Proflective Views Dissert


Deliverance from the Damnable Sin of Sodomy

[ not affiliated with Raw Creek Miseries ]

America has been and yet is pathetically defiled by the sinners of homogay and homosodomite abomination and immoral compromise.

The lurid abyss following disregard and aversion against Judeo-Christian family values and fear of God inevitably leads to species destruction and extinction.

To brainwash children in their early development that all choices of correct and incorrect behavior are equal is outright insanity. God's incepted and growing children are both His and our prized possession, and to mis-train them in an environment without Biblical values and Scriptural morals is despicable and irresponsible foolishness of the worst type.

Both boys and girls must be taught the traditional, sensible, reasonable, and Biblically-based dictionary definitions of marriage, husband, wife, concubine, spouse, fornication, adultery, sodomy, man, woman, male and female, and so taught to respect and be content with their God-given gender apportionments.

The foundation values of orthodox Christianity are arguably the most influential ones on the planet, and always have been. America has been so thankfully rooted in such values until the last few decades that our nation has been the envy of the world. That legacy of freedom with responsibility has been the mainstay.

Nothing can compare with humiliating degradation imposed by shameful homosodomites. They diabolically warp and twist the very essence of rationality.

The homogay (i.e. homoeffeminate) and homosodomite lifestyle and activist advocacy thereof has even sunk downward to promoting transvestitism, bestiality, forced bondage sex, and is yet decending into even more severe cruel and inhumane anti-erotic ruthlessness. It is no wonder than many of you are repulsed by such deviant depravity. It is gutter filth which makes the righteous sick and breaks their hearts.

God did not create that mess, nor ever intended it, although He is responsible for allowing it with the temptational incentives and free-will choice resources present all the way back to the Garden of Eden - a quasi-perfect environment lamentably polluted even then with the Tempting Serpent and the lethally-poisonous Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He would have been accursedly sadistic and anything but praiseworthy had He not have had and provided a gospel Contingency Plan, previously suspecting the peculiar proclivities of perverts perambulating where they were not authorized to perambulate and curiously exploring what they were commanded to not curiously explore.

It is unfair to misconstrue a homosexual man or woman as being "made that way" or "born that way." To assert that diabolical and detrimental heresy is to unfairly fault the Creator, and remove all hope of rectifying change for the better, impotently breeding both despair and gloom - presuming that homoqueers and homofaggots are involuntarily second-class citizens.

Lutherans stress that we all are "born into sin" and David reminded us that "in sin did my mother conceive me." But such "original sin" never was and is no excuse for choosing to choose wickedness when one reaches the age of accountability.

It is true that, in God's predictive and prophetic foreknowledge, He destined most humans (on the broad and easy road to destruction) for damnation based on their own sovereign and free-willed decision to to choose the choice of becoming and being homosexual or whatever with reduced life expectancy, and destined others for salvation based on their own sovereign and free-willed decision to to choose heterosexuality plus more, and live out all their intended days without self-caused impoverishing AIDS, bitter regret, and insidious mortal demise.

The truth is that deliberately-errant humans were created with the potential to obey and accommodate with the natural-survival precepts innate within all of God's creation. They all have the same opportunity. Equal opportunity is a Divine gift from the Everlasting Father of all.

But to have respect for willful deviates is called "sin." The Bible states that those who are so prejudiced are transgressors against the Law, illegally and unrighteously discriminating against the righteous while favoring the homoeffeminate and homosodomite wicked.

Again, the Lord made us all with equal opportunity, and only in that sense is there "equality" in the diversity of those capable of creating God-inspired works of wonder enabled by a plethora of sundry dreams, visions, and skills.

But all this wealth of abilities does not compare with the capacity to reproduce our own human kind - something every aberrant committing the crimes and sins of abortion homicide, relegation to immodest warm-weather exhibitionism, consequential porn, and selfishly posing for it, evolution mythology, and especially homosexuality, is pitifully self-handicapped and self-crippled.

Homodeviancy does not honor the God of Creation who originally made all things to enjoy for those formed in His own morally-cognizant image of body, spirit, and soul.

Both His and our sons and daughters contain the inherited genes and origin of their ancestors, which progenie by conception are new life in partnership with Almighty God.

But to insinuate that He forced inherently-defective persons to be imbedded with wayward sexual inclinations against His originally-intended ultimate motive is to misconstrue that those individuals are grievously mandated to non-solicited and non-asked-for annihilation against their will, and therefore incapable of being full expressions of God's creative genius.

It behooves the considerate to be reminded that God is not unfair to anyone.

Jesus Christ can make all persons whole, and the message of the Bible is one of all for hope - if they themselves choose to agree to be made whole under non-alterable Scriptural conditions immutably set within Holy Writ.

Vital it is to realize that every human has sinned and come short of the glory of God. No man or woman can adequately reflect the glory of God unless and until their lives are changed by the redemptive power of the atoning blood of Jesus. Every human on Earth must meet at the same place: beneath His cross. Those who do are genuine saints in the actual Church of Christ Jesus, and anyone who presumes that defiant homosexuals are equal to and in partnership with such elect are only fooling themselves and a sadly-laughable absurdity.

