Prove It!
ATTENTION: Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Taliban,
Baathists, Islamic Courts Union, Al-Shabab, Al Qaeda, and ISIS
Pardon the phonetic vernacular, but as executioners in the name of alluh, and his profit mohummid, in compliance with the core-on, it is acknowledged that you have a fervent jealousy for promoting the cause of izlahm as passionate muzlimz, especially against satanic infidels who despise the patriarchal platitudes of shareea law.
It behooves you, however, to consider being very discriminate who all you target for precise and drive-by snipings, throat cuttings and beheadings.
It has been stated in the New Testament of the sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian Holy Bible that [genuine and authentic Christians] "are the temple of God, and if anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him."
The dire import of such Divinely-inspired warning cannot be overemphasized.
It is reminiscent of what the Japanese commander said as he silently sat receiving the news that the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in the early 1940s had been successful:
"I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve."
Admittedly, your revulsion against apostate americans who have rejected common-sense interpretation and literal application of Torah Law and other sexually-oriented prime directives of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in both testaments of the Christian Bible...who then have also reviled, slandered, libeled, and blasphemed the secondary substitute of sharia quite understandable.
Merciless cultural cleansing and bloody purging is clearly what is most seriously and promptly needed, and all of you honorably-intense, ideologically-purified, holy-warrior soldiers of action within the above-stated titled groups are in a unique position in the current world situation to quickly, decisively, and effectively put that into very real practice - to the shock and dismay of terrified hedonistic pagan wimps and confused cowards who in fact have absolutely no fortitude nor organized recourse to do anything against it but rather simply fall back into frightened retreat.
What is adamantly proposed is the very urgent and expedient suggestion that your hit list be quite narrowly limited not to real Christians (however you might cogently determine and astutely discern who is, in contrast to who is not, a bonafide Christian or Jew), but instead to female american "mopheads" -- wherever and whenever they happen to be and happen to be seen in general public view.
What is meant by female (human) "mopheads" is: those girls and women who are casually roaming around with the long hair of their head hanging loose below mouth-level, causing declared or non-declared senseless and visually-abusive non-asked-for sexual harassment against hapless male victims sorely oppressed and pitifully defiled by such irresponsibly-seductive perpetuators of randomly-imposed solicitation for non-wanted adultery.
Such righteous executions must be done with impeccably-careful planning and studious caution, being that investigation from demonic-cohort sexist-feminist and lesbian conspirators within the BCA, FBI, other local and state and federal law-enforcement personnel is likely to threaten, endanger and hamper your noble socially-beneficial endeavors against the vile-vermin filth of obscene female humans pseudo-ignorantly or deliberately-and-defiantly flaunting loose long hair hanging below mouth-level when in mixed-gender general public view.
Ironically, you will have tacit moral support from even authentically-orthodox Chabad and Lubavitch rabbis, not to mention innumerable Sunnis and Shiites widely dispersed all over the Middle East, in London, plus the faithful within mosques and outposts of CAIR in most major American cities - all funded by the Saudis.
A Judeo-Christian rationale and basis for executing only those pseudo-"christian" female humans who are polluting the populace indiscriminately at their porno-mopheaded whims is inferred and referenced in the Revised Standard Version and New American Standard Version renditions of punishment-for-suspicion-of-adultery Numbers 5:18 (in context), swords-drunk-with-blood Deuteronomy 32:42, husband-alone-with-his-own-bride bodily-exhibitionism descriptions of Song of Solomon 7:5 in context, and First Corinthians 11:14-16 where the Text has the realistically-understood pre-context meaning that the churches of God do not have such a custom of allowing a woman to misregard the display of her glorious long hair as adequate for a prayer covering or veil.
Already well-known and thankfully publicized by American media is the most-admirable and consistently-zealous magnificent modesty of islamic fundamentalist girls and women marvelously attired in burkas and hijabs. The equivalent of such used to be the norm rather than the exception within the United States from its founding in the late 1700s up until around 1910 or so.
The pilgrim-pioneer puritans of the Old West wore their bonnets and scarves, or with long hair tied into a back-of-head single ponytail or into an up-do chignon or bun......and consistently graced themselves in true-ladylike splendor with long-sleeves blouses and dresses, always having on long and non-slitted skirts, plus socks underneath their boots...when in general mixed-gender public view.
