As to High-Court-discussed pros and cons concerning (and not
"regarding") the presently-adjudicated unconstitutionality of the
non-constitutional "Affordable Care Act" (commonly referred to as
Obamacare, or Obamacare), it should be noted that
United States citizens from coast to coast are not dependent upon
Obama nor his Obomination to supply and continue United States
citizens with amount and quality of free gravity, sunlight, and even
breathable air and drinkable water. Nor are they the
providers of good health.
Even if they, in some minute ways, attempted to regulate - with a
few concocted devices - and infinitesmally mis-adjust gravity,
sunlight, air, and water - and then, on top of that, impose taxation
and fines or penalties using that excuse - their phenomenally puny
and practically insignificant manipulations would not significantly
affect nor deter the entire planet's population from continuously
being provided with life-sustaining natural resources for survival
having been bestowed by their Almighty Creator.
It is possible, but would similarly be non-constitutional (as some
judges on the High-Court judges pointed out) enslave and constrict
Americans, with some kind of Individual Mandate, to commercially buy
cellphones for more prompt police and fire assistance, or
have to buy commercially-purchased burial or cremation
What makes ObamaScare anti-constitutional, and completely different
than widespread Social Security paycheck deductions for those having
Social Security affiliation with the United States Government
(in view of a general positive consensus of the vital usefulness of
such, particularly for seniors unable to get entrepreneurial
employment when in hospice), is that the Government
(and not any private, or group of private,
commercial companies or corporations), receives, processes, and
disburses Social Security benefits to those who have paid into
Therefore, a repeal and complete abrogation of Obamascare, replaced
by Scripturally-adjustabable and fraud-free cradle-to-grave Social
Security and Medicare provision, administered in totality by the
Government and not any private, or group of
private, commercial companies or corporations, is the appropriate
The monies needed for such would first and initially be supplied,
and adequate, by the amount saved by obliterating $500 billion
Obamascare, refusing service to illegal aliens, and withdrawing
foreign aid from countries who vote against America in the United
Nations, green-energy pork projects, and with militaristic
misdirected fervor blasting bullets and mortar rockets into the
barren and non-inhabited sands of Afghanistan.
It is a non-constitutional integration of church and state,
mosque and state, and synagogue of state . . . and a clear violation
against both the anti-Establishment and the Non-Prohibition Clauses
of the First Amendment of the Constitution . . . to designate
Obamascare to anti-Biblically fund anti-pregnancy
contraceptives for fornicators and adulterers and sodomites; pay for
abortion homicides; subsidize abusive and needless mammograms and
side-effects-causing pharmaceuticals for drug dependents who can and
should instead get their anti-toxin nutrients simply from a balanced
combination of trustful faith in God, moral obedience to his
Divinely-declared "Operating-Manual" directives, healthy foods and
drinks, adequate rest and sleep, plus sufficient exercise.
Health insurers make a profit by going on the assumption, and (in a
legitimate sense) gambling, that the premiums they get from
voluntarily-contracted customers will exceed expenditures to
those customers when such customers occasionally get mildly to
more-severely sick or injured.
But to force gaming-by-chance-similar health insurance
companies to insure everyone with so-called "pre-existing
[poverty] conditions," plus forbidding coverage limitation caps, is
like strong-arming managers who profit from legalized gambling
casinos to dole out jackpots to every pre-existing-poverty person who
enters and pulls slot-machine handles.
Those especially those who deliberately cause themselves (through
their own illegal carelessness and
irresponsibility) to have "pre-existing conditions" . . . and thus
to blame for handicapping themselves . . . must NOT be given a free
handout by sane and sensible, law-abiding, health-conscious citizens
would absurdly waste their precious and hard-earned incomes
mandatorily deposited into some universally-required
insurance-payments pool for antisocially hostile or mischievous
ne'er-do-well riffraff, and thus not "throw their pearls before
swine" nor "give dogs what is holy."
