was 'the Lord' saw Him, and He appeared exclusively to them alone. He would not and did not appear to snotty and sassy feminist-sexist chauvenists, pseudo-scientific anti-creationists prejudicially and superstitiously given in to evolution-heresy mythology (those who replace the words "origins theory" and "origins theorists" with the words: "science" and "scientists"), nor those who chose abortion homicide, nor homogay effeminate and sodomites, nor seasonably-immodest porn-is-art perverts. Not only did the lack of faith prevent the evil ones from seeing Him, but their wicked works also precluded them from observing Him alive.

The first to experience His resurrection event were men stationed as terrified Roman guards, paid off by jews to lie and purport grave-robbing by secluded disciples hiding away in perplexity.

The same type of jews had questioned the man born blind who Jesus restored sight for. It would not have done any good to query the theory of "how" Jesus did such repair, and would have been pointless:

Pharisees: "HOW did he restore your sight?"
Healed Man: "Well, the scientific explanation involves a detailed dissertation into ocular physiology."
Pharisees: "WHAT is ocular physiology?
Healed Man: "Don't interrupt me. Let me continue."
Pharisees: "Smarty. Go ahead."
Healed Man: Well, it involves an integration of the cornea, the iris, the retina, the optic nerve...."
Pharisees: "Whoa - hold on there! WHAT is the cornea, iris, retina, and optic nerve?"
Healed Man: "You don't have a clue as to what I am talking about, do you? Ignorant tards. What is the point of elaborating further to you non-scientific pathetic ignoramuses?"

Little if nothing is said about Jesus and/or His disciples ever urinating, defecating, vomiting, or having a nocturnal emission. Come to think of it, ditto in the case of Bach and Einstein, and a whole lot of others. Pity. Such vital info is missing in the Bible. And a huge pile of history books. Oh yeah. Stuff that in your test tubes and shove it.

To all you fool atheists out there, who take pompous-ass pride whenever you can query the theory:

Does it not seem eerie when you stare and gaze at a dead human body in the casket? It is not obvious that something not of this world is missing in the totally-nonreponsive, all-alone-by-itself, not-able-to-be-disturbed corpse? Or, do you ever really think at all rather than simply blattering your despicable doubts and disbelief like first-class a-holes? We all get so used to life from births, to plants sprouting from dead and decaying seeds, that sometimes only by viewing death of a lifeform can we perceive and appreciate life given from the breath of God the Creator.

It is true that some Biblical statements are prophecies of "faith" - but such consist of scientific statements of rational and honest observation....every time they occur, and they always occur over and over without fail. So much so is the relentlessly-repeated repetition that for all intents and purposes "faith" becomes irrevocable: law:

Job 11:12 But a stupid man will get understanding, when a wild ass's colt is born a man.

The pseudo-"scientific" scoffers should read other statements of common-sense FACT which Biblical scientists Job and Solomon stated, before they mouth off with scurrilous and defamatory mocking and mindless ridicule.

For example, rather than presuming and blaming an allegedly-caprecious creator who is the business of tricking his creatures with surprise-attack whims by blurbilizing: "WHERE did my keys go?" (as if such grew legs or wings and sadistically took off to hide) is instead appropriate to blame faulty humans by stating: "WHERE did I misplace my keys?" Judge and condemn who should be judged and condemned! It is great for the inclusive diversity of impenitent and non-humble egotistical and selfish self-esteem.

Ecclesiastes 11:3 If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth; and if a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie. [The same applies for misplaced keys].

First Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the godless chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called "science....."

.....with or without comparison of carbon-14 radioisotope dating to potassium-argon dating of God knows what initial amounts were present and then what was mixed up with what during Noah's Worldwide Flood. Even a brief study in Geology 101 reveals the logic of the explanation and consequences of such a massive and turbulent Flood.

Proverbs 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.

To declare "I don't know" is questionable itself. It can show a publicly-stated lack of knowledge, which is not admirable nor to be respected whatsoever. Sometimes it reveals fear-of-man cowardice and mentally-ill oversensitivity to potential criticism or confrontation.

To those who "don't know," the answer is: FIND OUT. Then be honest about telling the truthful answer without obfuscation. And then for all you genuine and authentic scientists in the true sense of the word, there is that intriguing black Master Book chuck full of 66 canonical books of phenomenal enlightenment one cannot, with all open-minded and non-bigoted/non-biased due respect, be ignored and disregarded and believably contradicted with irrefutable proof. Those who embrace such Divinely-inspired knowledge are those who do not hypocritically and dishonestly steal from sources and inventors who have already accepted the truths of the Bible.