Saint Peter wrote two epistles which are contained in the canonical 66-books Judeo-Christian (Old-and-New-Testament) Holy Bible.
The second of those begins with:
1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ,
2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,
3 according as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue,
4 through which He has given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, so that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
4.5 Speaking of lust, congregant and visitor modesty requirement will be posted on the outside entrance doors of church buildings.
Congregants and visitors who try to enter church sanctuaries past service starting times will be refused admittance.
Particularly-female congregants and visitors who are immodesty misdressed with indecently-hairstyled loose long hair hanging below mouth-level, and/or are exposing nude arms with sleevesless garments, and/or are exposing naked legs with shortened shirts or shorts, and/or are exposing parts of soxless bare feet in flipflops or sandals will not be allowed by security guards to enter the sanctuaries.
Once admitted inside the sanctuaries, and during any part of the services therein, any congregant or visitor - especially those of the inferior gender - who becomes misattired or misattires themself with indecently-hairstyled loose long hair hanging below mouth-level, and/or are exposing nude arms with sleevesless garments, and/or are exposing naked legs with shortened shirts or shorts, and/or are exposing parts of soxless bare feet in flipflops or sandals - will be asked by security guards to promptly relocate to the back of the sanctuary, and those who fail to comply will be forcibly removed from the sanctuaries by local police on grounds of creating a public nuisance against church policy and for trespassing.
In verse 1, note that the greeting identifies the author in typical Roman-culture letter-writing style, and that author obviously is Simon Peter. Interesting it is that he does not merely call himself "Cephas" or "The Rock upon which the Church is built," but makes himself known by the common name used when he denied knowing who Jesus was for fear of the people near the time of Christ's crucifixion, and by which temporary-scared-liar name (i.e. "Simon") Jesus, after His resurrection, queried Peter as to whether Peter had at least brotherly love for Jesus.
Such a past but repentant failure (i.e. Peter) now termshimself an "apostle." The impudence, arrogance, and gall of it all? No, Pete accepted the call of the Lord, so now he is a bonafide "saint" on the inevitable road to improvement as much as his God-given resources allow (and obviously was more than the at-least-slight-improvement exhibited by the Dying Thief on a Cross.
Peter includes other formerly-errant-but-now-penitent failures in verse 1 witht the phrase "those who have obtained like-precious faith with us." ["I get by with a little help from my friends!"]
And how is that precious faith "obtained?" Working for it . . . or instead receiving it as a gift? It is acquired "through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ." A sure bet - knowing Christ's impeccable reputation and record.
The phrase: "of God and our Savior Jesus Christ" has multiple meanings - both of which are true, in a sort of win-win situation. God and Jesus Christ are separate persons of the Holy Trinity, and at the same time God is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is God. [Remember what Rudolf Hess said after Hitler's stirring speech: "Hitler ist Deutchland, und Deutschland ist Hitler." Nuf said about that.]
In verse 2, how is "grace and peace multiplied to us?" Through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ, is the answer. That, of course, of necessity involves educational info gotten from the Word of God, the Bible.
In verse 3, notice that we who have been given "all things" by His divine power have "been called" - and therefore are by no means "self-appointed."
The situation is somewhat similar to a copper wire or an electromagnet. The wire cannot energize itself, but instead electricity applied to it causes it to become energized as long as that electricity energizes it. Same with the temporary magnetism of the electromagnet.
Notice in verse 4 that the "great and precious promises" referred to probably involve future prophecies and predictions of Christ's Holy Spirit who causes belief in what normally could only be believed by actually seeing whatever should be believed, plus predictions of Christ's blessing and His coming resulting in our physical rescue and restoration, and eternal bliss with Him in Glory.
The phrases "might be" [in contrast to "will be?"] "partakers of the divine nature" mean that God intends us to become godlike as much as He enables us to. We're not talking "yoga oneness" nor spiritism here.
Comparison to that can be made to checkers in a checker game. All checker pieces look basically the same, and are made from the same material. But not every checker can be crowned "king." The somewhat-pathetic analogy is that only God has been crowned "king" and thus only HE can move both way on the checkerboard, whereas His singular checkers can only move one way. Likewise, God has had NO beginning and will have NO end, wherease we His human creatures HAD a beginning even though we (like God) will have no end, and can and should show forth God-like love and hatred, kindness and harshness, tolerance and intolerance, conciliatoriness and accusatoriness, patience and impatience - though not as much as He can but as much as He enables us.