The New-Testament book of Acts tells about a sort of
Christian "socialism" where everyone shared everything
they had and no one called anything they owned their own. But
that plainly was a voluntary
option, and once it was "bought into" the understood
requirement was thereafter across-the-board sharing.
In that case, St Peter put it right when he stated to Ananias:
"While the profits of the sale of your property was with you, did it
not remain your own? But once you joined our Holy-Covenant-Share-All,
and supposed to declare all that you got from that property
sale saying that it was the total amount of that property
sale, when it was not the total amount, why did you
perjure yourself and lie about the amount withheld?"
Not everyone under Obamascare would be under obligation nor
forced to commercially purchase their own commercially-available
health insurance (and if not becoming penalized by the IRS), being
that those very poor whose registered (in contrast to
non-declared) W-4 income was under $3700 annually, OR receiving
nothing but up-to-$10,000-annually birthday or other gifts,
OR having their self-employment Form 1099 state that they earned
less than $400 annually . . . do not even have to file Form
1040 nor Form 1040A nor Form 1040EZ, along with those not living
with their spouses anytime during the year.
Even IF the IRS rules changed regarding those exemptions-of-sorts,
so that everyone had to declare ALL monies annually acquired
(including birthday gifts in non-serial-numbered coins
or bartered goods or services), the extremely poor
would, of necessity, be thrust into declaring complete bankruptcy
because of having to "pay their fair share" (whatever
that means or doesn't mean) into the Obamascare
insurance-coverage pool.
Moreover, the touted claims of purported current(?) "benefits"
of Obamascare, when it comes right down to it, are piffle
and relatively insignificant...even counterproductive often
"Free checkups and exams for 'preventative' 'care'?" (or is it
instead I.D.-disclosing and/or invasive abuse)?
"Free pharmaceutical drugs" to further debilitate addicted seniors
to eventual and cumulatively-fatal side effects, without them
simply relying on God-given natural remedies, good foods and drinks,
trust in God, and both sufficient rest and exercise?
WHO needs such? WHO actually uses such?
"Free mammograms" (which abusive procedures males thankfully cannot
have, but which generally-needless "nurse"-inflicted torture
actually causes more harm to women enduring and suffering through
such than they are worth)?
"Insurance coverage for [mature-adult 'children' up to age
26" (who are irresponsibly dependent upon their
financially-oppressed-and-overburdened parents)?
Why "up to age 26?" Why not up to age 37? Or 44? Or even 58?
Not everyone needs Obamascare coverage in case of a
rare heart or liver or kidney transplant, or
some other extraordinarily-expensive operation. Not
everyone becomes a crippled quadriplegic, with all the massive
financial drain that involves.
"Free colonoscopies" (which many times are fatal for older seniors)?
No more Social Security checks for them!
If the failure of some of us to eat individually-mandated broccoli?
makes us less healthy in a way that raises costs for others in our
insurance pools, then the failure of us to eat other types of
individually-mandated? vegetables, drink certain types of water,
breathe certain types of air, and expose ourselves to certain
amounts of sunlight also raises costs for others in our insurance
The judicial remedy against the enactment of non-constitutional
laws is for the High Court to deem them non-constitutional and
vote out the subversives who enacted such absurd and needless
None of the 50 states has ever required us to buy
individually-mandated? broccoli, cell phones, cars, eat other
types of individually-mandated? vegetables, drink certain types
of water, breathe certain types of air, and expose ourselves to
certain amounts of sunlight or anything else from the parade of
horribles offered by the challengers.
Does the Commerce Clause give Congress any power to ban
purchases of any product? If Congress has such power,
couldn't they enact outrageous laws prohibiting us from buying
broccoli, GM cars, cell phones, drink certain types of water,
breathe certain types of air, and expose ourselves to certain
amounts of sunlight or for that matter health insurance or
even health care?
If Congress could make us buy broccoli, they cannot make us
eat it. All they can do is force us to pay money to
arbitrarily-selected commercial sources to procure broccoli
and/or whatever else. Likewise, the health insurance mandate
does not require anyone to actually get or use medical
treatment. It only makes the already-impoverished pay