Most Americans have old-tyme photos of their great-great-great-great-great grandmothers to prove that they certainly were decently dressed that way.
And very-modestly-dressed Amish yet reside within America in various but sparsely-remote places, as do old-order Catholic nuns fully dressed in their sectarian-religious "habits."
So, in summary, you would do well to direct your welcomed executionary expertise only to the aforementioned mopheaded females infesting this great nation of free opportunity, separation of mandatory church/synagogue/mosque denominationalism from State, and non-forced religious beliefs involving neither congressional religious establishment nor congressional religious prohibition (for both those of the government and those governed) -- congruent with obvious and honestly-admitted intents of the sovereign Creator of all who engrained into His natural environment plainly-understood moral-decency-of-attire structure for species survival, contentment, fulfillment, and happiness which cannot be ignored -- mandating the sane to quickly and non-compromisingly counteract facetious attempts to abrogate such absolutes, with vain and futile diversions against civilized-hairstyle discipline only and always invariably resulting in personal disasterous demise thankfully accomplished against aberrant contrary-immentality mopheaded-in-public deviates.
Ancient enlightenment contained within in the New-Testament part of The Holy Bible is immutable and irrevocable:
Revelation 17:16 And The Ten Horns that you saw, they and The Beast will hate The Harlot; they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire,
Revelation 17:17 for God has put it into their hearts to carry out His purpose by being of one mind and giving over their royal power to The Beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.
As you recall, Adolf Hitler rightly incarcerated known homosexuals, identified with pink triangles displayed on their prison vestments, in concentration-camp confinement (of which the German Church was appreciative but silent), but that was only a foreshadowing of what the blessed passage above ultimately bespeaks of.
All who are rational and sensible on the planet earnestly desire brave and courageous chosen servants of G-d to...with sacred and holy discernment....exterminate female mopheads of Beelzebub one by one, awaiting with eager anticipation complete performance of their eventually-execute-all-female-mopheads assignment in obedient divine allegiance to doing their part in causing that holy prophecy to come to pass.
Reading through the Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian (Old-and-New-Testaments) Holy Bible, the cogent and open-minded reader quickly ascertains that The Creator of all things is semantically said to have had, and yet has, interactive-with-His-created-entities personality, feelings of emotion (e.g. love, hate, jealousy, etc.) plus symbolically-spiritualized body parts similar to His human creatures (e.g. eyes, ears, arms, heart, etc.).
Actual physical body parts and functioning thereof were and yet are, of course, attributed historically to that unusual humanoid named The Son of God, Jewish-geneology Jesus Christ - said, by Jews-authored Scripture, to have been born of a sexually-virgin Jewish woman with Biblically-detailed geneology, talked and walked and ate like other humans, died by Roman-soldiers torture instigated by a band of jealous and impenitent jews on a wooden cross, was supernaturally resurrected back to life shortly thereafter, then ascended into Heaven in the sight of credible Jewish eyewitnesses who, again, authored much of the New Testament of The Holy Bible.
Non-gullibly determining whether the entire (not merely selectively-pick-and-choice-partial) contents of canonical Scripture (previously defined as such and not under the name of the Qur'an nor Koran), is either completely true or instead completely a crucial decision which each human, upon becoming fully aware of what is to be accepted or instead rejected, chooses not simply (1) on the basis of eventually-irrefutable and overwhelming evidence (for or against) directly based upon their own sovereign sensory investigation, but also (2) whether they like or do not like what they discovered and found.
Rational non-facetious human creatures conclude -- after exhaustive-enough research integrated into a plethora of remembered and applicable-to-the-situation experiences correlated with perception by sensory detectors (of sight, sound, touch, etc.) -- that all the words of inerrant original-Hebrew-and-Greek Text canonical Scripture (from the beginning of first-book Genesis to the ending of last-book Revelation) are completely and totally valid and concordant with all myriad manifestations of perceived reality which humans have become aware of -- without exception.
That is something even a HAL9000 or Twin-9000 computer of Space Odessey notoriety can boast of.
