Hello there, reader, who can probably see these English alphabet letters on your computer monitor screen, recognize groups of them separated by open spaces as generally-understandable "words," and associate those words with mental concepts relating to probably-agreed-upon reality of certain physical objects and processes and forces around you.
I, the author of these aforementioned conveyances of written language, thus have a mutual bond with you - something in common - establishing with myself and you a certain tertiary fellowship of interactive communication and understanding (at least for the time being, as long as you continue to read what I have written here).
You might, incidentally, be pleased to know that I did not originate the English-lettered alphabet. Nor most of the words comprised of such (except those I make up myself). Neither did my parents, nor their parents, nor their parents, etc. In fact, who made up any alphabet letters of any language is something which might be alluded to later on in this mini-essay.
Is there any other way to communicate with you at this point under these circumstances?
I cannot hear you say anything, nor hear you make any noises - nor can you hear anything from me at this time.
I cannot feel you at this time, nor can you feel me now.
We neither taste each other, nor smell each other, currently.
Sight is all we have to utilize, presently.
When we started out as infants, we began to detect the or our new-to-us surrounding with our given various sensory detectors of eyesight, hearing with ears, touch using all sorts of our body parts, smell with our noses, and taste with our tongues.
We had automatic tactile reflex actions. Objects placed into our hands was responded to by our fingers automatically curling around them as we grabbed them. Nipples of bare-mother breasts which were placed to our lips we automatically started and continued sucking. We automatically urinated and defecated at times, for a certain finite length of time each episode. Our verbal expressions were limited to cooing and smiling when content, then frowning and crying when something needed adjustment or attention (by us having urinated and/or defecated into diapers we did not change ourselves, being hungry and unable to feed ourselves, being tired and frustrated by not being able to convey that irritation in a more specific way than bawling, wailing for being placed into an uncomfortable position, etc.).
As we grew older into toddlerhood, we learned (through multi-numerous ongoing trial-and-error experiences we had, using our senses to detect properties and repeated characteristics of phenomena around us), appreciated, and began to trust more and more the consistency and reliability of entities within our immediate environment, and the generally-benevolent and benign nature of such objects and processes.
So ever since we both were born (whenever, wherever, etc.), we entered that very real world which we, as it eventually occurred to us, did not create ourselves. As we began to vocally imitate those around us speaking in whatever language of whatever words they spoke to us and to each other, we began to ascertain (from what our hopefully honest and rational parents informed us), that they did not create everything around them either. They told us that their human friends and their parents said the same thing, which (perhaps at times, at least initially) caused us to wonder who did create everything around them and us.
Except for brand names on some humanly manufactured or fabricated items around us here and there, there was no name inscribed on a lot of other things, especially things in nature which no human took credit for creating and maintaining (e.g. ocean and lake water, atmospheric air, sunlight, moonlight, big and small rocks, trees and vegetation of all types, insects and birds and larger lifeforms).
We also became quite aware that if we did not adjust ourselves to accommodate to most immovable objects and immutable principles of nature, or get out of their way, we would hurt ourselves - to the extent and severity of characteristics of whatever was involved with the particular entity encountered and confronted. To put it simply, things did not move out of our way, even if we wanted them to by either thought or speaking to them. We had to get out of their way, or suffer various degrees and types of painful consequences.
Essentially then, we became self-educated to realize that entities in our environment were pleasantly benevolent, remarkably beautiful, awesomely consistent, innovatively imagined, intricately interdependent, and immutably immovable most of the time.
By logical deduction, we concluded that all phenomena and entities, plus forces and processes around us, had to have been created (and most likely continued to be maintained) by an unimaginably powerful and wise super-intelligent Creator whose capacities and lifeforce went far beyond anything which and who that Superior Being had created.
Figuring that the highest echelon of lifeform we were aware of had pronouns of gender describing such, it was a default reaction to term such Creator with the masculine pronoun, as we observed the obvious differences, strengths, and weaknesses of both male and female human beings.
But yet, pertaining to objects in our natural environment, the name of the Creator was not there, and inscribed on none of it.
But, from childhood and beyond, we had heard our parents, other parents, and/or their friends, verbally mention aspects of that Creator which both they and we had no factual basis to contradict or deny in all fairness. They told us that the sources of that information enlightening them and us about the identity and name of the Creator(s) and significant additional information regarding Him existed before they, as similar humans, came on the scene, and such sources consisted of who they claimed were eyewitness verbal testators perpetuating facts by word of mouth, and eventually by word-use authors of an assortment of certain respected books of scientific, social, anthropological, biological, astronomical, and religious history and record keeping -- all compiled and assembled into one overall Text known as: "The Holy Bible."
It is from that Bible that we became aware of all sorts of things which "put all the pieces of the puzzle together" into a now-quite-meaningful unity relating to the origin of entities around us, how we should appropriately interact and use such phenomena, what the Creator expects of us, what needs to be done when we accidentally or deliberately violate whatever and whoever should not be violated within His creation we have been placed and should survive in - all of which we did not previously request admission into but were placed into without first being asked by the Creator neither requesting nor obtaining our previous permission for us to be placed into all of what has previously been expounded upon.
For example, it has dawned upon us that the Creator's initial primal command for all of us humans who are physically able to "Be fruitful and multiply" precludes resorting to non-reproductive deviances of self-extinction such as same-gender homoeffeminate sodomizing, committing anti-birth-controlled-or-non-controlled pregnancy-and-childbirth-preventing abortion homicide, being brainwashed with the heretical and absurd randomly-self-created-lifeforms fairy tale of evolutionist mythology, and so on. Instead of relegating ourselves to replacing the vital repetitious performances of actually genitalizing heterosexually, with blattering mere pejorative "f-word" expletives, we should constantly remember the dire, disastrous, and devastating self-annihilating consequences of rebellious defiance against natural common sense and both promptly and consistently correct such aberration.
Also, those among us who ponder with precocious precognition perceive that it is both pruriently counterproductive and licentiously lunatic for particularly the inferior gender to stimulate ignorantly-or-deliberately-targeted superiority by imposing spam-like seduction of mopheaded hairstyles whatever the occasion and season in general public view, or incite to indiscriminate extra-marital fornication or lurid-"affair" adultery with naked-armed sleeveslessness, nude-legged slackslessness, and/or soxlessness especially during warmer weather or for general-public-view sporting events.
Because of the positive nature of the Creator, and the essentially good of what He has provided, the fact of us understandably not first being solicited to be placed into such benevolence is not a problem for those of us humans who consider it acceptable to be consigned to the situation we are presently in and cannot extricate ourselves out of.
And the awesome thought of our forever continuing on after our resurrection from the dead would be a hideous affront to us who are used to beginnings and endings, starts and stops, inceptions and terminations -- all of which are the very means of measurement we even can and do exist by -- if it were not for His non-breakable promise from that never-has-made-one-mistake Creator that, if, then as, we completely comply with Him and what He wants us to do (or at least persistently try), eternity with Him in the bliss of Heavenly glory will be most pleasurable and non-contaminatible....along with the Scriptural threat that if we do not completely comply with Him and what He wants us to do (or at least incessantly try), eternity without Him, in completely-alienated-away-from-Him-and-His, forever trapped in isolated solitary-confinement, suspended within outer-darkness, constantly burning up in ever-consuming invisible flames of torture, will be our most horrifying and lamentable fate.