We all need to be reconciled with Jesus Christ and His infallibly-life-sustaining set-in-stone Rules concerning whatever self-imposed sin has separated us away from His companionship and assistance. We all must be "born anew" which is to also say: "born from above" -- transformed into a "new creature in Christ" as a supernatural "act of God" so that "all things become new."

Whether the sin is prostitution, lying, getting and being drunk, committing fornication or adultery [ not: "affair" ] or homosexuality, or simply being a semi-good-but-never-completely-perfect person, the grace of God is only made effective by our complete morally-penitent-and-obedient cooperation. The relieving experience of this mercy from the Lord occurs in various means and times for each individual, but the same God loves and forgives all penitent persons intending to never commit any of their sins ever again.

Even despicably-deplorable homosexual men and women can be completely changed for the better, but there are simple but expedient things they must do (and we all must do regardless of our particular pet sin:

We must confess to God the Father that we are sinners, and not blame our sinful mistakes (instead of mere "oopsies") completely on duress caused by evil-spam-imposing wicked who have exacerbated the problem by inciting us to deviancies - whether or not we were molested or taken advantage of by supposed friends or whoever should be faulted. We must come to God confessing our own personal failures, being that everyone must answer for themself. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Required we are to "come clean" with ourselves, without hypocritically excusing ourselves by blaming those who should also be blamed with scurrilous finger-pointing. It really involves what some homosexual enemies against God and Christians call: "coming out of the closet" in penitently expressing desire to be free from bondage to homosexual and any other type of sin. We must extricate ourselves out of the slavery of indecency, and into the freedom of responsible sexuality in all legitimately-imaginative and innovatively-open-minded manifestations thereof.

To repent means to forever turn away from desire and intention to commit lewd acts, and to become and forever be repulsed by the former indiscretions of rebellious ignorance. It entails not being curious to investigate bad-reputation sources and situations which would, in all probable cause, lead us into irresistible temptation.

The power to do that resides in the never-changing Word of God and our concordant willingness to honestly comply with it:

"Know you all not that the non-righteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (homogay), nor sodomites (not merely self-sodomizing masturbators but also those licensed for so-called "gay marriage" which instead actually is licensed for homosodomy unions), nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards (who abuse themselves with alcohol and not abuse alcohol itself), nor revilers (against Falwell and His right-and-not-wrong-wing political saints), nor extortioners, will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you, but [because you repented in the true sense of the word] you all were and are washed, you all are sanctified, you all are justified, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." (First Corinthians 6:9-11).

We must believe that the cleansing blood of a crucified and risen Christ shed on a cross around 2000 years ago over in the Middle East is what has removed the complete penalty of all our sins - in the determination and estimation of the Creator God who currently owns us, our God-created bodies [not merely "our own"], and His planet we hopefully are not presently trespassing upon.

Jesus came not only to condemn religious hypocrites plus the sins and associated defiant sinners hung up on perpetuating such, but to proclaim and fulfill the Law Himself which He taught and expounded upon in even more detail to His followers, and gently demands that we do the same with power and willingness from and of His Spirit. "You must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect." NO mistakes - ever! "Why do you call me "Lord" and do not do what I tell you" - yet very much applies to all of us here in America in 2015.

The pardon from His shed blood is the most powerful restoration factor known to humanity. The Biblical record and church history relating to that is full of evidence.

It can truly be asserted: "If we say that we have fellowship with Him, yet walk in [homosexual-and/or-other-sin] darkness, we lie, and do not do the truth. But if we walk in the [ANTI-homosexuality/abortion/evolution/antisemitism/indecent-exposure/porn/sexist-feminist] light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have [had] no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess [and reject!] our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us away from all unrighteousness." (First John 1:6-9).

Unless one blasphemes the Holy Spirit, there is no depth or type of sin the Lord cannot lift us out of.

Do not rely on a substitute picture, vision, theory, superstition, ritual, relic, self-help idol or craved-indulgence . . . but rather seek Biblical inspiration of and from the Jesus who is revealed in The Bible. As we read and accept that Word, we then are able to do the things absolutely necessary to becoming reconciled and reformed, as we totally surrender to Him, His Words, and His will expressed by such.

When we get to Heaven eventually, we will exist in a state of glorious fulfillment after temporal earthly things have passed.

Shameful it would be for anyone to strive for perishable physical gratifications and cravings so much as to miss the heavenly thrill of everlasting holy rewards within the company of redeemed forever consigned to never-ending righteous joy and sacred bliss.

There will be NO pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church.
The ONLY Rapture of living saints in general will occur AFTER The Millennium
when the heavens and Earth are annihilated in fervent heat,
when both dead saints and dead sinners are resurrected to stand
on Judgment Day in the presence of the King on His Great White Throne.

copyright: Public Domain