Speaking of checkers, verse 4 enlightens us that the "corruption" of getting "jumped" (i.e. having checkers removed from the checkerboard) is done by manipulative lust - which, in practical applicatory terms - means been "short-sighted" (as Peter states in his epistle) as to carelessly or ignorantly putting oneself in dangerous circumstances without thinking and not being aware of situations where one's precious checkers will get set up and trapped by terroristically-random deviously-demonic and shameful warm-weather mopheaded and/or nude-armed-sleevesless and/or nude-legged-slacksless and/or soxlessly-flip-flipped lust-inciting lascivious licentuousness for sometimes-lethal substantial "multiple jumps" (i.e. seriously-embarrassing-and-even-humiliating immoral mistakes) finally resulting in game fatality.
Regarding (and not "concerning") the lengthy verse 4.5 above, most ancient authorities omit that verse. It is intriguing, however, that one has included it in as a footnote in italics.
All seriously-purposeful kidding aside relating to apocryphiptic church polity restriction, one wonders why some mopheaded women at times grab their loose long hair over and over - apparently trying to squeeze it into a temporary back-of-head ponytail, but they give it up in futility and let it back and down as loose as ever.
Why have they done that? Why did they not continue to go through with putting a hair binder on the crushed hair so that it actually stayed in a back-of-head ponytail? Were they trying to please both the Devil and the Lord? Did they subconsciously want to become modestly hairstyled because they had heard that genuine Christians wear modest back-of-head ponytails or chignons, but they figured that there was no use, being that they had already exhibited precedence among their friends to look wickedly mopheaded in general public view and would be probably be questioned as to why the new ponytail? Did they conclude that they had already defiled themselves and others and were guilty of displaying immodest hairstyle without remedy - having not applied the forgiving gospel of Jesus Christ to those past sins of wrongheadedness?
Related to that, because the Minnesota Supreme Court recently ruled (in essence, and in favor of fake-christian/pseudo-righteous anti-polygamy sexist feminists) that the Minnesota Marriage Amendment will not be worded as: "Don't limit the freedom of a man to be married to more than one woman in his Old-Testament-precedent harem," I am not going to vote YES when I see it on the November 6th General-Election Ballot.
If you get a chance, delve into the German-dialogue/English-subtitled Holocaust-prison-camp movie The Counterfeiters. It's realistic, and well-acted. Some brief semi-nude and nude scenes near the beginning. Bummer.
Now, back to some really-serious jesting.
It's no wonder that we have the huge national-debt deficit we have, inherited from McKinley and JFK - not to mention Carter and semi-impeached cocksucked-by-Monica-Lewinsky Clinton . . . all perhaps well audited by the IRS for offshore accounts.
It has recently been reported that Barack Hussein Obama has gone on a national cicuit of campaigning at various college campuses nationwide before the November 6th 2012 General Election. Fascinating it would be to hear the MC at each event give the following introduction to the Indonesian-citizen Barry Soetoro with the false Connecticut Social-Security number:
" . . . And now, let's give a dismal welcome to Barack Hussein Obama, the lying nigroid from Kenya - who some misconstrue at "President." Seems like the rich black boy cannot seem to get his birth certificate right in view of and -- as indecently-hairstyled Ann Romney, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, along with even Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann cannot get their harassively-pornographic public mopheadedness back-of-head ponytailed.
Everyone put your hands together, or raise your third fingers, or thumb your noses, to the charismatic professional Afro-orator who in partisan non-cooperativeness conspired with Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other former demoncrat anti-Bush filibustering obstructionists to exclude congressional-Republican imput in secretly stealing $700 billion from Medicare to covertly concoct and force non-affordable, death-panel-czar, health-care-rationing Obamascare against both the poor and middle class, and did a lot more to the detriment against America as indicated by the contents of and elsewhere on the Web."
Clearly, God has punished the pre-existing-condition (casinos prepay would-be gamblers for losing at the slots) excretory-wickedness anti-abortion-homicide Republicans with Hurricane Latrina - as He disdains Romney for retroactively and maliciously murdering an Obaminite-operative's wife with negligent-homicide cancer she got due to her own irresponsible misbehavior while having her own health insurance from her own employer."