Don't get us members of The Christian Patriot Party wrong.
We (a select coalition of Democrats for a Christian America and Christian Progressive Republicans) realize the horrendous consequence of anti-American-traitor subversives voting in Barack "Barry Soetoro" Obama (a native Mombasa-Kenyan-born, quasi-illegal-alien former resident of Hawaii) for racist black-reparation motivation, and forthrightly declare that he has done a lot (by bailing out banks and auto companies with $800 billion taxpayer dollars, sucking up to homoperverts, brown-nosing sexist feminists, and conspiring with abortion murderers) to cause The National Debt Crisis.
We want to alleviate the $14 trillion dollar deficit by both selectively increasing taxes only on anti-American treasonous and cutting spending for them, thus enabling us to pass and enforce a Balanced Budget Amendment.
A few of those who we of The Christian Patriot Party want to increase taxes on and cut spending for are:
(01) Those who wear tattoos anywhere on their bodies
(02) Female humans who wear red or other-color fingernail and/or toenail polish, and/or noxious perfume
(03) Those who display piercings on any parts of their face except on both earlobes
(04) Males who have a crystal or diamond attached to their left earlobe
(05) Any adult female human who displays mopheaded loose long hair anytime in public view
(06) Any adult female human who displays naked arms bared with sleeveslessness anytime in public view
(07) Any adult female human who displays nude legs bared with shorts or shortened skirt anytime in public view
(08) Any adult female human who displays any parts of bare feet without wearing socks under sandals in public view
(09) Parents of any toddler+ female human who in public displays what is described in 04, 05, 06, and/or 07 above
(10) Anyone who buys pulltab lottery cards at a gas station convenience store
(11) Anyone who buys cigarettes or chewing snuff at a gas station convenience store
(12) All employees of cigarette manufacturing companies which produce and sell cigarettes
(13) Anyone seen smoking at the back door of any building
(14) Anyone who utters the word "God!" or "Jesus Christ" as a non-prayerful expletive
(15) Anyone who says "fuck" as a non-warranted expletive without it being used in a tender marital context
(16) Anyone who buys a diet soft drink at a gas station convenience store
(17) Anyone who buys a drink containing Sucralos or Aspartame artificial sweetener anywhere
(18) Every employee of every company anywhere which manufactures Sucralos or Aspartame
(19) Everyone who willfully does not possess at least one King James-type Bible in their residence or car
(20) Congregants of every church which has NIV pew bibles instead of at least NKJV ones instead
(21) Every vehicle owner who has a pro-abortion bumper sticker on their vehicle
(22) Every vehicle owner who has an Obama-Biden bumper sticker on their vehicle
(23) Every vehicle owner who has a Coexist bumper sticker on their vehicle
(24) Every vehicle owner who has an Equal Sign (=) on their vehicle
(25) Everyone who walks in a Gay Pride parade
(26) Everyone who has verbally or in writing indicated that they do not support the Defense of Marriage Act
(27) Everyone who has verbally or in writing indicated that they support evolution
(28) Everyone who has verbally or in writing indicated that they support abortion-homicide
(29) Everyone who has verbally or in writing indicated that they support "palestinians"
(30) Anyone caught on video going more than five miles over the posted speed limit
(31) Anyone caught on video completely going through a red-light intersection
(32) Anyone caught on video tossing trash out of their vehicle window as they drive along
(33) Anyone who sits at a slot machine and gambles in any casino
(34) Anyone who votes for increased public school levies which cause neighborhood property taxes raised
(35) Anyone who publicly reviles Jerry Falwell, the religious right, and/or Christians
(36) Anyone who promotes depriving KJV-Bible-oriented churches tax-exempt status
(37) Anyone who supports tax-exempt status for Planned Parentlessness (a.k.a. Planned Promiscuity)
(38) Anyone who supports taxpayer funding for The National Organization of Women and battered-women groups
(39) Anyone who believes that Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann should become the GOP candidates for Prez or VP
(40) Anyone who supported feminists Sotomayor and Kagan being placed on The High Court
(41) Anyone who believes that Susan Collins and Hillary Clinton are qualified to retain their present jobs
(42) Anyone who does not believe that the 19th Amendment should be repealed
(43) Anyone who is against the presence and availability of liquor stores
(44) Anyone who buys a van or SUV except for company use
(45) Speculators who bid up the price of a barrel of oil on Wall Street
(46) Those who presume that SS and Medicare are welfare entitlements for non-pensioned babyboomer seniors
(47) Those who want to raise The Retirement Age rather than discontinuing SS payments to illegal aliens
(48) Those who do not believe that Barney Frank, Durbin, Schumer, Reid, and Nancy Pelosi should be impeached.
Actually and consistently increasing taxes against and cutting spending for those of the 47 mentioned above, in Scripturally-righteous legitimate discrimination, will greatly revitalize the economy, create jobs, reduce unemployment, and reduce The National Debt. In one sense, the former Fuehrer of Germany could have done no less, and the present President of Iran should do even more.
It is expected that the reader will add a significant number to his and her own list.