They have no reasonable alternative but to assuredly, honestly, and confidently deduce and declare such - realizing that the probability of the sensibility of the record of Scripture stated in writing, already scrupulously tested and found believable by the severist critics to have ever emerged from the confines of the human womb from the time the actual events historically greater than the probability of what was stated in writing being mere mythological tale which never really, in fact, happened or existed.
Such normally-expected conclusion is seamlessly tied in with the fact that - to the current and present knowledge of each fair-minded human - The Creator has never ever made one single mistake (even the most infinitesimal one) in all accumulated written history of humankind, both of sacred and secular types.
Blessed are those who have never seen invisible gamma radiation, the dark side of Pluto, oxygen, gravity, the inside of the belly of the whale which swallowed Jonah, plus the risen-and-ascended Christ....and yet believe in them all (not necessarily inferring or insinuating that those either requiring or experiencing visual, audio, and tactile proof for verification are not blessed).
That is not to say that certain ignorant or willfully-deceptive-and-dishonest humans have not (accidentally or deliberately) concocted and fabricated misrepresentative reports, claims, and non-truthful/non-factual revisionism.
Apart from those despicably-misleading conjectionists, myriad manifestations of past and present phenomena in the past and present environments, both micro and macro, have impeccably and immaculately proven completely congruent with the total Textual record of Holy Writ.
So, does "we walk by faith and not by sight" yet apply -- being that non-contentiously-accepted proof regarding (not "concerning") The Creator's Record of perfection is non-deniable fact and acknowledged without reservation by human lifeforms not known to make it their life's ambition to lie nor deceive with devious and dishonest misrepresentation and disinformation surreptitiously self-committed in a self-destructive and antisocial vendetta and crusade to presume and propagate false and misleading illusion against plainly-revealed will-of-The-Creator actual reality?
Yes, trust based on the Scriptural Record is very much involved -- not in some self-deluded presumption (not "assumption") that non-discoverable tidbits of The Creator's past perfect record back into eternity are not absolutely impeccable -- but by those destined for salvation and not damnation who assume (not "presume") that The Creator not simply has never, is not now, but will never ever commit even the slightest error or inconsistency sometime or anytime in the future.
Walking by "faith," of necessity, requires assumption (not "presumption") that the up-to-now always-consistent Creator will continue to always be completely consistent.
In stark and pathetic contrast, Satan and his demons -- along with like-insanity, non-humble, pseudo-omniscient, egocentric, self-righteously-doubting/questioning/disputing, accusatory, and rebelliously-defiant humans (all of who disdain God's rightful authority, benevolent-environment-providing characteristics and attributes) -- presume (not "assume") that sometime in the near or distant future The Creator might and perhaps will exhibit even the slightest inconsistency, flaw, weakness, mistake, or error - enabling them to then gleefully overturn and overthrow Him, with universally-unraveling chaos and judgment-free escapist non-existence the consequential outcome.
Both the righteous and the wicked sin now and then, and both predictably, understandably, and invariably suffer the negative consequences thereof.
But why they sin, in terms of intrinsic motivation, is vastly different and completely contrary to each other.
It goes far beyond the retort of: "Because I can" - in response to a "why/how-come?" query, and further bottom-line follow-up of: "Because I want to do what I can" response to the added question of: "Why do you do what you can?"
The wicked aggressively ask for sin in all sorts of forms, applaud it when they find it as sassy asses, go looking for more with the arrogant and irreligious worldly intent of defiantly disobeying the authority of God The Creator, His environmentally-structured morality, and His Christian-messenger missionaries accurately and conscientiously conveying His Biblical imperatives.
The righteous, in thankful opposition, do not aggressively seek sinful misbehavior which they already and succinctly realize displeases the God who loves them and who they love back.
Typically devoid of adversarial motivation maliciously disregarding God simply to spite Him, the lamentably-fallible are targets for non-solicited seduction by satanic agents of hateful intolerance, offering faithless and defiling diversions of pseudo-fulfillment intrusively thrust non-censored at such saints.
Thus incited, hapless-victim elect belonging to Jesus, cave in - like Eve in The Garden - temporarily resorting to guilty-conscience indulgence in response to sometimes-new-and-novel terroristically-surprising ploys of perverts promising immediate relief gratifying previously-non-asked-for stumbling-block demands of enticement which they themselves sadistically imposed.