[a.k.a. Presumptions of a
Haven't you heard
The Pre-Tribber's news?
The Upcoming Wrath
Is only for Jews?
Errantly parsing
The Scriptural Text,
Who knows what illusions
We wimps think up next?
WE are SO Special
The Gentile Church;
Contented we stay
Not out on a lurch.
WE will not die
We PRE-Tribbers sigh;
WE will be Snatched
In the Sweet By and By.
When WE'RE Whisked Away
In the blink of an eye,
THEN Antichrist comes
While WE'RE safe on High.
WE'RE not The Saints
To Trib-Wrath consigned;
No prison nor sword
Will us Churchfolk bind.
No need to be anxious
No cause for alarm:
OUR heads will not roll
By Antichrist's harm.
Who knows when The Rapture
Will terminate goals?
Be urgent for nothing,
We'll BYPASS The Bowls.
God's Wrath comes on Earth
To counter their mirth;
While we're up in Glory
Escaping the dearth.
The Antidote
THE Rapture will happen
As White Throne descends;
When Earth is dissolved
God's prophet contends.
The Goats and the Sheep
Will no longer Sleep;
The Trumpet Call beckons
Their destiny keep.
At last will the living,
Caught up with the dead,
Respond to The Judge
With joy or with dread.