The word is actually: "obligated."
DOS-based Notepad editor only allows for eight alphanumeric characters, and I am irrevocably bound to the fetters of the blessed Bill Gates and his innovative and much-appreciated Microsoft wondercode.
To put it another way, for those who have the seen the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles:
"Mongo only pawn in game of life."
Are we humans under obligation to God the Creator in any way, for any thing? Is the abstract concept of "sin" written on any rock, tree, insect, bird, flower, water pond, or whatever? If not, do we have any obligation to manage the environmental entities from the Creator around us responsibly - not only for ourselves individually but probably even for other humans besides ourselves?
If we start a forest fire, with us trapped inside it, will we not burn to death, and painfully at that? If we pollute the Creator's drinking water in the Creator's nearby flowing stream, or someone else does upstream, will we not be poisoned and perhaps die a miserable death? If we jump off the Creator's benign cliff onto the Creator's sharp rocks in the Creator's ravine far below, will we not be painfully crushed to death by the Creator's gravity pulling and plunging us into a disastrous demise?
And who would be to blame for that? The Creator - because of His cliff, His rocks, His ravine, His gravity? Or instead would we be at fault for our own either ignorant or deliberate stupid carelessness or defiance against potential and likely consequences which should be quite obvious even to the dull of mind?
Speaking of constraints, God the Creator demands the least of all other constrainers (notably human ones).
When in international waters, out in the ocean, essentially without human boundaries or no-trespassing-sign partitions nor electric or barbed-wire fences or stoplights, there are - arguably - no Divine rules for survival, no taxes from the Lord, no angelic nor demonic police, no Bible-authors-influenced legislators, no naggy parents or teachers. There might be roving human pirates or passing ships in the distance (especially if one is inside a shipping lane) - which of course the Creator God occasionally allows.
But God the Creator is very easy going in not imposing typically-human-concocted-and-enforced demands from us on the open seas.
The actor Robert Redford found that out in his movie All is Lost, although having said that God the Creator is easy going and benign to have let Robert do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted it while on God's ocean without bothering or overtly distressing him as he sailed and drifted on, Robert would have been held accountable for not preparing himself by his being alone without a human sentry guard or adequate sensors watching out for whatever might come on the scene (such as a floating non-manned barge drifting into his yacht as he slept and punching a sizable-enough hole in the side causing his schooner to slowly sink, and concerning Acts-of-God storms Robert probably knew full well (or should have known) might arise on the ocean to exacerbate his slowly-sinking-watercraft dilemma in the movie.
We on land are not so lucky.
Even out west, like in Utah or Nevada, the sights of the barren land we observe as far as our eyes can see is owned by someone - if not the federal government, the state, and even the county of whatever such is situated within. That being as it is, such echelons of government have ownership and rules of occupation for and against whoever might venture onto their property - either to legitimately explore or illegally trespass thereon. And, of course, each of those echelons of government have military force to back up their ownership claims and rights (e.g. the Marines and Army, National Guard, federal marshals, country sheriffs, etc.).
It's even worse, or at least more constrictive, when one is on certain territories under certain circumstances and conditions - all of which is leading to answering the question of: "Are we humans under obligation to God the Creator for messing up His environmental entities or each other as "sinful" misbehavior we are responsible for, must be sorry and repentant about, and intend to never again commit such wicked infractions (under threat of both temporal and eternal punishment)?"
Two examples can illustrate.
When someone is on a football field in a football stadium during a football game, there are numerous and strict rules for having one's body on such specially-designated limited-expanse territory.
One must wear a football uniform, which uniform must consist of helmet and socks and shoes and pants and shirt of certain colors and designations, or if a referee, must wear the zebra-striped shirt with appropriate pants and shirt, socks and shoes. Referees are not allowed to grab the football when the football players only are authorized to grab it. Referees are not allowed to place themselves behind the rear end of the hiker in the lineup of either of the two teams. There are closely and consistently-enforced rules for all of them. The referees must watch to detect and bravely signal illegal moves by football players. Football players themselves have strict time limits and placement limits as to where they can legitimately be and when they can be there. Penalties are given for offsides, roughing the kicker, clipping, delay of game, unsportsmanlike conduct, holding, and pass interference.
The other example is more applicable to civilians on any public highway, which highway is closely monitored by police and sheriff squad cars. There are rigidly-enforced speed limits, and arrests courageously and promptly given against those who recklessly swerve on the road, run red stoplights and/or stopsigns, interfere with pedestrians in crosswalks, make illegal turns or other right-of-way violations, violate noise ordinances, drive without license plates or expired tabs, headlight or tail light out, and so forth.
As I said earlier, God the Creator is a lot more easygoing, and His rules for humans to survive are generally more obvious and less constrictive than what humans sometimes capriciously concoct, impose, and haphazardly enforce or not enforce.
It should be clear that since God is the Creator, He owns the entire planetary territory He created. It also should be plain that we humans are taking it upon ourselves to reside wherever on His planet. Aside from such obvious human survival obligations as us not jumping off a cliff, nor running headlong at full speed into an immovable big rock or sizable tree, nor stealing bear cubs out of a den, nor sticking our fingers into a busy beehive, there are requirements for living with other humans pertaining to not merely a tit for tat simplisticality or "do unto others as you would have them to unto you" basis, but much more.
It must be admitted and acknowledged that God the Creator has NOT considered it adequate for us to be without a written Operating Manual for Humans. His Divinely-inspired Bible exists, and one cannot rightly deny it. And upon reading the logical and insightful contents thereof, immediately apparent is the human survival and satisfaction value of what is contained within Holy Writ, and how it very specifically and succinctly applies to all of us humans.
It speaks of things of the past (albeit sometimes bizarre and quite unusual) which, by default, yet apply to us all - and cannot be reasonably disproven. Referring "THE Son of God" as THE Creator of the planet Earth and the entire contents of the Universe for that matter, His temporary incarnation in finite human form, His doctrinal teachings similar to what Biblical authors Moses and David and Solomon and other prophets wrote, plus His understandable compensatory-for-Eden's-Tempter/Tree-stumbling-blocks sacrificial death as sins-atoner, along with His resurrection and ascension up to Heaven where He came from . . . we are - by default - subject to all such phenomena as citizens of that other-than-Israel foreign country called "America" speaking that other-than-Hebrew foreign language called "English" under the immutable auspices of the timeless intentions of such Son of God for all humans who ever lived, now live, and will live.